09-01-2017 (Friday) So Much for Smooth Sailing

Finn paces, as he and Anna wait to visit with Hayden’s father; she says he is making her anxious.  He snaps at her, reminding her that he is looking for a human being, she is looking for information about a silly diamond.  Anna tells Finn what she knows about the diamond and that she thinks Valenin is tied to it somehow; he says the only thing he heard is Valentin.  He asks Anna what’s up with the two of them; Anna tells him to just stay focused on his fiancĂ©` and they start arguing.  Berlin comes in; he is of no help though.  He says he knows nothing about the diamond, and tells Finn, if there is one thing his daughter is good at, it’s disappearing.

Nina calls Valenin; she tells him she doesn’t understand why he just disappeared like that, and asks him to please come back.  Michael tells Nelle that he believes in her; she asks him what she did to deserve him.  She says she should go help everyone look for the necklace.  He suggests they go try out the bath salts, saying, if they need her, they will come find her.  They aren’t able to though for some reason; they told not to leave.  Carly calls to tell Michael about Jason being shot; she says she will keep him informed.  He tells Nelle he wants to go back and be there for Jason.  Nina comes to tell Nelle that there is a cop with an attitude coming to ask her questions; she says, “great.”  The policeman doesn’t ask her any questions though; he simply places her under arrest.

Diane sits, nervously looking at her phone, at the bar in The Floating Rib; Alexis comes in and asks what’s wrong.  She says Max was in a meeting and hasn’t text yet to let her know he’s okay; Alexis asks what this meeting was about.  Diane tells her; Alexis laughs, saying, “good luck with that one” when Diane says Sonny is getting out of the business.  She tells Alexis she expected to see her last night; Alexis says Carly and Sonny left her with an unexpected bottle of champagne.  She says she went to a meeting instead.  Diane asks how she feels about Julian now, reminding her that he caused her to lose her law license; Alexis says he was sorry.  Diane mocks the thought; she says for him the end always justifies the means, which is abhorrent.  Diane gets a call from Max; Alexis gets a text from Sam.  Alexis says, “so much for smooth sailing.”

Franco looks at the photos; Jake comes in and squirts him with a huge squirt gun.  He says he got it at a friend’s birthday party; Franco says his mom doesn’t like him playing with guns and he takes it away.  Jake sees the picture of the two boys and asks Franco who the other kid is; Franco says he doesn’t know.

Carly brings Sam food and tells her she needs to eat; Sonny is begins to regret his decision to retire, saying it seems like, if he does, somebody worse is going to take over.  Carly says she knows.  Sam hears Sonny blaming himself and tells him to quit; she asks if they have ever known Jason to do something he didn’t want to do.  They both say no.  She says Jason will be Jason, and they all know it; all they can do is wait not and hope for the best.  Carly says she can’t believe she is the one talking them down right now; Sonny tells her Jason will be okay.  Franco comes to the hospital and Liz tells him about Jason; he tries to offer his condolences to Sam and she tells him to get out of her face.  Liz pulls Franco away, and takes him to the elevator; she asks him how she is supposed to tell Jake about Jason.  He hugs her, and says they will tell him together.  Sam, Sonny and Carly wait for Jason to come out of surgery; the doctor comes in to the room and tells them that the surgery was more complicated than the expected.  They aren’t sure Jason is going to regain consciousness.

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