09-12-2017 (Tuesday) One Secret is Told

Sonny waits for an answer from Griffin, but they are interrupted by Kiki; she tells Griffin she needs to talk to him.  She tells him it’s about her mother.  He says maybe a trip to the spa isn’t the worst thing; Kiki says it just all seems a little weird because it came out of no where.  She says she is going all the way to Florida and wouldn’t give any details; Griffin asks Kiki if she wants to come with him to go talk to her mom.  They are surprised to see that she isn’t home; they find a note pad with a doctor’s name on it, in St. Fredricksburg, Russia.  They know this has something to do with Valentin, and that concerns Griffin; Kiki says she wants to know whatever he knows.  He tells her about Ava telling him about some experimental surgery Valentin offered her; he tells Kiki he is afraid he may have played a part in Ava’s disappearance.  Kiki doesn’t understand, and asks what happened; he tells her he was “careless with her feelings.”

On the airplane, Ava meets a woman who tells her she has seen worse scars than hers, in her own mirror; the woman is stunningly beautiful.  She tells Ava she is her companion for the trip; she says her life is about to change in amazing ways.  Ava says there are some things you just can’t get back; she is thinking she has made a terrible mistake.  The lady assures her that the doctor is an expert at what he does; a miracle worker even… Ava asks what her story is.  She says she will show her; she shows her pictures of her, all beaten and bloody – broken nose, jaw and cheekbone, slashes from a knife.  She says her husband is now in prison; she says, this is why she wants to help her.  She tells Ava, after the surgery she will be filled with overwhelming gratitude and a new sense of purpose.

Sam is really getting mean with Carly; she questions when they really, truly became friends.  Carly says it’s been a while now, to which Sam scoffs; she says she knows it’s all been an act for Jason, and she can stop pretending already.  Carly tells Sam, Jason wouldn’t want to be hooked up to machines and wouldn’t want her sitting her by his bedside forever; Sam takes this to mean that Carly assumes she knows Jason better than she.  She gets even angrier; Carly tells Sam, if she wasn’t really her friend, she wouldn’t have covered for her.  Alexis rounds the corner; Carly tells Sam, she didn’t like her at first, but she grew to like her, even love her… Sam looks like she is going to cry now; she tells Carly she loves her too.  Carly excuses herself.  Alexis asks Sam if she should know anything.  Carly tells Sonny that she just got upset with Sam and she feels bad about it; he tells her Sam may have needed it.  Sam tells her mom about her shooting Sonny, and that Carly agreed to stay quiet about it; she says, legally, she wasn’t culpable because she had that brain infection – but covering it up, she says, “muddies the waters.”  Carly tells Sonny she honestly loves Sam; he tells her Sam knows that.  Carly says, however, if Jason knew he wasn’t going to wake up, he would rather be dead; Sonny tells her, if it comes to that, he will do whatever he needs to for a friend.  Carly says she needs to go, and they agree to meet later at the Metro Court; they say they love each other and she leaves.  Sam tells her mom that everything Carly told her just infuriated her, because she knows she is right.

Franco meets with Olbrecht; they share a bottle of wine.  He shows her the picture and asks what she sees; she describes the two boys and guesses that the brown haired one is him.  She laughs when he tells her he thinks the other boy is Jason; she reminds him that the “twin story” was all a lie invented by Heather Webber.  Franco questions, what if the lie was that it was all a lie; what if the truth, is that it was really the truth, he asks.  He tells her about his “imaginary friend” and how they used to climb trees and run in the fields; he wonders what happened to him when he just disappeared from his life.  Olbrecht suggests that he speak to his adopted mother, Betsy.  She says she knows, if her adopted child had questions, she would hope he would come to her.

Michael tells Nelle about him being shot when he was little; he says he was comatose for over a year.  He can’t believe their family is “here again.”  He questions, if he had done something, or said something, maybe he could have changed things; Nelle tells him he can’t blame himself for this.  Still, he does.  Carly shows up on the footbridge; she tells Michael she came there to think for a while.  She then tells Michael about Nelle’s former fiancĂ©, assuming Nelle hasn’t said anything about it; she suggests he asks Nelle about it and leaves.  She meets Sonny at the Metro Court and tells him that she didn’t mean to say anything, but it just came “flying out.”  Sonny gets a phone call from Milo; he tells Carly they need to go… somebody just broke into her house.  Michael tells Nelle that now might be a good time to tell him everything.

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