09-22-2017 (Friday) The Eye-Opener

Ava tells Patient 6 he really ought to be more careful; she reminds him what would happen if “Kline” knew he could get up out of that chair.  She tells him that she knows what happened to him and knows his family is wealthy and sent him here to recover; she inquires as to whether his family isn’t waiting for him to come back.  He shakes his head; she deduces that he has a family, but they aren’t expecting him back; they don’t know that he is there.  She wonders then who the doctor was talking to.  Ava gets a piece of paper and asks him to write his name down; he only writes down a phone number… Ava notices it is from Port Charles.

Milo asks Sonny how much he is supposed to tell him and Carly about Joslyn’s “activities” and Sonny wonders what that means.  Milo says nothing bad has happened… they weren’t doing anything wrong, but he just needs to know how much to tell; Sonny says as long as nothing bad is happening, that’s good enough for him.  Milo says Carly was pushing him for more information, but he didn’t want to tell; Carly talks to Jos and almost gets her to admit to kissing Oscar.  Nelle comes in and Jos tries to call her over to change the conversation; Carly suggests that Nelle tell Jos her latest news.  Nelle says some people are just misunderstanding something that happened a long time ago.  Carly leaves and Nelle sits down; they don’t understand why people can’t just “let things go.”

Liz overhears Franco on the phone asking about the other little boy in the picture and asks him what that was all about; he lies and says it was about the painting that ‘accidentally’ got sold by his father.  She says he has been withdrawn lately and reminds him of their pact not to lie to each other; he comes clean and shows her the photo of him and the other little boy.  He admits his mom was supposed to give him answers, but then she took off; she asks if he thinks this ‘twin’ is Jason.  Franco says it sure seems that way.  He tells her, he doesn’t know why, but ever since the civil lawsuit was settled, all he can think about is his past; after finding this picture, he says, he doesn’t think he can move on until he figures out who his family is.  Liz says she understands that it is important to him; she says there must be a simple explanation.  Betsy talks to Heather on the phone; she says she told him what she wanted her to… she turns around to see Franco standing there.  Franco tells her he NEEDS to know what this boy in the photo means to him.  She admits that she lied to him, telling him that “there was a twin.”

Michael tells Nelle not to give up so soon; he assures her that “something” will work out and asks if he has ever let her down.  He tells her not to rush into signing a new lease.  He goes to meet his father, who reminds him that Nelle can’t be trusted; Michael tells him he believes her and he doesn’t want to hear any more about the dead fiancé`.  Michael gets a call; Sonny is curious but doesn’t push why he is talking about a “closing and a deed.”  Michael tells him it’s personal and not his father’s business; Sonny concedes, but encourages him to investigate Nelle’s past further.  Michael shows up; Jos says she needs to go.  She asks Milo how much he tells her parents; he tells her as long as her friends recognize how special she is and she has nothing to hide, they are cool.  Nelle asks if he is going to help her look for an apartment; he tells her she doesn’t need to… he tells her he bought her apartment.  Carly goes to see Sonny and tells him she can’t help but worry about Michael with Nelle now; she tells him about Nelle’s apartment being sold and says maybe she will have to leave town.  Sonny tells her not to count on it; he says he thinks he just heard Michael buying the apartment.  Carly says Nelle has started her campaign to take Michael for all he’s worth.

Kristina picks up Jake and Danny; she tells them they are going to see their father.  Sam continues to talk to Jason, telling him she remembers riding on his bike, always knowing they were going home together and would wake up together; she says she never felt so free or safe.  He wiggles his fingers again, several of them, in an obvious attempt to hold her hand.  The boys come in; they climb on the bed next to Jason and talk to him.  They sing him a special song they made up for him… “My Old Man” instead of This Old Man; Jason does not respond, but Sam claps and tells them “it was good.”  The boys leave, and Sam talks to Jason about everything she still needs to do; all the things they should be doing together.  She assures him that he heart will be there with him while she is gone; she bends down and kisses him, then leaves.  When he gets home Jake asks about the ‘special’ painting and Liz tells him it got sold; he says Franco must be very sad because it was important to him.  The boys’ voices, and Sam’s, echo in Jason’s head; he opens his eyes.

09-21-2017 (Thursday) Off Again, On Again

Curtis shows up at Jordan’s with flowers; she is rude to him, telling him not to be expecting a tip.  She is cold and “not in the mood” to talk, she says; TJ welcomes Curtis and leaves them alone to talk, against Jordan’s objections.  Curtis tells her that he wants to focus on what they have and build on it; she says this argument is right up there with the aunt hating her, asking him if he is going to work for Sonny or not.  He tries to explain that he would not be “involved” in Sonny’s business; he would only be gathering “intel.”  He says there are certain lines he won’t cross; she says just the association with Sonny crosses her boundaries and says she needs some time to think about things.  He says time out seems to be what they do best and leaves.

Valerie tries to keep up the act when she sees Molly talking to Parker; she tells Molly she is happy for her and wants details later.  Parker notices the security guard and inquires; Molly tells her it sucks, but it comes with the territory and it’s her life.  Parker tells Kristina she admires the woman she has become and the way she goes after what she wants.  Kristina smiles and kisses Parker; Parker says they can’t do this… she says it would be putting her career on the line again.  Kristina asks what she has to do with her professional career now; she isn’t her student.  Parker says she is “a” student and it could still be held against her; she says it is just not a good time for them to go there.  She tells Kristina she didn’t want to lead her on again, sheds a tear and apologizes, then leaves.

Valerie sees Curtis walking through the park, shaking the floral arrangement he had gotten for Jordan.  She asks if he needs to talk; he tells her he and Jordan are having some “conflicts, professionally.”  She says that was what got in the way of their relationship too; TJ tells his mom he doesn’t understand her wanting to bail on Curtis again.  She says she has a problem with him offering Sonny his services; TJ says she knew he was a private investigator when they got together so there shouldn’t be a problem.  She says she doesn’t like the ambiguity of the situation; he reminds her that she used to live her life ambiguously. She tells TJ, she can’t do that anymore; she says she can’t lose him and doesn’t want him being put in danger.  He tells her, he just wants her to be happy and tells her she’s the best mom in the world.  Valerie tells Curtis that he shouldn’t make the same mistakes he made with her; she asks if he is willing to make a sacrifice for Jordan. Sonny calls and Curtis tells him he can’t take the job; Sonny says he understands, but then Jordan calls and tells Curtis to come back over.  She says she was “rash earlier” and admits she loves him too and wants to work things out; they kiss.

Sam un-tucks Jason’s sheets and tells him she will tell the nurse it makes him feel trapped; the kids are coming to visit soon, she says.  She tells him it only took half an hour to get there, and she will be there all the time, until he can come home to them; Sonny comes in.  He asks how she is; he shares his experience with Michael when he was in a coma and tells her it will be okay.  He says he came because he needed to talk to Jason… run something by him and imagine the answer he would’ve given.   She says she understands that; then she tells him that her life with Jason has been “different” ever since he came back to her.  Sonny says he feels partly to blame for taking him away from her; he says he thinks he knows how to start to make it right again.

Lulu is not happy to hear Dante’s news; she confronts Valentin in the Shriner’s hospital waiting room, quietly, but sternly.   She asks what he did to Ava Jerome; he denies doing anything to Ava.  Lulu tells Valentin he almost had her fooled; he says he is probably a more qualified parent than her, and says maybe they should agree to shared custody here and now.  The doctor comes out to talk to Bailey’s mother and she invites Valentin to join them and listen; the doctor tells her that he believes Bailey’s condition can be treated with a brace.  Ava goes back in to see Patient 6.  She notices that he has blue eyes, seemingly disappointed.  She tells him, she thought he might actually be Nikolas; she imagined a whole scenario where Nikolas was still alive and she would be the one to find him, saying she “sold out his memory for a new face.”  She apologizes and says she will leave him in peace; he contemplates what she said (we can tell by his eyes looking around after she leaves).

A doctor, “Richard Kline” comes in to talk to Ava; he tells her he will be taking over her case, saying he treats the most severe cases at the clinic and she needs his expertise; the nurse comes in to give Patient 6 his “injection,” saying Patient 6 needs to be sedated at all times.  He tells Ava the patient sees anyone who comes near him as a threat, and says he is a “formidable fighter.”  Ava says she is interested, only as a distraction.  The doctor tells her she could be one of his greatest successes and suggests she finds another distraction for herself, threatening (subtly) to send her away.  Patient 6, despite the injection, tries to stand up out of his chair; Ava comes in and sees this.  She tells him she knows he has been faking it; the injections have no effect on him.  She says she won’t tell anyone, but he owes her; he nods his head.  She overhears the doctor telling someone on the phone that he can’t give this patient “anymore without killing him.”  Patient 6 stands up.

09-20-2017 (Wednesday) Bailey

Monaco… Anna and Finn go to a restaurant, where they find “Cassandra” – Anna tells Finn to wait three minutes then come in; she tells him she will know what to do.  Anna goes in and spikes this woman’s coffee with something; she takes a sip and falls to the ground, gasping.  Finn comes rushing in and saves the woman’s life; she tells him she is extremely grateful, her health is delicate, she says and starts to ask him for a favor, but then lets him go.  He gets angry with Anna afterward, for not giving him any warning about what she was going to do; Anna swears the woman was never in any real danger, saying the reaction would have subsided after a while.  Cassandra gives Finn a note, asking him to come by a certain address at a certain time tomorrow, so she can give him “a token of [her] gratitude.”  Anna says everything is “going swimmingly.”

Kiki ad Kristina talk, encouraging each other to follow their heart. Parker teaches class; Molly asks a question, which is not necessarily appreciated, regarding one person breaking another’s heart.  The lesson is about Jane Austin; class and gender distinctions and how they still apply today.  Kristina comes into the room; she pretends to be bringing Molly her keys.  She stays after class to talk to Parker, apologizing again for the awkwardness; Parker tells her she has some things she would still like to talk about and they agree to go "somewhere private.”  Dante comes to see Kiki at the hospital; he asks her if she knew about the tapestry she sold to Valentin.  He finds it odd that she would get into business with someone who killed someone she cared about; Kiki tells him that she only has “speculation” about where her mom is, asking if this is official business.  He tells her it is personal; she tells him she thinks her mom may have gone to Russia.

Valentine and Charlotte go with her friend, Bailey… to the Shriner’s Hospital for Children, to offer moral support; Lulu shows up, saying she thought they should be there together.  Of course, the doctor there does a good job of promoting Shriner’s and all the services they offer children (whether their families can pay, or not) when Bailey’s mom brings her in for testing.  Valentin and Lulu bond a little bit, as she watches him explaining everything to Charlotte; he shares a little more of his childhood with her.  He tells her his father hid him at the age of five, because Helena would have killed him if she had found him.  She tells him, “there is no denying” that he loves Charlotte.  She assures him, if she gets custody, Charlotte will always know him; “you are her Papa” she says.  He gets uncomfortable when Lulu presses for more information about his miraculous surgery; he gives her a short answer.  Dante shows up; he tells Lulu that he thinks Valentin “got to Ava,” convincing her to recant her statement about seeing him kill Nikolas.

Nelle gets notice that her apartment is being sold; she tells Michael and he suggests she come live with him.  She declines the suggestion and leaves in a huff; Carly sees this and asks Michael if he broke up with her.  He tells his mom no, adding, in fact, they are “better than ever.”  Kiki sees Nelle and warns her that, when Carly hates you, she hates you with everything she’s got… until she doesn’t.  She shares her experience with Carly, from her time with both Michael and Morgan; she says she believes Carly will forgive Nelle too, one day.  Nelle tells Kiki she has a past and Carly and her mom are trying to dig up all this dirt on her; Kiki says Carly loves Michael and would do anything for him… even getting along with her.  Michael makes a phone call, asking someone to do something for him; Carly gets a text from a Sharon Grant, saying they “need to talk about Janelle Benson.”

09-19-2017 (Tuesday) Blue Eyes

Elizabeth wonders where Franco went; he’s talking to his dad now, in his mother’s empty hotel room.  Scotty tells Franco he needs to quit trying to figure out who the other kid in that photo is; he tells him it “is NOT Jason.”  Liz finds out from the curiator that Franco’s favorite painting (of the two boys) has accidentally been sold.  Felix shows up with Andre; Andre interprets the painting.  Liz is impressed.  A lady strolls in; she asks how they can dare celebrate “this monster and his art.”  She says her sister died for this artwork; says the Court said her sister’s life was only worth a million dollars.  She tells Liz, “some things, money can’t fix.”  She reaches into her purse and everyone gasps.

Franco tells his dad this boy, whoever he was, was not just an imaginary friend, or dark presence.. he says he helped him,  he wasn’t just his companion, he was his champion.  He says he thought it was because of something he did; he believes that’s what started him down the spiral.  Scotty talks him into putting the picture away for the time being; they head back to the art show.  When he gets there, he finds Elizabeth covered in red paint; the lady was trying to vandalize the painting and Liz jumped in front of it.  The woman is in handcuffs; Franco goes over and apologizes to her.  She tells him he is sick and nothing will ever change that.  He tells Dante to let the woman go; Liz says she has to get back to work, to make sure everything goes smoothly for Jason’s transfer tomorrow.  Franco says he’ll go with her; Scotty rolls his eyes.

Carly tells Sonny she is going to miss Jason; she recounts times that Jason was there before they even knew they needed him.  Sonny says it was instinct; she says it scares her that she doesn’t know what Jason would want now.  She says maybe he would want this, giving it time in a facility; but she says the old Jason would have hated this, calling it “being in limbo.”  They decide to go get coffee.  Carly talks about never really having gotten that connection she had with Jason back; she says she can’t really grieve now.

Dante and Lulu believe they are alone for the next twenty-five minutes; Rocco’s gone and Charlotte is sleeping upstairs (so they thought).  She comes downstairs saying she needs to call her papa; Lulu smiles.  Nina tells Valentin she would still be there even if they don’t get custody of Charlotte; he says he knows.  He got what he wanted; they begin to kiss again.  …He says if you have a small problem, you shouldn’t let it become a big problem.  Lulu and Dante show up with Charlotte; she needs to ask her dad about a friend in dance class who has scoliosis.  He offers to call the girl’s mom and make sure she gets the care she needs; Charlotte thanks him and leaves happy.  Valetin thanks Lulu for bringing Charlotte to him when she needed him.

Ava goes to talk to Patient 6 again; she tells him this place gives her the creeps… it feels like a prison, she says.  She tries to talk herself out of believing that; she says maybe she thinks she doesn’t deserve it.  She asks Patient 6 who he was before he became this “dangerous psychotic staring out the window.”  Of course he doesn’t answer, so she proceeds to tell him about herself; she kneels down right in front of him.  She mentions Nikolas; Patient 6 reaches out and grabs her wrist.  She asks if he knows Nikolas; another nurse comes in and tells her to get away.  She tells Ava they used to have to put him in restraints; Ava asks the nurse if the name Nikolas Cassadine means anything to her.  Nina tells Valentin he is incredible for all he has survived, and says she is in awe of him; he kisses her.  Patient 6 takes off his glasses; he has baby blue eyes.

09-18-2017 (Monday) The Decision

St. Petersburg, Russia… Ava steps into the waiting room and approaches Patient 6 again; she tells him she used to like flirting with danger, until she literally played with fire.  She asks him if anybody misses him, then tells him about her family, and Dr. Griffin; her “companion” comes running back into the room yelling at her and pulls her away.  Ava hears her phone ring; the lady still has it on her… it’s Griffin.  The woman hangs up; Ava gets pissed.  Dr. Bronsky comes in announcing that he is the man who is going to restore her face; Griffin leaves a message, offering moral support.  The doctor tells Ava if she is unhappy with their policies, she is free to leave; she backs down, mentions Valentin and the doctor says, he is “so like a Cassadine.”  Patient 6 clutches his fist.

Anna shows Finn records she has of him borrowing Sonny’s jet to go get illegal pharmaceuticals (his Zen-zen back when).  She threatens to turn it over to the medical board if he doesn’t help her.  The WSB has linked him to the drug dealer; she says she could “lose” the file.  He says blackmail; she says “bargain.”  He asks her how much of this has to do with Valentin; she smiles and tells him, regardless, he can either be a part of the solution or a part of the problem.  Griffin comes to Anna’s house, asking if she’s heard anything on the clinic; he says he can’t help but think that Ava could end up like Jason if she goes through with this surgery.  Ava talks to the doctor about the surgery; he asks if she any questions.  She asks why Patient 6 is there; the doctor gets angry and says this clinic operates on absolute discretion.  He says the other patients don’t ask about her business and she shouldn’t ask about theirs, or she will have to leave.

Curtis tells Sonny to let him know if he needs help; Jordan comes back.  She says since he took so long, she doubled back there.  She asks what the hell he was doing with Sonny.  He says he was offering his support, and his services.  Jordan gets pissy, using her job as an excuse at first, then admitting she personally doesn’t like it.  She tells him he better prioritize because he can’t have both a relationship with Sonny AND a relationship with her; she walks away.

Scotty talks to Liz about Franco’s “twin” painting; he thinks he should sell it, saying it’s special.  Franco presses his mother for answers; she says it is time she give him the truth, although she says he might not be happy hearing it.  She tries to persuade him to forget it; Elizabeth approaches and asks what she missed.  Betsy says Franco was telling her how much he loves her boys; Liz says the feeling is mutual.  Betsy asks about the boys’ father; Lis mentions her “middle son, Jake’s father, Jason” and Betsy gasps, “not Jason Morgan.”  Lis says, yes; Betsy asks Franco, “you are raising Jason’s son?”  Elizabeth doesn’t seem alarmed by Betsy’s reaction, simply telling her that Jason and Franco have worked out their issues; she says if anyone can make it work, they can.  Betsy tells Franco, she will tell him about the boy in the picture, but not there; she tells him to meet her in her hotel room.  When he gets there, she is gone.

Sam talks to her mother on the phone; she doesn’t see Jason moving his finger again.  Sam hangs up and apologizes to him for having to listen to a one-sided conversation; she takes his hand and says her mom was trying to talk her into leaving, but she’s staying because that’s what he would do for her.  He squeezes her hand.  Griffin tells her it does not mean he is waking up; she argues.  Griffin says he is sorry; still no change.  She tells Sonny she is going to take him home; he says he’ll support her decision, but reminds her how difficult it will be for the children.  He suggests a long-term care facility and promises to keep an eye on him for her when she can’t be there.  She hugs him.

09-15-2017 (Friday) The Confrontation

Anna finds Finn at the hospital and asks if he has given any more thought to her request; he says yes, and there is no way he is going to fly around the world to treat a hypochondriac criminal so that she can connect Valentin to her crimes.  Finn sees Elizabeth and tells her about the note he got from Hayden; she tells him she is terribly sorry about the baby supposedly being ‘gone’ and says if he needs to talk, she will cancel her plans.  He tells her he is okay, but thanks her; she leaves.  Anna calls; she makes it sound like she has an emergency, saying something about her blood work just being done.  He rushes over to her apartment to find her pouring tea; she says they have to come up with a plan for when he meets this woman.  He gets upset, knowing the call was a ruse; he tells her he is not helping her and he starts to leave.  She tells him he doesn’t have a choice; she hands him a file folder, with information about him in it.

Amy sees Spenelli and gives him the manuscript back, pretending it isn’t her book; he thanks her and then asks how she knows Nathan West.  She stutters and denies knowing him at all really, other than knowing he is married to Maxie, who she went to high school with.  This, of course, makes Spenelli all the more suspicious since he had just seen her hugging Nathan; he says he needs to get in contact with him about a case, and tells her never mind, he will send him a text. She tells him Jason is back from his testing and he goes into Jason’s room to comfort Sam.  Monica gets the results of Jason’s latest tests; she tells Sam they need to talk about it.  Alexis is with her; she told Monica they would tell Sam together.  Monica says they can keep him there a little longer, but sooner or later they are going to have to make a decision to move him somewhere.  Sam says fine; she is taking him home then.  She says she will get the proper medical equipment and hire a nurse and he can be at home, with his family, where he belongs.  They ask her to consider how much work it will be and how it might impact the kids and their family life; she says she has made up her mind.  She tells Spenelli, if she sends him away somewhere, that’s like giving up hope that he will ever come back to them.  As she and Spenelli talk, Jason moves three fingers; they don’t notice.

Curtis and Jordan go jogging; they end up on the docks.  Sonny happens by and sees Curtis; they talk a while.  Curtis tells Sonny, if he needs anything, anything at all, just to call him; he says Jason is a friend and he will do whatever he can to help.  Jordan watches from a few steps away, as Curtis and Sonny shake hands; she looks concerned.

Franco’s art show is getting ready to start; Kiki spent all day preparing for it since her mother left town suddenly, obviously forgetting all about the show.  Scotty is there to support his son, and his adopted mother shows up, per his request; she wonders around to look at the paintings.  Elizabeth comes in and bumps into her; she asks the woman if she is a fan.  She says yes she is; his biggest fan… and, she adds, “I’m his mother.”  Franco notices them talking and comes over to make a proper introduction; he tells his mother, “this is a person I love.”  Liz smiles; Betsy asks Liz what she does for a living.  Franco answers for her, “she’s a nurse” and Liz adds, and a mother to three boys.  Franco notes that his mother used to be a nurse too, asking her, “but just the one boy, right mom?”  Betsy gets noticeably nervous and walks away.  Franco tells Liz that’s where he got his social skills from, as he laughs; Elizabeth tells him his social skills are fine.

Nina tells Valentin she has to make an appearance at Franco’s art show; he tells her he wants to go with her – to show that he is able to be civilized to her ex, and to support her.  They arrive; Franco ignores them.  They aren’t there two minutes, when she notices the painting of the “two boys” and turns and runs out; Valentin takes her back home.  She tells him, she isn’t pining away for Franco or anything like that; she just didn’t know he could paint “like that” and it made her realize how much he hid from her.  She tells Valentin about wanting to have kids with Franco, him not wanting to, and then turning around to be with Elizabeth, who has three kids.  She says she can’t be in another relationship where she is lied to; Valentin asks if she is talking about them now.  She says it does bother her that there are things from his past he won’t share with her; but, she tells him, she fell hopelessly in love with him when he showed her who he really was inside. Franco takes a breath and approaches his mother.  He shows her the photo he has of him and the other little boy; he asks why there are two boys, then adds, “I’ve seen enough pictures of Jason to know this is him” and he asks, “why are we together?”  She tells him he deserves to know the truth, calling him “Bobby” and says she will tell it to him.  The episode ends.

09-14-2017 (Thursday) Patient 6

Griffin goes to see Anna, to ask if she could find him some answers; he tells her about the clinic in St. Petersburg, Russia where he believes Valentin sent Ava.  Although intrigued once she knows Valentin is involved, Anna questions what business it is of his that she is gone; he says, because he drove her away.  He tells Anna that she kissed him, and that he reacted awkwardly to say the least; Anna says she is going to need something stronger than tea and she pours herself a glass of Scotch.  She says she didn’t know he was that involved with her; he says he’s not, he thought he was just being a friend, but he may have been sending mixed signals without knowing it.  She hands him a glass as well; she tells him if he travels across country to find her, Ava might think it means something much more.  He says he has to chance it; he has to make sure she’s okay.  They can work out their issues afterward.  Anna agrees to make some calls, although, she says, the idea of pushing him in the direction of Ava, makes her sick to her stomach.  She warns him to be careful.

Maxie and Nathan sit at a table; she tells him she’s afraid getting her job back might mean “outing” him and Amy.  She tries to sell him on the idea, but he says if the secret came out, the contract would be cancelled and Amy would lose everything; he tells her she has to find another way to get back into Nina’s good graces.  Maxie is particularly not happy when Nathan tells her about the launch party; he says Amy’s secret has to remain a secret, but his has to come out.  Spenelli comes to see Jason; he begs Amy to let him in even though he isn’t family.  Amy tells him his doctors have taken him for tests; she gets him a glass of water and sits down with him.  She tells him just his being here helps; she is sure it will mean a lot to his family that he came all this way.  She asks if he is okay waiting; he pulls out a manuscript for “Ask Man Landers” and says he will just do a little reading.  He tells her he has “friends in the publishing industry” and says he is a Man Lander’s “disciple” (which makes Amy very happy).  Spenelli gets a reminder to call Ellie; he gets up and leaves without taking his manuscript.  Amy picks it up; Nathan shows up and tells her that he will do the launch.  He says Maxie is okay with it; Amy hugs him.  Spenelli comes back around the corner and is shocked to see this nurse hugging Nathan.

Ava’s companion escorts her to a room; she tells her she has to wait there until her room is ready.  She says it will be a while before she can see the doctor.  Ava gets pissy and says she doesn’t have time to waste; the woman tells her the doctor’s time is more precious than hers and he could choose not to do the surgery.  She tells Ava that she will need her phone; they find outside contact is disturbing to the recovery process, so she claims.  Ava balks at the idea of losing contact with the outside world, but ends up giving in and turning over her phone.  Valentin shows Nina the Tapestry he bought from Ava; the Cassadine family tree.  Nina asks why Ava would have anything to do with him when she was going to testify against him.  He tells her he offered her the chance to get back something she lost that means more to her than anything… her beauty.  Ava walks over the window, where she notices another patient sitting in a chair; his face is covered with a heavy mask, and he is wearing a hoodie.  They call him “Patient 6” and the woman warns Ava to stay away from him, saying he is a dangerous psychotic; she says he was shot and fell into water and the trauma caused a psychotic break.  His family is very wealthy and paid to put him here; she says he is very “different” from the other patients.  (I am guessing this is Nikolas.)

09-13-2017 (Wednesday) Added Security

Oscar is sitting on Carly’s couch when she and Sonny get there; Milo says he “claims Joslyn invited him over” but she isn’t even there.  Carly is smiling.  Milo explains how he found this boy trying to open the front door, without even knocking, and then went around to the back door and just let himself in; Oscar explains that he and Jos made plans to meet after school.  He says she told him she might have her headphones on and might not hear him knock, so just to come on in when he got there.  Jos explains that she tried to send a text, telling Oscar to meet her at school instead, but the text didn’t send; she was waiting there because she didn’t realize it didn’t send.  Sonny tells her she is going to have to put up with the extra security for now; he assures her it is just temporary, and says she and Oscar can go out, as long as Milo goes with them.  Jos apologizes to Oscar for the ‘company’ as they talk on the footbridge; she tells him if he wants to “call things off” she would totally understand.  He says there is no way he is going to stop seeing her; he says he hopes he doesn’t mess things up, and he kisses her… pretty romantically.

Michael reviews what Nelle has just told him about being investigated for her fiance’s murder; he tells her that was one hell of a thing to leave out of their conversation, for two people who supposedly trust each other.  She says she was just afraid there’d be no coming back from that; she tells him about the trip with Zach, how his kayak started to take on water.  She says she couldn’t go after him, the waves were way too strong and she isn’t a strong swimmer; neither of them were wearing life jackets and they had left their phones onshore.  She describes how he came up a few times, until he just went under, and how she wished she could have done anything to save him.  He asks why the police were investigating her; she says, beside the fact that his family hated her, Zach had made her the beneficiary of his Will two weeks before he died.  Michael says that changes things.

Nelle asks Michael if that means he thinks she killed Zach; he says no, he doesn’t think she killed her fiancé.  He says he believes in her and asks her to come back to the hospital with him, to go see Jason.  She hugs him.  Monica is angry; she questions why this is happening again.  She says parents aren’t supposed to bury their children and grandchildren.  Bobbie reminds her that Jason hasn’t left them yet; Monica says they just have to honor them by continuing to live.  When Michael and Nelle show up at the hospital, Bobbie is a total bitch to Nelle.  Michael stands up for Nelle and tells his grandmother that he chose to believe in Nelle and he won’t stand there and let her attack her; he asks Bobbie to back off.  She agrees to, saying she prays he doesn’t regret it.  Nelle tells Michael that she loves him; he says he loves her too.  They kiss.

Anna knocks on Finn’s door; she tells Finn she knows he is in there, and says she will be inside before he can call the cops.  She starts sticking her credit card in the slot; he opens the door and she falls on the ground, hurting her wrist.  He says he just got back; he goes to get her ice for her wrist.  She tells him she found out some information about the diamond, and there is this woman she needs to talk to; she says she is a hypocondriac and asks him if he would pretend to ‘treat’ her and let her go with him.  He says he doesn’t want to be a spy and sends her on her way, saying he needs his solitude.  He talks to Roxy; he says they have to figure out how to rebuild their lives and get by without Hayden.  He says that won’t happen by going to see some hypocondriac criminal in Monacco; he says Anna must be out of her mind if she thinks he will do something like that. 

09-12-2017 (Tuesday) One Secret is Told

Sonny waits for an answer from Griffin, but they are interrupted by Kiki; she tells Griffin she needs to talk to him.  She tells him it’s about her mother.  He says maybe a trip to the spa isn’t the worst thing; Kiki says it just all seems a little weird because it came out of no where.  She says she is going all the way to Florida and wouldn’t give any details; Griffin asks Kiki if she wants to come with him to go talk to her mom.  They are surprised to see that she isn’t home; they find a note pad with a doctor’s name on it, in St. Fredricksburg, Russia.  They know this has something to do with Valentin, and that concerns Griffin; Kiki says she wants to know whatever he knows.  He tells her about Ava telling him about some experimental surgery Valentin offered her; he tells Kiki he is afraid he may have played a part in Ava’s disappearance.  Kiki doesn’t understand, and asks what happened; he tells her he was “careless with her feelings.”

On the airplane, Ava meets a woman who tells her she has seen worse scars than hers, in her own mirror; the woman is stunningly beautiful.  She tells Ava she is her companion for the trip; she says her life is about to change in amazing ways.  Ava says there are some things you just can’t get back; she is thinking she has made a terrible mistake.  The lady assures her that the doctor is an expert at what he does; a miracle worker even… Ava asks what her story is.  She says she will show her; she shows her pictures of her, all beaten and bloody – broken nose, jaw and cheekbone, slashes from a knife.  She says her husband is now in prison; she says, this is why she wants to help her.  She tells Ava, after the surgery she will be filled with overwhelming gratitude and a new sense of purpose.

Sam is really getting mean with Carly; she questions when they really, truly became friends.  Carly says it’s been a while now, to which Sam scoffs; she says she knows it’s all been an act for Jason, and she can stop pretending already.  Carly tells Sam, Jason wouldn’t want to be hooked up to machines and wouldn’t want her sitting her by his bedside forever; Sam takes this to mean that Carly assumes she knows Jason better than she.  She gets even angrier; Carly tells Sam, if she wasn’t really her friend, she wouldn’t have covered for her.  Alexis rounds the corner; Carly tells Sam, she didn’t like her at first, but she grew to like her, even love her… Sam looks like she is going to cry now; she tells Carly she loves her too.  Carly excuses herself.  Alexis asks Sam if she should know anything.  Carly tells Sonny that she just got upset with Sam and she feels bad about it; he tells her Sam may have needed it.  Sam tells her mom about her shooting Sonny, and that Carly agreed to stay quiet about it; she says, legally, she wasn’t culpable because she had that brain infection – but covering it up, she says, “muddies the waters.”  Carly tells Sonny she honestly loves Sam; he tells her Sam knows that.  Carly says, however, if Jason knew he wasn’t going to wake up, he would rather be dead; Sonny tells her, if it comes to that, he will do whatever he needs to for a friend.  Carly says she needs to go, and they agree to meet later at the Metro Court; they say they love each other and she leaves.  Sam tells her mom that everything Carly told her just infuriated her, because she knows she is right.

Franco meets with Olbrecht; they share a bottle of wine.  He shows her the picture and asks what she sees; she describes the two boys and guesses that the brown haired one is him.  She laughs when he tells her he thinks the other boy is Jason; she reminds him that the “twin story” was all a lie invented by Heather Webber.  Franco questions, what if the lie was that it was all a lie; what if the truth, is that it was really the truth, he asks.  He tells her about his “imaginary friend” and how they used to climb trees and run in the fields; he wonders what happened to him when he just disappeared from his life.  Olbrecht suggests that he speak to his adopted mother, Betsy.  She says she knows, if her adopted child had questions, she would hope he would come to her.

Michael tells Nelle about him being shot when he was little; he says he was comatose for over a year.  He can’t believe their family is “here again.”  He questions, if he had done something, or said something, maybe he could have changed things; Nelle tells him he can’t blame himself for this.  Still, he does.  Carly shows up on the footbridge; she tells Michael she came there to think for a while.  She then tells Michael about Nelle’s former fiancé, assuming Nelle hasn’t said anything about it; she suggests he asks Nelle about it and leaves.  She meets Sonny at the Metro Court and tells him that she didn’t mean to say anything, but it just came “flying out.”  Sonny gets a phone call from Milo; he tells Carly they need to go… somebody just broke into her house.  Michael tells Nelle that now might be a good time to tell him everything.

09-11-2017 (Monday) Questions, Questions...

Valentin does his best to persuade Ava to sign, reminding her that she wants to be beautiful, wants the power… and tells her it’s better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.  He rushes her, threatening to take back the offer; she signs it.  Lulu can’t help herself and jumps up, asking what it is she is signing; Ava says she sold Valentin a tapestry that she had in inventory, because his offer took her breath away.  She pretends to be relieved, and thanks Ava for her agreement to testify in Nikolas’ wrongful death lawsuit.  Ava doesn’t respond.

Dante finishes preparing for Rocco’s birthday party; Olivia shows up with baked ziti.  Lulu comes home and tells him about Valentin’s meeting with Ava, and her supposed excuse; she tells Dante she is concerned she might back out of testifying.  The doorbell rings; it is Valentin.  He says, he hears that he hears there is a party going on; he gives a gift to Rocco.  Lulu tells him he shouldn’t have; he really shouldn’t have… it is the video game they had just been discussing, which they had gotten for Rocco’s birthday.  Dante says it’s okay; they’ll return theirs, and this way, when Rocco goes on to “blow up the world” they can blame him.  He says, he is sure they will.

Sam talks to Jason, rambling on about everyday things; Liz comes in and tells her she needs to take a walk.  She says she’s been there for hours and Dr. Monroe needs to examine him anyway.  He says her presence could affect his ability to evaluate Jason; she agrees to go.  She talks with Sonny and Carly in the hall until Griffin comes out; Griffin tells Sam that Jason is completely unresponsive.  It doesn’t appear that he is going to wake up anytime soon, if ever; he suggests she consider moving him to a long-term facility.  Sam says no, adamantly; she says he is staying there and she is staying with him until he opens his eyes.  Carly tells her maybe she should consider it, and Sam becomes extremely defensive; she starts accusing Carly of wanting Jason all to herself.  Sonny and Griffin go off to talk; Griffin mentions walking away from a life you knew, and imagining about difficult it must be.  Sonny asks if he is talking about his life, or his own; he asks Griffin if he is thinking about leaving the priesthood.

Kiki comes by to see Franco; she brings a poster for his upcoming art show.  “To Hell and Back, a Retrospective” it says; he tells her it’s great, but it’s not true.  He says he hasn’t made it back from hell yet; in fact, he tells her, he is going there today, to see his mother.  Kiki questions why he would want to do that; he tells her he doesn’t have a choice.  She asks if Elizabeth knows about this.  He says her plate is kind of full right now; he tells Kiki he has to find out some information about Jason first.  She asks why; he says he and Jason will always be connected, which worries her.  He assures her that he doesn’t think they were separated at birth again or anything.  Once at the institution, with a BLT in hand, Heather refuses to see Franco; the guard tries to convince Heather by taking her the BLT, but she still refuses the visit.  He wonders what secret is so important to Heather that she would refuse future BLTs to keep it… and he wonders what Jason Morgan is doing in his childhood. 

09-08-2017 (Friday) Secrets & Lies

Lulu shows up for a meeting with Valentin about Charlotte’s custody and is surprised, and slightly disappointed, to find out that Nina is going to be a part of it again.  She isn’t nice to Nina about it, reminding Valentin that she and Dante currently have full custody, but is pleasantly surprised to hear Valentin say that he isn’t going to seek full custody again.  He says he is offering joint custody; Lulu says she is willing to consider that.

Maxie and Nathan kiss while waiting for a “mystery meeting” – she gives him a hard time about the Ask Man Landers secret.  Amy shows up to talk to Nathan; Maxie makes sarcastic comments about their relationship, kissing Nathan goodbye and goes to see Nina.  Amy tells Nathan that he has to make that personal appearance at the book launch; she says it is buried in the fine print of the contract she signed and if he doesn’t show up, the book deal is off.  She tells him how much she appreciates all he has done for her and her brother; he tells her he doesn’t regret doing it and he isn’t going to stop now.  He agrees to make the appearance.  Nina is surprised to see that her appointment with “Max Jones” is really with Maxie; she tells Maxie she can’t hire her.  She says she can’t trust her; Maxie reminds her of all the other people in her life she has forgiven and asks why she can’t forgive her.  Nina says she might consider it, but she would need something more than a promise of loyalty; something big, she says… something Crimson needs.  She tells Maxie, if she does that, she could have a job for her.

Ava accepts a meeting time with Valentin; she ignores a call from Griffin.  She listens to his message though; he begs her not to let what happened get in the way of her recovery, adding that he wants to stay her friend and hopes they can fix things between them.  She picks up her purse and leaves; she isn’t happy that the table Valentin is seated at is in the middle of the room.  He makes his offer, asking her to sign a statement retracting her claim against him for Nikolas’ death; she refuses.  She says the tapestry is her offer; he tells her then she is wasting her time.  She says she knows he killed Nikolas because she saw it with her own eyes, and she won’t say otherwise.  He tells her she has a choice to stand by her original statement, put them all through another worthless trial and look as she does for the rest of her life, or sign the document; she considers it.  Lulu meets with Maxie for lunch; Maxie can’t help but notice Ava and Valentin.  Elizabeth comes into the chapel to say a quick prayer before starting her shift; she finds Griffin in there.  He tells her he has been contemplating the way he treated somebody; “clumsily” he refers to it.  She asks why he can’t just apologize; he says he has to do more.  Liz asks what it would take; he replies, “figuring out how I feel.”

Stella talks to TJ while he is working at Kelly’s Diner; she asks if he needs help paying for school.  He tells her no; he wants to do this on his own.  She says he reminds her of his Uncle Curtis; she also tells him it is time for her to go home.  TJ looks confused.  Jordan and Curtis wind up in bed (still at Finn’s apartment); they discuss being back together.  She says they have to tell his aunt; he doesn’t look happy about that.  They go to Kelly’s Diner for breakfast, where they find Stella, talking with TJ.  Curtis makes his announcement, telling his aunt that he loves her, but he loves Jordan too; Jordan smiles.  Stella tells him she loves him and TJ too much to make a fuss; she gets up and leaves.  TJ notices she left her phone and runs it out to her; she tells him she has changed her mind about going back home.  She says Port Charles is starting to feel like home to her and she thinks she will stick around a while.E

lizabeth wakes up panicked; she says she is late for work.  Franco tells her the boys are already on the bus and he called into work for her; he says someone offered to cover for her, and she needs to go back to bed.  She tells him she just can’t stop thinking about Jason, and says she really can’t stay home; he suggests she invite Monica over and maybe talk about Jason’s childhood.  Liz says that sounds like a good idea and she’ll think about it while she’s at work; she leaves and Scott shows up.  Franco tells him about Jason, and says he is the last person qualified to offer anyone comfort; Scotty tells him he isn’t going to make things any better.  He tells him about his father’s death, understanding that Franco never met the man; Franco asks why he didn’t call to tell him.  Scotty says he couldn’t see any reason to bother him; Franco says the reason is because he is his son.  Franco hugs him; Scotty isn’t sure how to react.  They awkwardly quit hugging and Franco asks how he is doing; he says, “not well.”  After a bit, Franco tells him he has been thinking about his childhood a lot; Scotty asks, “anything in particular?”  Franco shows him the picture; Scotty says it could just be a coincidence.  He asks why he would want to revisit his obsession with Jason; Franco says this photo has made him question everything in his life again.  Scotty suggests maybe he needs to talk with Heather Webber again.

09-07-2017 (Thursday) Mistaken Feelings

Curtis is desperately looking for something; Jordon hears him through the door of Finn’s apartment.  He comes out, asking if someone called the cops; she says she just happened to be walking by.  She asks what’s wrong; he tells her he thinks he just lost Roxy.  He’s feeding for Finn while he is away; he checked himself into rehab, just as a precaution, he says.  Says Roxy ran up his arm when he reached in the tank; Jordan offers to stay and help look for the lizard.  They find Roxy, then find themselves kissing; Jordan says they need to stop, reminding him that they can’t risk his aunt’s health, and they can’t run around behind her back like two teenagers.  She says maybe all of the things that have happened are an omen that they shouldn’t be together; he says none of that matters anymore because he is “dangerously close to falling in love” with her.  She kisses him, passionately.

Carly is in the chapel now; she apologizes for asking for another favor, admitting she has talked to God more since Morgan died than she has in all of her life.  She explains that she is not only asking for herself, but for Jason’s wife and children, and begs, “please bring Jason back to us.”  Sonny comes back in; he tells Carly that he knew deep down that getting out of the business wasn’t realistic; he stutters but manages to spit out that there is no getting out of the life for him.  He says he has to stay in the organization.  He apologizes and tells her he has to let her go; she looks at him, somewhat shocked.  She tells him she is not going anywhere; she says she understands if he has to stay in the business, but, she says, he will have to make sure he is so powerful no one will ever come after him or his family again.  She says she is with him all the way.  She says, this time though, it has to be different; no more keeping her in the dark.

Ava tells Griffin that he is no more human than a painting or a statue, calling him only “a depiction of a man.”  She says she is done with his pity and false compassion; as she starts to leave, he stops her and tells her he wants her to stay.  She questions why; he says he doesn’t want to leave things awkward… she says too bad, it is.  She tells him he misled her; made her think he felt something.  He admits she is right; he says he is as much to blame as she is.  He apologizes for the mixed messages and says he truly enjoys her company; he says there might be something there “in a different world” and says he shouldn’t have been so reckless with her heart.  He uses the vow of celibacy as an excuse for not wanting to get involved, with anyone, right now; Ava asks where that vow was when he jumped into the sack with Claudette.  He says that was a mistake; she tells him maybe the calling just isn’t for him – she calls Claudette a passionate blonde with a self-destructive streak; he must have a type, she says.  She questions, though, why Claudette managed to tempt him away and she can’t; then she assumes it’s because of her face.  He tries to convince that it’s not, but she leaves, goes home, and calls Valentin.

Jake tells Franco he is worried about his father; he notices that Franco is looking at the picture of his “real imaginary friend” again.  Franco explains that looking at a picture helps him to “center” himself and keeps him grounded; Jake remembers that Monica brought some old pictures by and asked him to scan them to the Cloud for her.  He says if he does it tonight, maybe it will help Monica – and him – to center themselves; Franco says that sounds like a great idea and offers to help.  Elizabeth comes home and interrupts them, telling Jake they need to get back on a school schedule and he needs to get ready for bed.  She tells Franco that she blames herself for stealing time away from Sam with Jason; she says she doesn’t know how Sam can ever forgive her because she can’t forgive herself.  Franco hugs her.  Liz goes to change for bed; Jake comes back downstairs.  He shows Franco an old picture he found of his father, asking if it doesn’t look like the other boy in his picture; Franco compares the two and says, “it’s identical.”

Bobbie finds Michael at the hospital; she asks him how his trip was, then asks if his mother has told him anything since he’s been home.  He says just the news about Jason.  Nelle shows up at the hospital and tells Michael about her adventure of being thrown in jail for the missing necklace, until it showed up, thanks to Valentin.  Bobbie looks curious.  She mentions the name Valentin gave for the make up artists, and Michael points out that the make up artists name was something else; Nelle says maybe Valentin was mistaken.  He offers to take her home and tells his grandma he will be back later.  When Carly returns, Bobbie tells her they have to warn Michael; she tells Carly there was some “discrepancy” over a missing necklace at the photo shoot, adding there is always a discrepancy when it comes to Nelle.  She insists they have to tell Michael what Felicia found out, just in case he is sleeping with a “black widow.”  The scene flashes to Michael, asleep in bed, with Nelle beside him; she is awake, looks over his shoulder and rubs his back.  Scene ends.

09-06-2017 (Wednesday) Let Bygones Be Bygones

Lulu orders two dozen cupcakes from Kelly’s Diner for tomorrow night; Valerie comes in and says it sounds like they are having a big celebrations.  Lulu tells her it is for Rocco’s birthday, adding that “it’s just family.”  She then takes out an invitation and hands it to Valerie, asking her to come.  She says it is time they moved past the awful things they did to each other and became the family they were meant to be.  Valerie smiles and gladly accepts the invitation.  Carly welcomes Michael home; she tells him that Jason is in a coma and they don’t know if he is going to wake up.  Michael tries to reassure her that Jason will be fine, reminding her of all he has already come through.  She tells Michael this is all her fault; she explains how she told his father he had to get out of the business the night Kiki was shot after she found all those guns on the docks and started throwing them into the water.  He reminds her that’s not how the business works; she says she knows that, and always accepted that, but she was just so angry then.

Dante finds Sonny in the hospital chapel; he tells them no charges are being filed for the shooting of Petrov.  Sonny is relieved to hear that; Dante asks how Jason is doing and Sonny tells him there is no change.  He says he came there to pray; Dante says he is going to stay and light a candle himself for Jason.  Lulu finds Dante in the chapel; he tells Lulu he has been thinking about the bond he never developed with Sonny… the one most sons have with their fathers, like the one he has with Jason.  As Jason still lies in the hospital bed, in a coma, Sam pleads with Jason to fight for her, and for their children; she wishes him a happy anniversary.  She slips his ring back on his finger and tells him that he can’t leave her, repeating her vows and telling him she wants to grow old together.  She leaves the room and Sonny goes in to see him.

Ava finds Griffin in the gym; he tells her he wants to be alone.  She tells him, then he is a hypocrite, reminding him that he wouldn’t let her be alone when she thought she wanted to.  He says this is different, but Ava argues that it is not; she says he needs someone to talk to, and it doesn’t have to be her, but she is standing there.  He concedes; he tells her about when he was a boy and how he ended up in seminary – then, how he became a doctor.  He says he found himself reading biology books just as much as theology, because he needed to understand the how and why of the workings of the human body and where the soul fit into all of that.  Ava realizes that is why he picked the field of neurology; he tells her his instructor encouraged him to pursue both careers.  He says helping people is wonderful, and dealing with death, although always difficult, is just part of the job… but Marisol was an exception he says.  Ava likens his feelings, somehow, to what she felt about hiding her face and wallowing in whiskey in the dark, wishing she were beautiful again, and Griffin tells her she IS beautiful, looking her lovingly in the eyes; she kisses him.  He appears to kiss her back for a moment, then pulls away and tells her there has been a misunderstanding; he says he never meant to mislead her.  She feels like a fool and lashes out at him, telling him that he doesn’t have any real emotions, other than pity and grief; she turns to leave, and he reaches out, taking her arm, stopping her.

Michael and Carly go to the hospital; they find Sam talking to Molly.  Molly tells them, she was going to take Danny to the water park, but he didn’t want to go; he wanted to see his daddy.  Michael says maybe he’ll change his mind if he goes to the water park with them; he and Molly go to get Danny from the daycare.  Carly tells Sam that she is going to take her to get something to eat, and to shower, and then they will come back to be with Jason.

While Kristina is watching Scout, Scout begins to cry; Kristina can’t figure out what is wrong.  Parker happens by and rocks the carriage, soothing Scout to sleep; Kristina is impressed.  She and Parker talk, agreeing that they should move past the hurt they caused each other and consider themselves friends again; just as Parker begins to ask about the girl Kristina was with the other night at “Ladies, Ladies Night” at The Floating Rib, Valerie walks in the door.  Kristina does not end up telling her that they are just friends; Parker introduces herself and then excuses herself.  Valerie tells Kristina, “it’s official… Parker is jealous.”  Kristina agrees, admitting that it kind of makes her happy, because she honestly isn’t over Parker at all.

09-05-2017 (Tuesday) Goodbye Hayden?

Anna meets with Andre; she asks him what information he was able to find about the diamond she got from Spencer, and if he was able to connect it to Valentin.  He says the hit was professional, they were in and out in less than ten minutes; thieves always managed to escape – they think Valentin planned these robberies and hired the thieves. Anna says Valentin was always an excellent strategist.  Anna says he has spent most of his time outside of the law; he lives by his own code, and may maintain ties to his old associates so long as it is effective for him.  She wonders how he could act like a devoted father and husband during the day and be a thief and criminal at night.  Andre gives Anna the name of Cassandra Pierce; she appears to be the ‘fence’ among other things, he says.  She would take his stolen goods, sell them at a markup and then invest the money to generate a profit; he claims Valentin wasn’t involved in the 2nd tier.  He says this woman has been linked to some pretty dirty dealings; she lives in Monte Carlo.  Anna wonders when Valentin last visited Monte Carlo.  Sadly, she believes there is no way the WSB can ever pin him down; but she isn’t closing the book on this one.  She says she hears Monaco is really pretty this time of year.

Nina thanks the policeman for escorting Nelle in, but says he shouldn’t have arrested her; he says he arrested a suspect.  Nina assures him he has nothing to do with it and threatens to have the cop fired for botching the investigation.  Valentin comes in; he has the necklace.  Nina asks how he found it; he says it wasn’t stolen in the first place… it wound up with the things that were returned to the makeup artist.  The policeman is suspicious and doesn’t want to close the case; Valentin speaks French to him, and he changes his mind, saying, “the incident is closed.”  Nina apologizes to Nelle; she tells Dillon they are scrapping the photo shoot.  She says it’s time to get out of here.  After Dillon and Nelle leave the room, Nina tells Valentin that she knows he is lying about the makeup artist and asks where he really found the necklace.  He says he can’t tell her; she guesses he contacted his old connections and questions the kind of people he used to deal with.  He asks if his secrecy about them makes her want to change her mind again, about being with him; she says no.  She tells him she loves him, and trusts him.  She unbuttons his shirt and sees that he is wounded; she tells him he shouldn’t have risked his life for a necklace.  She bandages his wound; he tells her he wants to make love again.  They move to the bed.

Ava asks Kiki if she is sure she wants to be on the ‘fast track’ for pre-med, saying the course itself is hard enough; Kiki tells her to quit trying so hard.  She says she is just glad to be out in public with her; she tells her mom she is proud of her for taking this step and start living again.  She says she has had help; Griffin finds out that his patient, Marisol, is becoming paralyzed.  He is told by Dr. Bensch that she doesn’t have much more time; he goes to talk to her parents.  They are crying and ask if there is anything he can do for their daughter, as she is getting weaker.  He tells them, at this stage, things can happen very quickly, and there is nothing he can do; they thank him for his kindness and return to their daughter.  Griffin calls Father Reyes, and asks him to come to see Marisol.  Ava tells Kiki how proud of her she is; she tells her she is going to go to the hospital with her.  Dr. Bensch asks Kiki if she wants to join him on rounds; she is excited to do so.  He questions her thoughts about a patient who’s hands were shaking; Kiki suggests that he might have a serious medical condition, or, she says, he could have been nervous that there was someone else in the room – she says he kept looking at her.  Dr. Bensch tells her he has early Parkinson’s, but her suspicions were right; he tells her she has good instincts and she should trust it.  Kiki calls Dillon; he tells her they are coming home tonight.  She says she can’t wait.

Finn gets a text from Curtis; he found Hayden.  Finn tries to call him back; he leaves a message.  Curtis knocks on Finn’s door; he asks, “where is she?”  He says he doesn’t know; he tells Finn she agreed to meet with him, but when he got there the room was empty, except for a suitcase.  With it, a letter; Hayden tells Finn she is sorry, but says he is free now to find someone who is worthy of his love.  She tells him that there were complications with the pregnancy, and the baby “didn’t make it.”  (I don’t believe that.)  Finn falls to his knees when he reads that; she tells him she will always love him and says goodbye.  He holds his baby’s sonogram pictures, lays down on the couch and cries.  We are shown Hayden, signing the envelope and placing it in front of the cactus; she looks at her new passport, “Madison Ford” she will now become.  She stands up, showing us her still obviously pregnant belly.

09-01-2017 (Friday) So Much for Smooth Sailing

Finn paces, as he and Anna wait to visit with Hayden’s father; she says he is making her anxious.  He snaps at her, reminding her that he is looking for a human being, she is looking for information about a silly diamond.  Anna tells Finn what she knows about the diamond and that she thinks Valenin is tied to it somehow; he says the only thing he heard is Valentin.  He asks Anna what’s up with the two of them; Anna tells him to just stay focused on his fiancé` and they start arguing.  Berlin comes in; he is of no help though.  He says he knows nothing about the diamond, and tells Finn, if there is one thing his daughter is good at, it’s disappearing.

Nina calls Valenin; she tells him she doesn’t understand why he just disappeared like that, and asks him to please come back.  Michael tells Nelle that he believes in her; she asks him what she did to deserve him.  She says she should go help everyone look for the necklace.  He suggests they go try out the bath salts, saying, if they need her, they will come find her.  They aren’t able to though for some reason; they told not to leave.  Carly calls to tell Michael about Jason being shot; she says she will keep him informed.  He tells Nelle he wants to go back and be there for Jason.  Nina comes to tell Nelle that there is a cop with an attitude coming to ask her questions; she says, “great.”  The policeman doesn’t ask her any questions though; he simply places her under arrest.

Diane sits, nervously looking at her phone, at the bar in The Floating Rib; Alexis comes in and asks what’s wrong.  She says Max was in a meeting and hasn’t text yet to let her know he’s okay; Alexis asks what this meeting was about.  Diane tells her; Alexis laughs, saying, “good luck with that one” when Diane says Sonny is getting out of the business.  She tells Alexis she expected to see her last night; Alexis says Carly and Sonny left her with an unexpected bottle of champagne.  She says she went to a meeting instead.  Diane asks how she feels about Julian now, reminding her that he caused her to lose her law license; Alexis says he was sorry.  Diane mocks the thought; she says for him the end always justifies the means, which is abhorrent.  Diane gets a call from Max; Alexis gets a text from Sam.  Alexis says, “so much for smooth sailing.”

Franco looks at the photos; Jake comes in and squirts him with a huge squirt gun.  He says he got it at a friend’s birthday party; Franco says his mom doesn’t like him playing with guns and he takes it away.  Jake sees the picture of the two boys and asks Franco who the other kid is; Franco says he doesn’t know.

Carly brings Sam food and tells her she needs to eat; Sonny is begins to regret his decision to retire, saying it seems like, if he does, somebody worse is going to take over.  Carly says she knows.  Sam hears Sonny blaming himself and tells him to quit; she asks if they have ever known Jason to do something he didn’t want to do.  They both say no.  She says Jason will be Jason, and they all know it; all they can do is wait not and hope for the best.  Carly says she can’t believe she is the one talking them down right now; Sonny tells her Jason will be okay.  Franco comes to the hospital and Liz tells him about Jason; he tries to offer his condolences to Sam and she tells him to get out of her face.  Liz pulls Franco away, and takes him to the elevator; she asks him how she is supposed to tell Jake about Jason.  He hugs her, and says they will tell him together.  Sam, Sonny and Carly wait for Jason to come out of surgery; the doctor comes in to the room and tells them that the surgery was more complicated than the expected.  They aren’t sure Jason is going to regain consciousness.

08-31-2017 (Thursday) The Bearer of Bad News

Bobbie insists that Carly look at the information she has; she says it is substantiated.  She hands Carly her phone; Carly reads “Janelle Benson primary suspect in fiancé’s death.”  She says, “Oh my God.”  After reading the article, she says there is no proof and she isn’t going to tell Michael about it; she says, if Nelle invites him to go kayaking, she won’t let him go.

Kiki comes by to see her mother; she is pleasantly surprised to see her mom looking rather “energized.”  Ava tells Kiki about Julian accepting his punishment to spare his family further pain and humiliation; she says if he can do that, then she should make it worth it.  He can’t be out among the living, but she can; Kiki says that’s awesome, then tells her mom that she is applying to the accelerated pre-med program.  Ava is thrilled; my daughter, the doctor, she says… Kiki says, “someday.”  She says she has to get headed back to the hospital; Ava says she is headed there herself, as she has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman.  They leave together.  Griffin goes in to see a former patient, Marisol Valdez, who has been admitted again; he asks what brought them back.  Marisol asks if she is going to die.  He tells her she is there to get better, so to stop that kind of talk; he says he will go put a rush on her test results and leaves the room.  Marisol’s dad tells his daughter, Dr. Monroe will come through for them again; as he closes the door behind him, Griffin looks worried.  As he reads the report, Ava and Kiki show up; Ava can tell something is wrong.  Griffin tells her he has to go deliver bad news; she takes his hand and tells him she is sorry.  He asks Mr. Valdez if they can speak in private; Kiki and Ava watch as Griffin speaks to Marisol’s father.  Kiki understands this is the compassion and strength her mother was speaking of earlier.

Nina tells the woman to look in the bag again; she says it must have just been put in the wrong place, adding the paid for 24-hour security.  She gets back in bed with Valentin and thanks him for making her dreams come true.  Nelle tells Dillon if he doesn’t delete the photos, she will; he tells her not to touch his computer.  They start playfully wrestling over it; Michael walks in.  Nelle tells Michael, sternly, to “get out” of there; he looks at her, confused.  She apologizes and says its just that she is in charge of everything there, except the artistic stuff (which Dillon is in charge of); she doesn’t want Nina to come back and think she is slacking off with him there.  Nina comes back, with Valentin; she questions Nelle when she sees the picture on Dillon’s computer.  Nelle swears she put it back in the case she found it in; she admits that she was alone with the necklace for a few minutes.  The other ‘assistant’ (Farah) is quick to point out that Nelle not only wore the necklace then, but was alone with it; Nina tells Nelle until it is found, everyone is a suspect.  She goes to call the police; Valentin offers to speak (French) for her.  They get an English speaking officer to talk to her; when Nina turns around, Valentin is gone.

Sonny goes to the police station with Dante; he says he would be dead, and Sam would be dead, if he hadn’t shot Petrov.  He says there was no other choice, adding that Jason is now fighting for his life, thanks to him.  Sonny starts questioning his decision to get out of the business; he asks Dante if it would be better for Petrov to be running Port Charles, or him?  Sonny leaves and calls Carly to tell her the news; she shows up at the hospital.  Elizabeth sees Sam standing in the hallway, covered in Jason’s blood; she asks what happened.  She tells her; she says they are just trying to make sure he is stable enough to operate.  Sam apologizes to Carly; she says it’s her fault, adding, she shouldn’t have been there.  She asks Sonny how she got to this point of being paralyzed, saying Jason felt he had to jump in front of her to save her; and he did.  Jason asks to see Sam; she thanks him for saving her life and he says, “sure, it was my pleasure.”  He laughs, softly, then groans in pain; Sam tells him he has to get through this and come home to them.  He says that’s the plan

08-30-2017 (Wednesday) The Blue Gems

Maxie turns around and slaps Amy across the face, after slapping Nathan; she calls her a tramp.  Nathan tells her she has it all wrong; Amy insists they aren’t having an affair, they were having a business meeting.  Maxie laughs; she doesn’t believe it first, but after they explain everything, she gets it… she still looks angry.  Nathan asks her to please not let this come between them.  She tells him she forgives him, but says he still has a lot of explaining to do; she says she doesn’t get why he didn’t just tell her about posing as Ask Man Landers.  He apologizes.  He tells her that he has decided to quit his job and move to Portland to be with her; she tells him he could do that, but she won’t be there.  She quit her job to come back home to him; he is elated.  They kiss.

As Jason pushes Sam out of the way, taking the bullet himself, he tosses Sonny his gun and Sonny shoots the shooter (a man they call Petrov); Jason falls to the ground and passes out.  Sam rushes to him; Max calls 911.  Sam tries to put pressure on the wound and begs Jason to open his eyes; he does.  She tells him to stay with her.  The paramedics arrive; Jason starts coughing.  They say he has a good radial pulse.  They get him on the stretcher and wheel him off to the ambulance; Sam goes with them.

Carly tells Jos that she wants to move back in with Sonny now; Joslyn tells her she will agree to move back in with her, Sonny, and Avery.  She is ready to be a family again; Carly smiles.  Felicia tells Bobbie that Janelle is Nelle’s given name, and apparently she had a fiancé` once who died in a kayaking accident – the police and the boy’s family suspect it wasn’t really an accident.  The plug to the kayak had been removed so it took on water.  Felicia says he was the son of wealthy parents; Bobbie makes the connection to Michael.  Felicia says the boy had named Janelle as the beneficiary in his Will when they got engaged.  She leaves and Carly sits down with Bobbie; Bobbie says she has to tell her something, but Carly cuts her off.  She says everybody is happy and she isn’t going to interfere with that; Bobbie says this may be a matter of life and death, and she is concerned about Michael.

Valentin shows up in Morrocco; he sets up a meeting, tricking Valentin into seeing him.  His plan succeeds; Nina tells him that she does want to be with him again.  He puts her rings back on her finger and asks if she will “not divorce” him; she agrees and they make love.  Meanwhile, Dillon tries to figure out exactly what Nina wants for the pictures; Nelle says three shots of each model, wearing all three pieces of jewelry.  She opens the briefcase to find the jewelry all tangled up; as she is trying to straighten it out, she sees a beautiful necklace with blue gems.  She puts it on; Dillon tells her it is stunning on her and suggests she stand in for the models while he adjusts the lighting.  He takes several shots and says they should just put her on the cover; Nelle objects, as she takes the necklace back off.  Dillon leaves the room; Nelle stares at the necklace as she holds it in her hands.

Scene changes… Nelle and Dillon are looking over the photos; Nelle says she doesn’t like the way the necklace looks on her, adding she doesn’t think she’s cut out to be wealthy.  She tells him to delete the photos.  Nina’s phone rings; she tries to ignore it, but the caller calls back… it’s a woman; she says “the sapphire necklace on loan from Raphael is [now] missing.”

08-29-2017 (Tuesday) A Meeting of Families

Ned tells Olivia that he is considering going back to ELQ, noting that Michael suggested it.  He tells her he is taking over for him right now, while he goes to North Africa for business.  Nelle revels over the beautiful suite they are staying in; she is sure Michael pulled some strings to get them in it.  She says it seems like a dream; he pinches her.  She says it still seems to good to be true and kisses him.  She says she has a confession to make; she says this is the first time she’s used her passport.  Ned gets annoyed when he sees Michael posting pictures of him and Nelle in Marrakech; he says he could have just told him he wanted to take a little trip with his girlfriend.  Olivia is angry that her pizza oven just got put back on the truck; Monica has hired Cook 2 back and Olivia has been locked out of the kitchen.  She says she has totally been played; Ned says that makes two of them… he says he may know how to strike back.

Felicia meets with Bobbie; she tells her she should have “something on Nelle soon” – her contact says he found what she was looking for.  Amy tells Nathan the Quinn is in the hotel and wants to see them now; she thinks Quinn is going to tell them everything for the campaign is a go.  Maxie is on the phone with someone saying she is in Port Charles, assuring whoever she’s talking about that their project is her priority.  She says she can’t wait to see the look on Nathan’s face when she tells him her “other news.”  Felecia sees Amy and Nathan going into the elevator, and hears Amy say it’s room 453.  Bobbie tells Carly she may have some dirt on Nelle; Carly tells her, whatever it is, she doesn’t want to know.  She shows her mom a text from Michael, with a picture of him and Nelle; she says he is happy, and she realizes he can take care of himself.  Bobbie asks what if Nelle did something really bad; she says she can’t give up without knowing what this is all about.  She asks what happened; she says she realized that she needs to let Michael live his own life and have the freedom to make his own decisions – and his own mistakes, Bobbie adds.  Carly says they’ve all had the benefit of a fresh start; they should offer that to Nelle.  She tells her mother to tell Felicia to drop it, saying they’ll all be better off if they just let this go; Bobbie huffs.  When she tells Felicia, Felicia says she may want to reconsider.  She shows Bobbie the text from her contact, asking how Carly feels about murder.

Quinn tells Amy and Nathan that there is a launch party schedule and Nathan has to reveal himself at it; as he hears this, he spills his coffee all over his shirt.  He takes it off to wash it.  Quinn tells them they don’t have a choice, suggesting they re-read the contract.  Felicia sees Maxie at The Floating Rib; she tells her that she is back, for good.  She tells her, after digging into the Man Lander’s blog she realized he had some pretty good advice about love and putting it first.  Felicia tells Maxie its wonderful that she is giving everything up for love, but asks if she’s even spoken to Nathan yet; Maxie says if she had, it wouldn’t be a surprise.  She gets the feeling that her mom is keeping something from her; Felicia mentions that she has seen him with Amy an awful lot.  She then tells her she saw them get in an elevator at the Metro Court half an hour ago.  Maxie goes there and just as she rounds the corner, she hears Amy coming out, saying this will forever be their little secret, adding that Nathan should button up his shirt.  Maxie steps around the corner and slaps Nathan across the face.

Andre asks Sam how she is doing, referring to her fears about Jason’s safety.  She tells him, after today, that shouldn’t be a problem.  Jason and Sonny walk into the meeting; Sonny announces he is retiring.  He reminds her that his door is always open.  The other family heads question Sonny’s decision to retire; he tells them he will be distributing his territories to the remaining families.  As a condition, he says his family and Jason’s family will be protected by their organizations; they question if this is really all he wants in return.  He says yes, and asks if they have a deal; they all agree and shake his hand in turn.  One man wishes him luck, saying he is going to need it; another says they hope he knows what he’s signed up for.  Jason says he hopes everyone is as on board as they appear to be; Jason and Sonny say it’s done, and they shake hands.  Jason goes to meet with Sam, and tells her that everything went smoother than he thought it would; he thanks her for suggesting that he be there, saying it was the right decision.

Sam tells Jason she is probably still going to see Andre a couple times; she says the fear of losing him has always been there, so much that it took over her mind.  He says that’s fine, but assures her they are past it.  Sonny tells Max to bring the car around; the last man to shake Sonny’s hand after the meeting puts a gun to Max and tells Sonny “he’s a little busy at the moment.”  He tells Sonny he must be crazy to think he can walk away from this and live.  Jason gets nervous when Sonny doesn’t answer his phone; he goes back to check on Sonny, telling Sam he’ll be right back.  She follows him; Jason rounds the corner just as the man is getting ready to shoot Sonny.  He tells him to drop it; the man looks at Jason.  Sam comes in behind Jason; the man raises his gun at her.  Jason pushes her out of the way and jumps in front of the bullet; it hits him in the chest.

08-28-2017 (Monday) Two Brothers

Griffin and Ava go back to her apartment; she asks if he would like a drink.  He says yes; he says he shouldn’t have pushed that camera man.  It goes against everything he believes in, as a doctor and as a priest; Ava tells him before he is either of those, he is just a man – and if he hadn’t stepped in when he did, she says, he wouldn’t be much of one at all.  Griffin says no human deserves to be treated the way that reporter was treating her; Ava scoffs about not really being human, and walks away.  Griffin follows her out to the balcony; he asks her why she is always making jokes and trying to push him away.  She says if she has chosen not to rely on other people, it’s because she has found other people to be unreliable.  He says he is the exception to the rule and he isn’t going to let her run him off; he tells her she is worth knowing and he wants to be her friend, and asks why that is so hard for her to accept.  The conversation turns to Valentin; Griffin tells her to be careful around him.  He gets a text; Ava imagines him telling her she’s beautiful.  She tells Griffin she will be cautious.

Kristina asks Sam to go out with her; Sam declines.  She suggests she call someone else; Kristina calls Valerie.  They go to The Floating Rib; Valerie notices that there aren’t any men there and asks Kristina if she brought her to a “lesbian night.”  Kristina apologizes; she says she needed a “wing woman.”  They see Parker; Valerie draws Kristina’s attention to her… Kristina tells her she’s kind of her ex.  Parker comes over to say hi, then friend tells her the pool table is ready and she goes to play.  Valerie suggests they make Parker regret dumping Kristina; she plants a good, long, passionate kiss on Kristina.  She says she hopes Kris doesn’t mind; Kristina says it was good.  Parker stares at the two of them as she prepares her pool stick for play; Valerie says, “oh yeah, that woman definitely still has it for you.”  Kristina tells her she is the best wing woman ever.

Scotty comes in to the Metro Court for a drink; Carly is behind the bar.  He tells her that Julian got 20 years; eligible for parole in 15… Carly says the bastard finally got what he deserved.  Alexis goes to see Sam; she tells her about her father’s sentence.  Sam asks if she thinks it will help her move on; Alexis says, she doesn’t have a choice since he is going to be locked up for the next twenty years.  Jake helps carry in Franco’s boxes; he trips and spills files all over the floor.  He’s afraid Franco will be mad, but he just laughs it off and says he’ll pick it up because he has a “unique filing system.”  As they are unpacking Franco’s things, Jake notices the painting of the two boys; he tells Franco he likes it, because it’s about two brothers.  Franco tells him he has a good eye, then explains about his imaginary friend; Jake asks if he misses his imaginary friend and Franco says no, because he has real friends now.  After Jake goes to bed, Franco is looking through his things; he pulls out an envelope with old pictures in it… there is one of a very young Franco, and another of two (almost identical) little boys.  Might there be truth to Jason being Franco’s supposed brother, after all?

Sonny is at Perk’s, meeting with Lucy; she has sold Pazzulo’s for more than the asking price.  He sees Jason there; he tells him he is announcing his retirement at a meeting tomorrow… he says, however, he is laying out some strict rules and if anyone violates them, he will come out of retirement.  Jason goes home and tells Sam that Sonny is calling a meeting tomorrow to announce his retirement; Sam tells him Sonny is going to need “backup” – somebody the other heads respect, and fear.  She tells Jason that he has to go with Sonny to this meeting; he says that is exactly what he said he wasn’t going to do any more.  This isn’t their fight, he tells her; she says, but if something happens to Sonny, neither of them would forgive themselves.  She tells him he has to go; then it can be over, she says.  Alexis comes into the Metro Court; she sees Sonny and Carly celebrating.  She makes a comment; Carly tells her she really is better without Julian.  They leave the table; Alexis touches the bottle of champagne.  Jason calls Sonny and tells him that he is going to the meeting with him tomorrow.