Friday 05-27-2016

Tracy plays with “Edward” and talks to him about the man he is named after, as she shows him a picture of her parents, Edward and Lila.  Michael tells Jordan that he believes it would be a mistake for her to arrest Sabrina; Sabrina tells Michael she deserves to be arrested.  Paul pulls Anna away from her conversation with Robyn to give her an envelope.  Ava steps in the door behind Anna; the envelope has papers dropping the charges against her.  

Hayden thanks Curtis for his help and swears she will stay away from Wyndemere… Jason stands, looking out the window at Nikolas on the rocks below; Sam comes in and asks what happened.  Jason tells her he has no idea and tells her to call 911, as he runs to try to help Nikolas; but by the time Jason gets down there, Nikolas is gone, apparently taken by the current.  Sam finds his ring.  Carly tells Sonny about her find at Ava’s apartment (her having kinky sex with Paul Hornsby).  Sonny laughs as he imagines Ava and the DA – figuring that’s how she beat the gun smuggling charges – he tells Carly she is amazing.  Robyn overhears Paul telling Anna she never officially tried to murder Carlos; Anna explains herself.  Robyn tells her mother that she knows peace does not come from revenge, it comes from living a good life; she pleads with her mother to say goodbye to all of the hate and need for vengeance, to say goodbye to Duke.  

Michael asks Jordan to at least wait until tomorrow so Sabrina can see her baby, as it’s been weeks; Andre interrupts and asks Jordan if he can talk to her.  He tells her he would really like to end his night with her; Michael appeals to Jordan’s motherly side by bringing up TJ.  She gives in.  Robyn takes a phone call – music starts to play… Duke stands there and asks Anna for a dance, one last dance to say goodbye.  As they dance, Duke tells her he can’t come back again; she needs to move on with her life.  They kiss and she dances away from him; when she turns around, he is gone.  Hayden begins to tear things apart looking for her diamonds; Sam asks where she is going, saying she knows she was there earlier tonight.  Hayden says they all know Jason pushed Nikolas out of the window.  Michael brings Sabrina home and she bends down to see her baby; Tracy comes into the room and tells her not to touch the baby.  Jordan gets a call from Curtis; it’s about Nikolas.  Sonny gets a visit from Ava; she says she is there for Avery.

Thursday 05-26-2016

Brad and Lucas are introduced at the Nurses’ Ball, only Lucas doesn’t show; Brad has no idea what’s going on.  At the hospital, Finn stands in the hallway, slipping a syringe into his pocket; Bobby wakes up and sees Lucas on the floor and starts screaming for help.  As Carly and Jason talk at the Ball, Sonny, Michael and Morgan walk in the door; she smiles to see them all together.  Meanwhile, Lucy is stressing because ‘the show must go on’ and she asks for audience participation.  Hayden tells Curtis, in front of Nikolas, that he sold one of her diamonds; he tells her to come back home with him and he will give the rest of them back.  She tells him, if he is leaving now, she is not going with him.

Kiki and Dillon perform a song about getting over a lost love, and seem to have an intimate moment or two; they receive a standing ovation (even from Morgan).  Brad is thinking that Lucas may have run out on him, having second thoughts; while, at the hospital, they are now trying to restart Lucas heart?  Brad calls Lucas’ phone and Bobbie answers it – she tells him to get over to the hospital right now, but not to tell anyone so as not to ruin the Ball.  So Brad makes up a story about Lucas getting an emergency call and said he was going to go see him ‘on break’.  Yep… back stage, Kiki and Dillon kiss (and both say “wow”); Morgan walks back stage just in time to see them.  Carly talks to Andre and it is revealed that Morgan is just on a ‘pass’ for tonight; but he is almost ready to be released.  At home, Nikolas pours out the diamonds and takes a picture of them; he texts Hayden “we can come to an agreement, come home” – she texts back, “on my way.”  

Morgan says he is a little overwhelmed and is ready to go back to the hospital; Sonny and Carly offer to take him.  Nice plug for Aveeno… once home, Carly unloads her gift bag and tells Sonny the reason she looks so young is because she uses their night cream.  Robyn talks about AIDS, and the fact that there is now a new medication that can prevent HIV; also, however, that there is a rise of new infections in young, gay men of ‘low means’ (the poor).  She begins to get teary-eyed as she talks about Stone, her first boyfriend, who gave her HIV before he found out he had full-blown AIDS.  She receives a standing ovation when she says she plans to live to see the disease conquered.

To everyone’s surprise, Sabrina steps on stage with nurse Nancy to sing, “we are here, we are now, we are one… you’re not alone anymore – we’ll be the hands to hold you up, we’ll be the eyes to help you see…” (nice song) as the scene flashes to the hospital, with Brad standing by Lucas’ bedside, where he lies hooked up to a breathing machine.  Jason comes over to Wyndemere to talk to Nikolas; Sabrina is arrested by Jordan for aiding and abetting Carlos Rivera.  Brad and Bobbie start to think Lucas’ condition is connected to the recent deaths when the notice an injection mark on his neck; Griffin asks Finn if he injected him with anything, and gets no response… for a moment – then he asks, all offended, if he really asked him that.  

Curtis hands Hayden a key card for a hotel room and tells her to stay away from Wyndemere until she can talk to the police tomorrow; he mentions Nikolas seeming rather ‘unhinged’ lately.  Flash to Wyndemere… Jason wanders the hallway where he thinks he hears something; Sam comes running in the mansion after him.  Jason reaches for a doorknob, glass breaks… Nikolas is laying on the rocks at the foot of the island, bloody and most likely dead.  I’m guessing he was trying to set Hayden up for his murder, but Jason is going to get blamed.  Wow.

Wednesday 05-25-2016

Emma sings a duet with Ned; sweet.  Apiphany tells Olbrecht (who is tied up now) that she is not performing in the Nurse’s Ball this year; that’s so funny.  Carly watches the video; she smiles.  She shows the video to Ava and says she will post the video online if she doesn’t sign over full custody of Avery.  Ava dares her.  Carly sends a copy of the video to Paul.  He tells Ava to make it go away by doing whatever it is Carly wants.  Laura and Kevin enter late, prepared for something crazy to happen.  Lucy announces that Aveeno supports the fight against AIDS.  Hayden tries to talk to Jordan, telling her she has information about her shooting – but then Nikolas grabs her and whisks her away.  Lucas finds Bobbie on the floor; she appears to be okay, but Lucas insists on taking her to the hospital.  Lucy is worried she can’t find Lucas now; it’s time for his serenade to Brad.  

Little Jake is performing next, and a little nervous – Franco notices; Kiki is impressed.  Franco steps on stage next to Jake and quacks… the music plays and Franco encourages him to sing (a very cute song, ‘this could be just what I need?’) Very sweet indeed.  Jake asks Jason if he saw the part where he quacked at Franco; Jason says he saw everything.  Milo and his Magic Wands perform; mostly a sexy dance by some women first, then the boys get going (Griffin filling in for Nathan, lol).  Whoops and hollers from the crowd; Dillon and Griffin bust some fancy moves, then Milo does his one-armed push-ups.  Off come the shirts… then the pants.  Bobbie has to stay in the hospital, but Lucas is coming back.  Jason is served with papers; Nikolas is suing him.  Maxie tells Griffin God can get behind a good cause, as he’s questioning having done that kind of routine.  

Ava catches Carly in a room and demands she give her the flash drive; Carly tells her to come and get it – they go at it; after a good tussle, Ava gets the drive and flushes it down the toilet.  Carly laughs, pointing up, she says, “it’s in the cloud – get your signing hand ready” – good one!  Hayden once again tries to talk to Jordan, and is pulled away again by Nikolas.  This time, Curtis takes notice and goes after them.  Lucas steps back into his mom’s hospital room, having forgotten something; someone is about to inject Bobbie with something.  Now Lucas is on the floor, next to Bobbie’s bed, knocked out cold, and the cord on the door window blind is swinging.  (Still to be Continued.)

Tuesday 05-24-2016

The Nurse’s Ball kicks off…Nina is one of three people hosting and doing interviews on the red carpet.  She asks Anna an inappropriate question about going from chasing criminals to being one – meanwhile, backstage, chatty nurse Nancy is on the phone and not watching where she’s going.  She bumps into Elizabeth, knocking her forward and Franco gracefully catches her; Elizabeth has twisted her ankle.  Franco offers to walk her down the red carpet – Nina, again, steps out of line when Hayden (aka Rachael) and Nikolas enter the room and reach the cameras.  Nikolas takes the opportunity to reveal Hayden’s true identity, laughing about the fact that he can’t trust his wife.

Scotty shows up to escort Ava and Kiki to the Ball.  Maxie is surprised when she learns that Griffin is a priest; when he tells her, as Nathan’s doctor, that he cannot discharge him to go to the Ball, Maxie tells Griffin he can escort her.  Griffin refuses and then agrees.  The announcers introduce Lucy (minus Nina); Carly is then interviewed and denies any knowledge about the content of this year’s Nurse’s Ball.  Hahaha…. Nina announces “noted homewrecker, Ava Jerome, along with her sleezy lawyer, Scott Baldwin.”  That is hilarious.  Lucy pulls Ava away for pictures, alongside Carly; she tells Carly she’s coming in the morning to get her daughter.  Carly tells her she’ll be ready.  Bobbie and Felix plan an ‘accidental meeting’ backstage for Brad and Lucas; they pour champagne and make a toast to their happiness.  Anna walks into the dining room and is greeted by Robyn, Emma and Patrick.  They came to town just for the Nurse’s Ball.  

Nina tells Curtis and Valerie someone should put them under arrest for looking so good.  Hayden asks Nikolas what kind of game he is playing; he tells her he was just teasing like happy couples do.  She tells him not to push her too far.  Griffin gets a text from Emma and comes to meet Robyn; she questions why he is a priest, asking if he doesn’t ever want to get married.  Elizabeth shows up in the same dress as Hayden; apparently that’s a problem (Elizabeth is rushed off to change).  Nina glares at Franco.  Carly sneaks off and goes to snoop through Ava’s room; she may have found what she was looking for.  Ava almost catches Carly, who is now holding the flash drive with the evidence that can put Ava away.  Jason and Franco have a brief intense moment on the red carpet; Jason sees Robyn and tells her he pretty much remembers everything about her.  Nikolas confronts Jason about the IRS coming down on him; Jason tells him he is not his enemy, to back off.  It’s time for the show to start!  Lucy welcomes everyone to the 2016 Nurse’s Ball, sponsored by #Aveeno.  Performances ensue, spectacular as always… Olbrecht is abducted from backstage.  Bobbie faints.  (To be Continued.)

Monday 05-23-2016

Final rehearsals are being held for the Nurse’s Ball; Brad and Lucas second-guess their decision to have their wedding in the midst of it.  Nikolas admires the diamonds in his possession, stumbles and drops them all over the floor – Elizabeth comes in to see him.  Alexis sits, thoughtfully; Julian brings her a diamond necklace (she assumes it is an attempt to buy her silence).  Julian tells Alexis he doesn’t want her questioning his every move from now on; she assures him that she still loves him… she just needs some time to absorb some things.  

As Sonny warns Michael to get Sabrina and get her out of there and not get involved in anything else, Sabrina begs Marcos to spare her life.  He tells her he never should have let Carlos talk him into keeping her for him.  He mentions being concerned that Sonny Corinthos is looking for her… she tells him to give her to Sonny.  She says she can smooth things over with him.  Marcos carries on about how Sonny is tied to everything and he needs to cover his tracks – Michael comes in just in time to tackle him.  Sonny gets the gun; he wonders what to do with Marcos.  Elizabeth figures out where the diamonds came from and tells Nikolas he should turn them in to put Hayden away for good; he tells Elizabeth that he had to sell one already, because ‘times are tough.’  He tells her to just forget about the diamonds.  

Olbrecht pisses Finn off when she tells him she’s looking into his record to make sure there isn’t a trail of corpses at his former place of employment; he tells her she is violating his privacy but she couldn’t care less.  Hayden shows up and asks to talk to Dr. Finn.  Sonny sends Michael and Sabrina back to the plane – he sits down and asks Marcos what he knows about Julian Jerome.  Julian gets a call from Lucas… he wants him to meet him at the hospital, something to tell.  Alexis watches him go, then gets out the shirt she had hidden away.  She makes a call, asking someone to come over immediately; it’s Diane.  Alexis tells her she needs her to be her attorney.  Curtis walks up on Valerie; still might be something going on there.  Brad talks with Bobbie about the plans, and Felix overhears.  Hayden follows Finn, insisting he take a check for $10,000; payment toward her father’s debt – to make amends on his behalf – he tells her that won’t begin to bring back the people who died because of her father’s greed.  It is revealed that Finn lost someone, because the medical foundation he worked for went bankrupt, because of Hayden’s father.  

Hayden finds out that Nikolas sold one of her diamonds; she jumps on him, they wrestle and fall to the floor, face to face.  They almost kiss; then he stands up and tells her she will be playing the part of the doting wife tomorrow night at the Ball.  Marco insists to Sonny that he is only involved by accident; he knows nothing about Julian.  Sonny considers shooting him, but has him arrested instead.  Now on the plane, Sabrina thanks Michael and asks why he came after her…after she lied to him and left with Carlos.  She admits she had been in contact with Carlos before they split up and explains how Carlos talked her into going, also admitting that she knew almost immediately she’d made a mistake.  But she couldn’t call Michael because of Carlos and Sonny; she admits she was actually relieved that Carlos is dead.  Michael explains how he found her and she is understandably grateful.  Finn snaps at Elizabeth when she tries to talk to him; he’s crying.  Lucas asks Julian to be his best man; Julian refuses because he’s afraid it will mess things up for him.  

Alexis tells Diane that she is worried about protecting herself.  She says she’s afraid, she can’t even look at him, she can’t even breathe.  Diane assures her everything will be okay.  Julian walks in on their conversation…she quickly tells Julian she is stealing Alexis away to get their nails done for the Nurse’s Ball.  Finn comes by and apologizes to Elizabeth for the way he acted earlier.  He steps into his office and looks at the check Hayden gave him.  Alexis tells Diane they have to go to the nail salon now, or Julian will know – she doesn’t want him arrested before Lucas’ wedding.

Friday 05-20-2016

Lucas tells Brad he has the solution to their problem, the venue to get married… the Nurse’s Ball.  Lucas convinces him, food, flowers and guests will already be there.  Hayden meets Curtis; he’s helping her with appraisals.  Nikolas walks in and lays a paper down on the table, saying “game over.”  He got a court order to stop her from selling his belongings.  Lucy comes in to talk to Dillon about his act for the Nurse’s Ball and mistakes Kiki for his girlfriend.  

In a room somewhere, in hiding, Sabrina sits; her aunt comes in and tells her that her baby is safe –then she tells her that Carlos is dead.  Sabrina tells her aunt she needs her help to get back to Port Charles now; the aunt says that’s impossible.  Ava tries to convince Morgan that it is only fair for him to let Kiki go, for her own safety.  She reminds him of the time he took Kiki against her will up to the cabin, how he could have hurt her… he starts to feel regret.  She leaves him saying that she hopes he will do the right thing for once.  Michael tells his mom he is going back to Puerto Rico to look for Sabrina; Sonny is taking him.  He manages to calm Carly down as he talks her into a kiss goodbye – she calls him a shameless manipulator, then smiles.  Outside, Sonny tells Michael that he thinks he knows who has Sabrina and where she’s being held; on the plane, he tells Michael that he needs to be prepared because he may not get what he wants.  

In Puerto Rico, the aunt talks about someone named Marcos who is guarding Sabrina… she says her son would never hurt her, even though he will be angry.  Marcos comes in; he found out that the baby is gone.  Sabrina tells him he should let her go.  After some persuasion from his mother, he agrees, but says she needs to wait just a little longer; he tells his mother to go home.  He locks the door behind her and takes out a gun.  Lucy asks Nikolas for his donation for the Nurse’s Ball, a prior arrangement they had, annually, apparently.  He tells her he cannot do it at this time.  Hayden smirks, and asks just how bad things really are for him financially.  He leaves her, with a kiss on the head, telling her that she will go to jail if she takes one more thing from the mansion.  

Kiki shows up to see Morgan… she tells him she might be in the Nurse’s Ball; he tells her that they should not see each other anymore.  Kiki begs him to at least stay friends; he says no, they need to stay away from each other.  She gets pissed, after the devastation wears off and tells him that’s fine.  She storms out.  Brad and Lucas tell Lucy they want to get married, on stage, at the Ball and they want her to officiate.  Ava shows up at Carly’s and tells her she’s there to get Avery; too bad, she’s at a playgroup with Cristina right now.  She says she’ll wait.  She gets news that her delivery of baby furniture did not arrive.  Nikolas goes to a jeweler to sell a stolen diamond… the jeweler makes him an offer, which he says, is ‘good for now.’  Sabrina begs her cousin to spare her life, but he tells her he can’t – they would find out – he has to kill her.  Sonny’s plane lands just as Marcos lifts the gun and aims it at Sabrina, with his hand on the trigger.

Thursday 05-19-2016

Ava comes to find Kiki back at work; they both comment on how things have turned around for them.  Carly goes to visit Morgan… she tells him about Jason getting his memories back.  Finn holds his lizard, stroking her, and tells her he’s sorry he was so late getting home but some things at the hospital needed his attention – and that’s exactly what he gave them.  Ok, that’s strange.  DNA results come back; the baby is, indeed, Sabrina’s.  Social services is now trying to place him in a home.  Olbrecht demands that Monica review the two deaths that have occurred under Finn’s watch.  Meanwhile, Finn tells Roxy he is going back to the hospital to work in the lab; maybe make some progress this time, he adds… then tells her discretion is key (new town, new situation).  He says he has to be careful about everything he does.  

Ava tells Kiki she wants her to go out of town with her and Avery for the weekend; she says maybe she would listen to what Kiki has to say about Sonny being able to see Avery.  Kiki agrees.  She gets a surprise call from Morgan; she tells her mom she changed her mind (she can’t go with her).  Michael holds the baby before it is taken to foster care – he promises him he will find his mother and bring her back to him.  Tracy calls somebody back once she is alone and tells them, “let’s move.”  When he arrives at the hospital, Monica tells Finn he has to appear before the board regarding the two patient deaths; a review is held and it is obvious that Olbrecht has it out for Finn.  Monica comes to a decision; she finds no malpractice, and the board agrees 3 to 1.  She apologizes to Finn.  Olbrecht is pissed.  Finn tells Olbrecht to stay clear of him; she tells him she knows he is hiding something and she will get to the bottom of it.  

The foster care worker brings the baby to Tracy; she thanks her for expediting the paperwork.  Dante tells Michael that he checked on Sabrina’s aunt; no one has seen her at all. Everyone, including the FBI is looking for her; Michael calls Sonny for a favor.  Kiki runs into Dillon in the bar; she tells him she owes him for getting her out of her apartment and thanks him for becoming a good friend.  He asks her to accompany him to a photo shoot of a band called The Glamour Boys; she might go.  She kisses him on the cheek for thinking of her.  Ava shows up to visit Morgan; she reminds him that they have been everything to each other, and says she will always be concerned about him – then tells him that he needs to break things off with Kiki today, for good.  She tells him, if he truly loves Kiki, he will, because he knows it is best for her.  Olbrecht pretends to be a research student and looks into Finn’s record at the previous hospital he worked at for patient deaths. 

Wednesday 05-18-2016

A realtor shows Laura and Kevin an empty building, with a disco ball hanging from the ceiling – Laura has a brief flashback that reveals nothing.  Michael tells Tracy that the baby she is holding is Sabrina’s, he is sure of it; he tells Tracy they need to call the police and have a DNA test done.  Hayden takes a picture of an antique clock, googles its value (right in front of Nikolas) and when he asks why, she tells him because she is selling it.  Now a bit more from Laura… a record player spinning, a glass on the bar; she tells Kevin Luke used to manage the place when she was married to Scotty.  She tells Kevin something happened there that defined her and Luke’s relationship forever; she tells Kevin about Luke raping her.  She proceeds to say she doesn’t regret her marriage to Luke or having his children so she can’t figure out why Helena would want to bring her back here.  

Jason tells Sonny several memories he has of their relationship and past experiences; he tells Sonny if there is anything he ever needs from him, he’s got it… excepting risking his life again, of course.  Still, he tells Sonny if he finds himself in a fight, he’s got his back.  Sonny tells Jason that goes both ways.  Felix tries to get Dr. Finn to participate in the nurse’s ball; Finn declines, then asks Felix for a favor – he needs to get into the medicine room.  Felix complies.  Derisifol catches Finns eye (a hair follicle stimulator?  What??  Must be meant to be a fake drug).  Laura and Kevin begin looking for clues… she finds a blank piece of paper, classic Helena.  Laura looks shocked when the realtor tells her a ‘Lloyd and Lucy Johnson’ are the owners.  

Nikolas tells Hayden she is not selling any of his stuff; she reminds him that New York is a community property state and as long as they are married, she can do what she wants with their property.  Nikolas gets a visit from Diane; she is there to deliver news that he now owes taxes on the transfer of ELQ.  Nikolas suggests Hayden go out and get a job, then insults her; she shows up at the Quartermaine’s and tells Tracy she wants a job.  Tracy mocks her for thinking she would even consider hiring her again after she double-crossed her; Hayden says she needs to prove that she is not just her father’s daughter – that she’s better than that.  She insists she could be an asset to ELQ; Tracy tells her she is only in need of a nanny right now.  Tracy tells Michael she is sure Sabrina wants her to raise this child… she says they were friends and she considers it an honor to do this for her.  

Laura explains to Kevin, that she and Luke were Lloyd and Lucy Johnson; so how could they be the owners of this place?  Finn walks in to find one of his patients flat-lining (something’s going on).  Diane tells Nikolas he could always sell some of his belongings, mentioning that some of his picture frames, alone, are priceless; he brakes a porcelain teapot when she leaves.  Hayden comes in and looks sincerely concerned.  Sonny hugs Jason and tells him “welcome home” – Jason says, “it’s good to be home.”

Tuesday 05-17-2016

Michael comes home; tells his mom he was with the police all night because of his association with Sabrina – he’s a person of interest in Carlos’ death.  Sonny takes Alexis’ hand, telling her he can tell by the look on her face that she knows, and says they need to go to the police.  Julian tells him to remove his hand or he will cut it off; … Elizabeth continues looking for Jake; Franco calls and tells her he has him (wow, that surprises me).  Kevin kicks the vending machine; Laura offers to help, bumps the machine with her hip and it dispenses his spoils.  He asks if she’s abandoned her quest to decipher the message left by Helena yet; she assures him, she hasn’t.  She tells him her only thoughts about the clue, being where she and Luke met; Kevin says he will go with her to check it out.  They talk about their exes.  Nurse Nancy talks about wanting to be in the Nurse’s Ball this year, but begins to gossip again, this time about Lucy – just as Lucy walks up to hear, and confronts her.  

Jason recalls the death of his father in General Hospital, feeling badly that he wasn’t there for him… Monica asks Jason if he is ok, having seen his scheduled appointment; he says he’s fine, and calls her “mom” to her surprise.  Elizabeth arrives to pick up Jake; she tells Franco he should have called her sooner (Franco says Jake was his first priority, his emotions were running a little high).  Elizabeth chews Jake out for not listening to her; Jake responds that she didn’t listen to him about Franco – Franco says, the kid has a point.  Alexis lets go of Sonny’s hand and walks away from the door; Sonny follows her in.  He confronts Julian, saying he saw the stab wounds and knows that Carlos wasn’t even fighting; Julian killed him “like a dog” Sonny says, as he notices the fire burning (strange season to be burning, he says).  

Carly questions why Michael was on the docks; he tells her he likes to go there to think by the water.  Tracy sits in a chair and hears the doorbell; she yells for Alice by hears no response.  She opens the door to find a baby, in a carseat… its holding the rattle Michael saw on the floor at Sabrina’s aunt’s house.  Jason apologizes to Monica for not being there for her and thanks her for all she’s ever done for him.  Sonny becomes irate, grabs the fire poker and breaks a glass vase on the mantel, then walks around and breaks another.  Julian starts to call the police and Sonny wacks him in the back of the legs; he goes down – Alexis jumps down in front of him and begs Sonny, please, no more.  

Monica comes home to find Tracy holding the baby; Monica asks where she got ‘that’ (Tracy tells her he was left on their doorstep and she is calling him Edward).  Franco explains to Elizabeth that he didn’t take Jake, Jake showed up there – he reminds her that he didn’t want a kid with Nina, and assures her he doesn’t want hers.  He just wants to help Jake; he tells her they were making great progress before she “put the kibosh on it” because she couldn’t stand up to Jason.  He says “it takes a weirdo to know a weirdo” to which Elizabeth takes offense, but he makes a point.  Jason goes to see Carly; he tells her a story from their past, letting her know that he has his memory back.  She hugs him.  Michael comes in and Jason shares a memory with him, then tells him he is proud of man he has become; they hug and Michael tells Jason he taught him how to be one.  

Sonny tells Julian if he calls the cops, he will direct them to that fireplace – there might be something left.  He helps Alexis up, hugs her and tells her if this is how it has to end, so be it; says she has killed whatever friendship they had left.  Nurse Nancy brings up a hurtful memory for Lucy and Lucy excuses herself; she walks upon Kevin and Laura as they get up to leave.  She apologizes for interrupting; Kevin gets a phone call and Lucy gives Laura her blessing to be with Kevin (Laura tries to tell her she has the wrong idea).  Kevin comes back, confused about Lucy’s behavior.  Franco makes a comment about Elizabeth’s “revolving door” of fathers for her children – she slaps him.  He apologizes but tells her she needs to do everything she can to help her child in spite of his faults.  He asks her to give him another chance to work with Jake.  Sonny leaves and Julian tells Alexis they are in this together now.  He tells her he needs to take care of the shirt now; she tells him to go lay down and she will burn it.  She hesitates, then hides it.  Sonny comes home to find Jason; Michael is surprised to see the baby – he recognizes the rattle and knows that’s Sabrina’s son.

Monday 05-16-2016

Alexis stares at the knife, saying she knows it’s lethal; Julian still denies stabbing Carlos.  Finn talks with Monica; he asks how Tracy is… she’s back to being Tracy (harping, snapping, etc.)  Elizabeth brings Jake in to see his Psychologist; he asks about his art therapy appointment – he is upset when Elizabeth tells him he’s not going to see Franco anymore.  He walks off, telling Elizabeth he can go into his appointment by himself.  She continues to talk to Franco.  Sonny comes to see Carly at the Metro Court; tells her about his visit to Julian and the call from Michael.  He admits that it’s kind of nice that Carlos is dead and his hands are clean.  

Alexis continues to question Julian; Julian tries to explain what happened at the office last night.  Alexis asks how stupid he thinks she is.  She recounts everything, saying the moment Julian heard that Carlos was only injured and not dead, the look on his face was sheer panic.  Sam asks Jason to tell her more about what happened to him last night; he explains… how he ran into the van, then woke up to find Robin talking to him.  He described trying to lift the van and passing out; he said when he woke up, memories just started flooding back to him.  Nurse Nancy is overheard gossiping by Monica (about her adopting her husband’s mistresses child, Jason).  Alexis is appalled that Julian would use the knife that used to kill her mother to kill Carlos – she throws the knife and begins to look through his jacket; she finds the handkerchief with blood all over it, with which Julian wiped the knife clean.  She is hysterical.  Julian tries to console her, but she will have nothing to do with it – she decides to call the police.  Julian stops her; he tells her she needs to question her own actions, telling her she has been complicit in everything he’s done.  

Franco tries to convince Elizabeth that he is not a danger to Jake; Nurse Nancy comes to tell her that Jake never showed up for his appointment with the psychologist.  Sonny and Carly discuss their similarities to and differences between Julian and Alexis; Sonny tells Carly he would never drag her into his business.  She says she knows that.  Julian tells Alexis now that the threat is over, they can live their life together as a family… that she can lie in his arms for the rest of their lives; otherwise, two men died for nothing.  She is speechless.  

Jason thanks Sam for being so patient and understanding, but questions the divorce now – she tells him she would wait for him forever, she loves him so much.  They kiss.  Carly asks Finn for help looking at the printout from the records room, to establish the chain of custody for Joslyn’s kidney; after a brief protest, he admits he doesn’t care about rules and takes a look.  Alexis appears to be in shock now… Julian talks to her about how they are in this together now, for better or worse; boasts about the house he built for them, where they could be safe and warm as the storm rages outside.  He says it’s like they are the only two people in the world now, the only people that matter.  Alexis reiterates that he is a killer; she laughs when he says they can fix this.  He takes the handkerchief and walks to the fireplace, says this is for us…   Julian puts the handkerchief in the fire; there’s a knock at the door.  Alexis answers it; there stands Sonny.  

Finn hmmms over the paper, as he calculates – says, “maybe” when Carly asks if he has something – and “yes” when she asks if he could be more vague.  He’s funny.  He found an employee that hasn’t worked at the hospital since Joslyn’s transplant; he suggests Carly track them down as he’s sure they know something.  Jake is at Franco’s house, eating a bowl of cereal.  Ah... the plot thickens.  Is he going to kidnap Jake and give him to Nina (since the puppy didn't work)??  

Friday 05-13-2016

Elizabeth is packing; she has found a cute little house.  Hayden comes to see Curtis; she tells him he is the only person she can count on and she needs to talk.   Alexis tells Julian that Carlos has been found wounded and take to the ER.  Anna is angered that Griffin is going to give Carlos his ‘last rites’ – she insists they need to question him before he dies.  Griffin proceeds anyway; Carlos says some things in Spanish and Griffin says Amen.  Carlos looks as if he might confess, then he dies.  Jordan comes to Alexis’ house to tell her and Julian that Carlos Rivera is dead.  

Griffin prays, about feeling satisfaction when he witnessed Carlos take his last breath – and asks for forgiveness for him because there was none for him in this world.  Hayden tells Curtis she needs him to steal some diamonds from her husband; he asks her why she doesn’t just sell her engagement ring.  She says it has sentimental value she doesn’t want to give up.  He suggests she just start selling off Nicolas’ belongings to get the money she needs.  Elizabeth questions Nicolas about why he’s being so coy about Hayden; he tells her they are at a stalemate.  Elizabeth gives Nicolas an idea.  

Anna is pretty upset with Griffin and asks why he’s been lying to her since he cam to Port Charles.  Alexis tells Jordan that she knows Julian didn’t shoot Carlos because she had the gun locked up before they left… Jordan asks who said Carlos had been shot?  Griffin tells Anna this is a time for healing now and he wants to help her find a way to forgive Carlos.  She doesn’t want to hear it.  She says the real killer is Julian Jerome and she won’t rest until she gets Justice for Duke.  Curtis shows Hayden how to easily sell stuff online… she thanks Curtis for being such a good friend.  He thanks her for the promotion.  Anna and Sonny talk; they believe Julian was the one who killed Carlos – Sonny assures her she will get her justice after all.  Sonny leaves and Anna talks to the deceased Carlos, saying one day Julian will get what’s coming to him too.  Jordan tells Alexis that Carlos was stabbed, saying it “must have been one hell of a blade”; when she leaves Alexis goes straight to the cabinet and gets the knife out that Julian just put back in there.  She knows.

Thursday 05-12-2016

Nina comes back to her office to find Franco standing there, naked – says he thought he would remind her how big his hands are.  She smiles.  Griffin comes in to see Maxie; tells her Nathan is going to be fine.  Anna realizes what has happened and tries to get out of the freezer room Carlos locked her in; she begins to panic.  Jordan tells Paul they are going to find Carlos, adding that she knows he is hoping Carlos is never found because, then, he will go down for killing Sloane.  

Julian apologizes to Carlos, calling him ‘friend’, as he stabs him again and again, takes the money back, and pushes him into the water.  Franco tells Nina that he said some things that were a mistake, he’s lost without her, he says – so he came to bear himself, no defenses, no armor, asking her to forgive him.  He begs her to come back to him.  Michael happens along the docks and hears Carlos calling out; he is stunned to see him floating there, bleeding.  He pulls him out of the water and tells him that he will get him help if he tells him where Sabrina and the baby are.  Jordan, Paul and Andre deduce that Anna probably went to look for Carlos on the peer; Jordan and Paul leave to go check the docks.  Andre contemplates what Carlos would have done with Anna, if he found her first.  

Anna is acting strange all of the sudden; apparently the freezer is setting cold (the floor is warmer); she lies down on the floor.  So even though she smiled, Nina tells Franco that every step closer she takes to herself is a step away from him.  The more independent she is, the more he fights her – she says, he only loves her when she needs him; and the less she needs him, the less he wants her.  Julian interrupts them.  Franco leaves and Nina asks Julian what he’s doing there.  

Michael calls 911 even though Carlos told him to go to Hell; he calls Sonny and tells him to meet him at the ER.  Maxie talks to Olbrecht as they wait for news about Nathan; Olbrecht says she regrets not ever having been there for her son.  Maxie tells her being there now is what counts.  Jordan is at the docs now, with Paul… no Anna.  Andre finds Anna in the meatlocker and brings her into the hospital.  Paramedics bring Carlos in.  Alexis finds Julian in the office, with Nina, seeming slightly suspicious but not sure of what; he makes up a lie about the stain on his shirt (which was blood), saying he spilled red wine on it.  Nina looks confused by this lie.  Franco shows up at the hospital; Olbrecht hugs him.  She then gets mad at him for being self-absorbed as he starts to complain about his and Nina’s relationship, rather than being sympathetic about her son; she tells him she can’t protect him anymore since she isn’t Chief of Staff - he’s on his own.  Felix tells Sonny, Anna, and others at the hospital that Carlos has requested a priest to give him his last rites; he doesn’t know if he’ll make it long enough for a priest to get there.  Griffin tells them all that he is a priest; he’ll do it.

Wednesday 05-11-2016

As Nina stares at the creepy picture Franco drew of her, Anna lies, unconscious, on the docks.  Carlos begs Julian to help him get out of town and back to Sabrina; Julian determines that he doesn’t have much of a choice.  Franco goes to visit his mother in prison; Kiki comes to tell Nina that she needs to come home because Franco is losing his mind.  Sonny is determined to go after Carlos, himself, now; Carly pleads with him to stay out of it.  

Anna hallucinates Duke now, he wakes her and she tells him how happy she is to see him, even though she knows he’s not real.  She talks about his funeral and the despair she felt; then about tracking down Carlos, and shooting him.  Franco talks about breaking up with Nina; his mother tells him he needs to get her back in between the sheets.  Franco says she can hardly stand being in the same room with him; he doesn’t know how he’ll remind her how good they are in bed together.  She encourages him to ‘think big’ – Nina tells Kiki Franco will have to do something ‘big’ to win her back.  This should be interesting.  Alexis comes home to find Julian getting out his gun; police officers come with her to search the house for Carlos.  Julian tells her he has to go take care of a business emergency and leaves.  The cops walk all over the dock looking for Carlos; they walk right past him as he hides in the water clinging to a dock post.  

Sonny comes to see Alexis, insisting that she knows the truth, that Julian could be a killer; he tells her he is probably with Carlos right now.  And he is… he is giving Carlos money to help him get out of town (he should make sure he makes it out of town).  Anna tells the imaginary Duke about his son, Griffin, and how he found her because of his mother’s letter.  She says he would be proud of the man he has become.  Anna and Duke kiss, and he disappears; Anna is confused.  After handing Carlos the money, Julian pulls a long knife out and stabs him.  Surprised me.

Tuesday 05-10-2016

Alexis sneaks out of bed and calls Garrett to see if he can get the “post-mortem” on the boy witness; if, in fact, it was an accidental overdose.  Sam comes in to talk to her mom; she asks what happened when Anna took her in for finding the boy witness.  Alexis tells her the report says it was accidental; Sam asks her to stop defending Carlos, adding that this is her father’s mess to clean up, not hers.  Griffin admits to Anna that he has a dislike for guns because one was used against him once; he tells her he was committing an act that deserves no forgiveness.  Anna gets a phone call, interrupting their conversation; Griffin gets called into the E.R.  They agree to continue their conversation later.  

Maxie tells Lulu she still needs to find out the truth about Claudette; she asks her to go on a trip to New York with her to ‘look for a wedding dress’ (Claudette just happens to live there and Maxie plans on talking to her).  Lulu tells Maxie that she should just let it go; mentions that she is looking forward to her new life with Dante.  Carlos is running through the woods; he stops to take a breather – Nathan comes upon him, he hides behind a bush.  Carlos grabs a rock.  Julian wakes up to find Alexis gone.  Nathan calls for help; as he passes by Carlos’ hiding spot, Carlos sneaks out after him.  Dante wakes up; he’s in a lot of pain.  Jason tries to keep him calm.  Sam insists to her mother that her father order Duke’s murder, no matter how much he denies it, she tells her mom that he has not changed.  She says she loves her and is worried about her; she’s afraid she is way over her head… Sam asks why she was calling for an autopsy report in the middle of the night.  Julian walks in on their conversation.  

Dante tells Jason what he thinks happened, then asks how he got out of the van, as he sees it burning to a crisp.  Jordan tells Anna about the accident; Anna is horrified, Carlos is loose again.  Paul comes in and Anna asks if he orchestrated this whole thing (which he did).  Carly insists that Alexis wanted to be the one who reformed Sonny, laughing about it as she says, “lucky me” – then she adds that Alexis became all high and mighty until she found a mobster of her own, saying now all her morals have gone out the window.  They then talk about Jason, saying they have to give him time and trust that his memories will come back.  Lulu gets a call about Dante’s accident; Maxie offers to stay with Rocco, then Maxie gets a call.  Dante thanks Jason for saving his life.  

Sam condemns her father for putting her mother through this hell, saying she is turning herself inside out to protect him; acting like a desperate woman afraid she is going to lose the man she loves.  Jordan gets an update on the accident, medics just arrived on scene; she is told that Carlos is missing.  Medics find Nathan with a bloody head – possible skull fracture; they load Dante onto the ambulance and he quickly arrives at the hospital, claiming he’s fine.  Dante tells Sonny and Carly that Jason was the ‘guy on the motorcycle’ and that he saved his life.  Nathan is brought in; Maxie freaks out.  She tells Griffin he has to save Nathan.  

Jordan leaves to go to the hospital to see her officers; Alexis and Paul realize Anna has slipped out of the office.  She has gone off to find Carlos on her own; he’s hiding on the docks, and Anna finds him.  He begs her to pull the trigger and make it count this time – he says, he is not going back to prison.  Anna tells him he is; she plans on taking him in.  He has blood on his side, and keeps grabbing at it; she tells him he is not worth shooting, he will go to prison for the rest of his life.  He falls to his knees and she tries to handcuff him; he flips around and gets a hold of her.  Almost choking, she kicks free; but then, he knocks her unconscious.  He carries her to a cold-storage room and closes the door.  Carlos calls Julian from Anna’s cell phone, and tells him he needs his help.  Jason tells Sam he hit is head tonight… and he remembers – he remembers everything, his past, his life, their life, her.  They kiss.  (Nice.)

Monday 05-09-2016

Yep, it’s Jason; he’s alright.  He’s going to investigate the van; I thought it was on its side… I guess not.  The driver is unconscious; oh wait, he’s dead.  Jason’s cell phone is broken.  Dante is badly injured; he’s trapped under the van in addition to being stabbed.  Robin appears, telling Jason he has to save him.  No sign of Nathan or Carlos yet.  Jason asks Robin to tell him what to do; she laughs, saying she could ever tell him what to do – he does what he feels is right, regardless of what anyone else thinks.  That, she says, was his “one defining trait”.  

Michael stops by to see Sam; tells her he saw Carlos today, that Carlos was trying to ‘make a deal’ with him, and that Jason showed up and told him what he needed to hear just in time.  Sam and Michael discuss Jason (how he is now, and how he used to be); Sam is frustrated that she tries to tell him stories from their past and he doesn’t connect with them.  She says she wants to talk to him about it but doesn’t want to jinx anything (Michael asks when she became superstitious and she replies, when Helena cursed her).  Jason hallucinates Carly now; she is smiling and telling him he needs some encouragement – she tells him to never talk himself into giving up.  He realizes he needs to move the van.  Carly asks what Jason thinks happened; he imagines a prisoner was being transported and he is now running.  He almost decides to try to start the van, then thinks he needs to check for a fuel leak – the fuel line is leaking.  What now?  For whatever reason, Jason sees Helena now… as he looks for a non-existent jack to get the van off of Dante, she taunts him about his skill set not being one that will allow him to lift the van.  She tries to convince him that her conditioning is still in effect; that he should just pass out and when he wakes up, he will be free, his mind cleared and he will go back to his original mission.  She refuses to give up; he turns to Sam, who is now not really standing there – he tells her how much he loves her, saying if he is about to lose his life again, he wants to spend his last few moments with her.  

Meanwhile, Sam is really still talking to Michael, who is trying to convince her that she and Jason belong together.  Jason realizes Dante is getting worse; he tries to leverage the van using a rock and pole, but he passes out.  He wakes to hear Sonny calling him; he gets on his bike, saying he’s leaving – Sonny tells him Helena doesn’t control him, says he’s there to help him.  Sonny asks him why he did everything he did for him; Jason replies, “because we were friends”.   He recollects how they became friends; he remembers everything.  He gets back off his bike and tries again to move the van.  Danny comes home from his play date with the puppy at Monica’s; he asks where daddy is… Sam assures him that daddy will be back again soon, telling him to trust that nothing will ever take him away from them again.  Jason checks to see if the van moved and sees sparks flashing underneath.  He pulls him out and backs away; the van explodes.

Friday 05-06-2016

Mr. Ellis (the hypochondriac) is now dead; he had a serious ailment that was somehow missed, and it has now killed him.  Andre and Jordan make love; Jordan misses eight phone messages.  Lulu and Rocco move back in with Dante; he asks her if she is happy… Lulu says of course she is, the apartment is cramped but any place with him is better than being without him.  He smiles.  He says he’s been looking at houses.  Lulu gets excited.  

Maxie considers a destination wedding – she asks Nathan for input; he says ok, but it has to be later.  He asks her not to start in on Claudette again, she says of course not.  Jason lets Sonny know that Carlos was trying to make a deal with Michael, but Michael did not take it.  Olbrect smirks at the death of Dr. Finns patient.  Paul brings Carlos transfer papers and says he’ll be back within the hour; he accidentally, on purpose, leaves a pen within Carlos’ reach.  Jordan calls Dante back and asks him to come into the station; he leaves Lulu with a kiss.  Jason tells Sonny he cannot be involved in his problems with Julian (because of Sam).  Nathan volunteers to accompany Carlos on a prison transfer; Dante asks if he can tag along.  

Maxie tells Lulu how grateful she is that they are still best friends after all they have been through, and asks her to be her maid of honor.  Of course, Lulu says yes.  On the road, Carlos taunts the two detectives, saying one of them couldn’t handle him – he holds the pen in his hand, supposedly still cuffed.  He gets out of the cuffs, reaches over the seat and stabs Dante; the driver turns to look at what happened and runs into something (all you see is light).  Andre introduces himself to Dr. Finn; Finn is not impressed with him.  He makes it inside an exam room door, slumps against it and injects himself.  Jordan tells Paul she thinks they can still win this case against Carlos; she questions if that is still what he wants.  On the road, lies a motorcycle and man in a helmet – looks like Jason – and the transport truck is on its side.

Thursday 05-05-2016

Cristina stops by her father’s office with her date; he knows Sonny by reputation.  Carlos gets a visitor; he has something to tell him about the witness who came forward against him.  Back to the original plan, then, Carlos says.  Alexis begs Julian for the truth; yes or no, she demands – is he responsible for that man’s (boy’s) death.  Carly gives Finn a compliment; he does not know how to take it.  Olbrecht berates Finn about admitting a man who is a known hypocondriac; he blows up at her and said he just remembered he doesn’t have to take that from her anymore.  She walks away made.  Aron Rollins introduces himself to Sonny; Cristina comes back from the warehouse to find them talking.  He tells Sonny that he is in Culinary School and is such a fan of Corinthos Coffee.  As Sonny compliments Cristina on her taste in men, she interrupts him and says there is something he needs to know.  She tries once again to tell him she might be gay, but avoids it in the end.  

Griffin and Anna talk about whether or not Julian and Alexis were involved in the murder of the boy witness; Anna says it doesn’t make sense why he would fall off the wagon so hard he overdosed when he had been clean for a year.  Julian says he is appalled that Alexis would even ask him about this; he denies having any thing to do with having him killed – he swears on his kids’ lives.  Alexis cringes.  She realizes all the information on the witness was in her briefcase, which she left in a room alone with him to go check on Leo the night before.  She demands to know if he looked at the papers; he acts offended.  Carly begs Finn to help her figure out where Joslyn’s organ transplant originated; they go to the records office and find Olbrecht there.  Carly explains that there was a mix up with her daughter’s transplant and that they need to look at the records.  Olbrecht sends them away with a few snide remarks.  Carly sneaks back in when she leaves.  

Anna compares herself to Carly and Alexis – accepting or in denial; then vents her frustration about the miscarriage of justice going on.  One more time, Julian denies having anything to do with the hit; he becomes frustrated with her distrust and leaves.  She tells him to wait; she tells him she heard him, then asks him to tell her he loves her again and again.  She cries and kisses him.  Sonny goes to see Carlos in jail; he congratulates him on his ‘luck’ and says justice has to be served, then teases him pretending to reach for a gun, and continues to taunt him.    

After listening to her date go on and on about his dream to have a food truck, possibly carrying Corinthos Coffee, she tells him maybe they shouldn’t even be on this date.  He asks her to tell a little about herself so he can figure that out.  He tells her he likes her, regardless of her baggage.  Griffin talks to Anna about faith; she says she doesn’t feel like God is smiling down on her right now – she feels the opposite.  Anna remarks that he seems to have a very strong spiritual connection to something and asks if he hasn’t ever felt that God has failed him.  He says, “actually no… but I have failed Him.”  She inquires how; he tells her that’s a story for another night.  He offers to stay the night, in her guest room.

Wednesday 05-04-2016

Nathan and Griffin stare awkwardly at each other; Nathan asks about his wound.  Griffin says it’s nothing, but Nathan says he knows how he got it.  Maxie comes to bring a clean shirt for Nathan; she’s told to talk to Jason.  The nurse then tells Maxie that a good looking, well built detective went into the locker room to change; she goes to find him.  Alexis is on the phone with Sam; Sam is concerned that Julian will get her in trouble.  Anna tells Dante that she believes Alexis is up to her neck in this mess.  Sam and Jason agree they think Julian did this.  Sam tells Jason he needs to talk to Elizabeth and tell her to stay as far away from Franco as possible.  Elizabeth comes home to find Franco waiting for her; Franco used to run through the tunnels when he was younger so he knew how to get in.  Franco tells Elizabeth “Hurricane Jason” is headed her way. 

Cristina comes home to find Molly doing her laundry, only because Alexis is gone – Molly tells her sister that Alexis has sold out.  Cristina tells Molly getting involved is not going to change anything (then tells Cristina she has a date).  Anna asks Dante to let her sit in on the questioning of Alexis; he agrees.  Julian makes it clear that he will stay for the questioning… Anna reaffirms that she knows they are a team.  Alexis says she only spoke with he boy for about three minutes then he became agitated and left; that was hours before he was found dead.  Griffin simply tells Nathan that he was as much as fault as the person who shot him, and he doesn’t want to talk about it.  Nathan gets that.  Maxie comes in to find them both shirtless.  

Franco tries to talk to Elizabeth about his problems with Nina (and apologizes for giving Jake the puppy); he tells her he and Nina broke up.  She understands when he tells her he misses her beautiful face, even though he kinda hates her right now… he says it’s all his fault.  Elizabeth says it is usually more than one person’s fault; she encourages him to keep drawing and keep helping people, including Jake.  Jason shows up to find Franco there with Elizabeth.  Anna infers that Alexis may have had something to do with the death of the boy; she says she was with Julian in his office.  Anna wants a better alibi.  Griffin hurried out of the locker room after Maxie showed up; Nathan says it’s weird how he talked about it, almost like he felt he deserved it.  Griffin meets Sam (for the first time?) and tells her that his dad was also a mobster.  When Sam mentions that her dad is Julian Jerome, they realize their fathers “did not get along”.  They agree that should not affect them. 

Jason tells Elizabeth that Franco has been stalking him and teasing him about how close they have gotten.  Jason and Franco bicker and Liz asks him to just go, but she argues that Jake has done better with Franco than anywhere else.  Jason tells her that he thinks he is manipulating Jake.  She just doesn’t think Franco is the bad guy Jason thinks he is, but agrees to cancel his art therapy.  Anna asks Alexis if she is Julian’s stooge, or his accomplice.  Nathan can’t help but think Griffin is hiding something; Maxie points out that everyone has something to hide, including him.  When they get home, Alexis asks Julian if Anna was right… did he order that witness murdered?  Griffin comes to see Anna; Cristina has a date with a guy, and it seems to be going fairly well. 

The new nurse is sure opinionated, and mouthy – I don’t like her – her name is Nancy.  She tells Franco that Elizabeth Weber has discontinued her son’s art therapy sessions; Jason says he’ll come by tomorrow so they can tell Jake together.  Dante tells Sam, that the witness appears to have accidentally overdosed; he tells her he doesn’t think her father is innocent.  Alexis questions Julian when they get home; she tells him not to equivocate, evade or lie – she wants to know the truth – she asks if he ordered that witness murdered.  

Tuesday 05-03-2016

Hayden claims Nikolas planted those diamonds in her bag and he won’t get away with it; he says, he can, and he has.  Nikolas tells her the stones are from a necklace her father stole, which are marked and can be traced back to her.  She stops him from call the Feds.  Nikolas tells her to sign a paper relinquishing her rights to the five million dollars awarded to her in the pre-nup; she is not walking out of her door with a dime.  Hayden resorts again to blackmailing Nikolas for trying to kill her.  They both agree to just wait again, and stay married for now.  

Griffin asks Anna to teach him to Tango, in honor of his father.  Franco claims he has not been spying on Sam and Jason – Jason asks him what he wants.  Franco professes that he was sketching… it’s therapeutic for him.  Jason thinks there is more to the story; he grabs Franco’s sketchpad.  They find a creepy drawing of Nina.  Sam debates whether or not she should tell Nina about the picture Franco drew.  Nina tells Julian that she and Franco are over; he tells her to let him know if he can help.  

Nina asks Julian who he was taking to when she walked in.  He gets a text from Alexis’ and heads to the hospital.  Franco says he would never hurt Nina… not in the way that they think, anyway.  He shows Nina the picture; she says it looks like a threat.  He says it’s not.  He says it’s how he sees her right now.  Nathan tells Julian and Alexis to stay put; he has to finish questioning her about the boy who overdosed.  Nathan walks in the locker room and surprises Griffin who is standing with his shirt off, looking at an old bullet wound.  Anna flips out on Julian when she learns the boy witness has overdosed.

Monday 05-02-2016

Mac serves Griffin at the bar; asks him to tell him about himself.  They reminisce about Duke and how making his father proud would leave a legacy; then Mac brags about Maxie and his love for her and his granddaughter.  Alexis is trying to check out the boy witness’ alibi… the boy happens to walk into the bar.  He assures her he is telling the truth.  Jordan comes in to the courtoom with a bit of an attitude; she tells Anna the good news about the witness.  Sam comes to see her father – she asks Julian if he had anything to do with Sonny getting shot.  He tells her no.  The conversation then turns to her mother compromising her morals for him; she thinks someone else should represent Carlos.  She tells her dad, this is not her mother’s mess to clean up, it is his.  

Michael tells Carlos breaking him out is impossible – Carlos says, not with his connections.  Jordan tells Andre she wants to cancel their date for tonight.  Andre tells her maybe she needs to see a psychiatrist.  Hayden is being questioned, now, by the FBI.  Nikolas comes upon the ‘investigation’ (which is taking place in the parking garage); he tells them to contact ‘their’ attorney, Alexis Davis.  Hayden looks confused.  She questions why he did it – he tells her, he’s a prince… it’s what they do.  Then he confesses that he doesn’t want the agents investigating his personal finances.  Hayden finally agrees it’s time for them to go their separate ways.  Jason asks Michael, if he helps Carlos, what’s in it for him?  He tells Jason he knows what he is doing.  Michael turns Carlos down.  Anna fills Mac in on her court hearing results, then realizes it is Duke’s death anniversary today.  She talks about their turbulent relationship, finally getting it together – and her last night with him.  Alexis tells Julian about the boy witness - there is no way she can win this case; Carlos has to take the deal.  

Andre shows up at Jordan’s door; there’s something she needs to know… he tells her if he wanted to date Anna he would have never asked her out.  Nikolas asks how he could ever know Hayden won’t try to blackmail him for more money, or turn him in to the police; he shows her the bag of diamonds he found in her cosmetic bag.  Now she’s worried.  Jason and Sam sit in the park, kissing happily on the bench and they hear something.  Jason finds Franco watching them behind the bushes.  Julian gets a phone call telling him that “it’s done” – was that a hit on the boy witness?  Alexis happens across the boy, dead in his car, with a needle in his arm.  Griffin asks Anna if she knows what she is going to do now; she says she does.

Friday 04-29-2016

Carly talks with Dr. Finn about where Joslyn’s kidney came from; he tells her it may be a place she doesn’t even want to know about (i.e. black market).. Lucas and Brad discuss wedding plans; Lucas thinks Brad is stalling.  He assures Lucas he is not; he reminds him how lucky they are to be getting married at all – not many years ago, it was forbidden.  Anna appears in court and asks to speak for herself, against Scotty’s advice, but he tells her he has a secret weapon.  Scotty warns Paul not to go after Anna. Anna pleads ‘not guilty’ and Scotty asks that she be released.  The judge grants bail.

Jason tells Sonny he doesn’t want to get involved; Sonny tells him sometimes you have to intervene – Carly comes in as Jason leaves.  She tells Sonny he can’t pressure Jason into helping him.  Brad finally meets Dr. Finn.  Alexis tells Carlos the motion is dead in the water; a witness saw him shoot Duke Lavery.  Carlos tells Michael he is willing to make a deal.  Andre tells Anna that he believes she is a person of great integrity and courage.  Jordan sees Anna hugging Andre.  Carly tells Sonny that she just wants to hit Jason sometimes and tell him that he is the same Jason, but you can’t; Sonny thinks maybe their Jason is gone.   Carlos asks Michael to break him out of there. 

Thursday 04-28-2016

As Monica tells Dr. Finn that she things there is a change in the air, Olbrecht bursts into view, obviously pissed off, followed by Tracy, who is telling her that her reign of terror is over.  Monica is made Chief of Staff and offers Olbrecht a job on staff; she leaves in a huff.  Next, Monica offers Finn a job (anything he wants, including unfettered access to the lab).  Maxie wakes Nathan wanting to make wedding plans (she wants to make certain that they don’t repeat anything from his first wedding)… she asks him to tell her everything about his wedding with Claudette.  He tells her it was nothing special (a courthouse wedding); says if she doesn’t want to repeat anything from his first marriage, “just don’t cheat on me” and he gets out of bed.  

Maxie hires Sam to investigate what Nathan is hiding and why.  Sam is hesitant to take her case, but Maxie talks her into it.  Nathan talks with his mother and they say that if Maxie ever finds out the truth about Claudette, he would end up in Pentonville.  Michael is back in Port Charles – Sonny and Carly tell him that he needs to give up looking for Sabrina and move on.  Sam and Jason wake in the barn; they take their time getting up - they are still being watched.  As they go to leave they notice muddy footprints on the porch; they don’t seem to worried about it.  Franco walks in his door (looking like a zombie) and Nina asks him where he’s been all night.  Franco tells Nina they need to decide which way to go and if they want to go there together.  They get in a fight again, Nina ends up crying; she tells him she needs understanding and compassion – he stares blankly, and she realizes he can’t give that to her.  

Franco tells her he wishes he was enough for her, and she needs to say goodbye.  Finn comes into Metro Court and lets Carly know he has been given a position of staff – Carly warns him that there is a dark side to General Hospital too.  Nina has some difficulty leaving; when she asks Franco if he will be ok, he tells her not to worry about that.  Michael stops in to the PD to talk to Carlos – Carlos tells Michael that he and Sabrina got married and he will never lay a hand on her again.

Wednesday 04-27-2016

Hayden talks with Curtis after snapping at the waiter; he tells her what kind of repercussions that could bring (i.e. spit in your drink).  She insults him.  Apiphany tells Dr. Finn that some of her pills are missing from the 10th floor dispensary; he acts indifferent about it.  He goes to see Tracy, who is packing her bags.  She makes him an offer.  Alexis overhears Julian on the phone, ordering a hit.  Julian tries to blow it off as some editorial issues.  Someone is definitely watching Sam and Jason.  Tracy fills Finn in on her plans to stage a ‘coo’ at their next board meeting for the hospital.  Kiki and Dillon have an enjoyable conversation while they change his tire.  

Cristina meets a good-looking young man in the hallway on her way to visit Morgan; Morgan tells her he was hitting on her.  He asks if she’s interested.  Curtis tells Hayden she needs to quit being greedy – says she should take her 5 million dollars and run, find herself a man who hasn’t tried to kill her.  She tells him she has to go.  Julian tells Alexis that he has hired some people to keep an eye on her… from a legit security firm.  Alexis is not in favor of having security.  He tells her he’s not calling them off, swearing he has done nothing to compromise himself for this case.  Alexis looks concerned.  Sam and Jason run into a barn to get out of the rain; Cristina fesses up to Morgan about hitting on Parker, including the fact the Parker is a woman.  He takes it well and ‘high-fives’ her, thanking her because he is not the only screw up in the family now.   Cute.  Tracy introduces Hayden to Dr. Finn; he excuses himself.  Tracy fires Hayden, officially; wanted to do it face-to-face.  Hayden asks why; Tracy tells her she is a self-serving bitch.  

Alexis receives a report about the boy witness, but cannot show it Julian; he accepts that there must be secrets in their marriage, and uses that to justify hiring a ‘security company’.  Dillon shares some of his darkest days with Kiki; she says it sounds like depression, losing all hope.  He asks if that’s how she feels now; she says yes, and stupid and guilty.  Dillon tells her that the spirit heals on different time table.  Morgan tells Cristina that he thinks their dad would accept her no matter what.  He thanks Cristina for coming by, and for being herself – not tip-toeing around like he’s going to break, like their parents do.  Apiphany asks Dr. Finn if he has any talent, trying to recruit him for the nurses’ ball; he tells her she will be disappointed.  Finn then confronts Hayden; he was one of Hayden’s father’s victims.  Alexis and Julian apologize to each other; they agree it’s for the best moving forward – Leo begins to cry.  As Alexis goes to console him, she turns and asks Julian to promise her he will always protect their love and their lives together.  He promises; then he finds the letter in her purse (giving information on the witness) when she exits the room.  

Kiki thanks Dillon for getting her out of the apartment and he invites her our for ice cream; she agrees to go.  Cristina runs into the boy in the hallway and he asks for her phone number; Julian calls his associate with the boy witness’ name and address.  Curtis tells Hayden that he knows she is not as tough as she pretends to be… she is vulnerable – he tells her now she’s hit rock bottom, things can’t get much worse.  FBI arrives at her table and says she needs to come with them.  Jason and Sam made themselves comfortable in the barn for the night; they talk about not letting Franco ruin their lives.  But Sam is worried Franco will do something dumb and dangerous.  Sam tells her not to worry; he’ll be there to protect her.  Someone stands outside the barn, looking in.