Tuesday 06-07-2016

Sorry for the delay in posting everybody!  I went to my first residency two weeks ago and had assignments to catch up on when I got home... I'll get you caught up here as quickly as possible:

Maxie comes back to the apartment to get some of her things for work; Nathan insists she must have wanted to see him.  She asks him to explain if he was going to continue lying to her for the rest of their lives if he hadn’t blurted out her name in his delirium; he confesses, probably.  She said he was the one person she thought would never lie to her – she’s always been the liar… he broke her trust and she’s not sure she can get it back.  Nathan asks her if that means she doesn’t love him anymore and she tells him she doesn’t know how to answer that; she has made too many mistakes in her life and can’t afford to make another.  

Cristina calls her new boyfriend over to tell him she got her dad to agree to let him sell Corinthos coffee on his food truck; he tells her he doesn't actually have a food truck yet, so she offers to talk to her dad about getting a loan from him.  Morgan recalls the kiss between Dillon and Kiki; he throws his tablet down and then lies to his dad about why.  Sonny presses the issue and Morgan tells him he saw Kiki and Dillon kissing.  Kiki brings a pastry to Dillon at Crimson; he gives her a present (a shirt from the concert) then asks her to go on a real date with him.  She explains to him that she might not be completely over Morgan.  He tells her he is going to leave then and kisses her again.  

Ava comes to see Julian at the hospital after hearing that Lucas woke up from the coma; she questions if there is a problem between he and Alexis.  Then she asks about Carlos’ death and he tells here there’s nothing to connect him to it.  Diane tells Alexis she has to turn Julian in today, or her life, as she knows it may come to an end; Alexis is frantically looking for the bloody shirt when Julian gets home; he asks her if ‘this’ is what she’s looking for.  He holds up the bloody shirt.

Monday 06-06-2016

Lucas is recovering... he is questioned about what he remembers; he said after bringing his mom in she insisted he go back, but he forgot his car keys – some one was standing over his mom with a syringe. when he went back in the room.  He asked what they were doing and they jumped him and shot him in the neck.  The man was dressed like a doctor; wearing a white lab coat… and a cap with a mask.  Elizabeth arrives at work; Franco attempts to talk to her – she is cold.  She rambles off all her problems and tells him this is not about him.  

Hayden's mother tells her everything is going to be okay now that she is here - she tells her mother that nothing will be okay after what she did (having her dad put in prison); there is a lot of contempt in this relationship.  Maxie gets concerned and starts trying to guess what Nathan is trying to tell her; he asks her just to let him tell her in his own way… the whole story about Claudette.  Ok – the secret revealed.  He walked in on Claudette one night after a night of drinking with his buddies; there was a man in bed with her.  Nathan drew his gun and shot the man, then passed out… he did not see what the man looked like.  Think back – Griffin was shot, in the side, but didn’t want to talk about it.  He has always looked at Nathan very strangely, as if he knew him.  Nathan shot Griffin!  I’m sure of it.  

Jason and Sam continue brain storming; they describe Nikolas wrecking the room… they figure there is probably a secret passageway from the bedroom.  But then how did Jason see the body on the rocks, they wonder.  He put a dummy there before trashing the room and breaking the window they decide; and they figure out that he may have been trying to frame someone other than Jason.  Hayden and her mother try to have a conversation; her mom attempts to hug her, to which Hayden responds coldly.  She tells Hayden she will call her any name she wants and begs her to give her a chance.  Monica asks Finn to take a drug test; Olbrecht swears she will find find proof of Finn's guilt.  Sam and Jason hide out at Sonny’s cabin – they have a drink and play dominos.  Franco offers to help Elizabeth get revenge on Hayden; she finally believes he really wants to be her friend.  Maxie gets upset and tells Nathan she is leaving; she needs some time to process everything.  She can't believe he shot a man out of jealousy.

Friday 06-03-2016

Griffin prays for guidance with regard to Nathan; Jordan questions Hayden about the diamonds; the FBI has been called.  Carly tells Griffin she has reason to suspect him, as she knows he has lied to her – she asks him to tell her the truth.  Jason deduces that the furniture was deliberately moved;  Spencer tells Laura that he can assure her “father is never coming back.”  She is concerned at his behavior.

Haha… when Olbrecht tells Monica that there were rumors at Finn’s last job about him being a drug addict, she tells Olbrecht that she has heard rumors she used to be a man!  That’s funny.  Finn gets defensive with Carly; she returns the favor… he breaks down and tells her he has been hiding something but he says he can’t tell her.  He comes up with an idea that might help Lucas come out of the coma; they go to the hospital.  Brad talks to Lucas, holding his hand; he tells him how much he loves him, asks him to squeeze his hand.  No response.  Brad tells Lucas it’s ok if he’s not ready to wake up – and then Lucas moves his hand; he starts to wake up.  

Laura reveals the secret behind her relationship with Nikolas to Kevin… how she had to leave him behind when she escaped the Casadine’s; and how she lied to Luke about his existence for so long, and how Nikolas forgave her.  Hayden tries to leave the island, but Elizabeth is at the door – she says she is not going to let her leave.  They start wrestling on the floor; ‘Racheal’s mother walks in, asking what’s going on.  Jason resolves that Nikolas is alive and playing them all.

Thursday 06-02-2016

Nathan wakes up in the hospital, startled; Maxie assures him he is okay.  She gets him a drink of water, saying it will give him clarity and energy.  He was talking in his sleep, she said, about a shooting; she asks him about it and he insists it was just a dream.  She gleefully accepts his explanation and sits down to show him the pictures from the Nurses’ Ball, which she attended with Griffin.  Carly finds Bobbie, already discharged.  Olbrecht suggests Carly ask Dr. Finn what happened.  Dr. Finn shows up at Wyndemere asking for Nikolas; Hayden tells him he may be dead and asks what he wants.  Jason explains to Sam that he is not going to run, but he is going to find out what happened to Nikolas before the cops can pin it on him.  She says she is going with him then; they can leave Danny with the Quartermaine’s – he asks if she is sure.  She assures him she is; he says okay then they will make arrangements for Danny.  

Olbrecht tells Carly she has a problem Dr. Hamilton Finn, who doesn’t care for his patients as much as he does that damn lizard of his.  Carly demands to know what Olbrecht thinks she knows; Monica explains that the muscle relaxant found in Lucas’ bloodstream was injected in the neck and Olbrecht thinks Finn did it.  Finn admits to Hayden that he actually wanted to see her; he gives her the check back she had earlier given to him.  Elizabeth tells Jordan that Hayden has motive to kill Nikolas; she asks her to explain.  She claims Hayden has been lying about being destitute – she believes she profited from her father’s ‘ponzie’ scheme; she tells Jordan about the diamonds.  Jordan tells her that Hayden has an alibi and Jason doesn’t.  

While he is talking to Hayden, Finn has an episode; he grabs his arm and falls to the ground.  Hayden brings him a cup of water and wants to call an ambulance, but he tells her not to – instead he asks for his bag.  He needs her assistance though because he is weak.  After the injection, he is feeling much better; he tells her if she ever wanted to make everything up to him, she will forget she ever saw this.  She is clearly confused.  Sam and Jason go to a cabin in the woods; they start going over the timeline – they are doing more talking than note taking.  Jason stresses that the bumping and scraping sounds he heard sounded like someone moving furniture.  Elizabeth shows up at Wyndemere; she says she left something there.  When Griffin goes in to discharge Nathan, Nathan asks to talk to him (as a priest); Maxie has an awkward conversation with Griffin afterward.  Carly starts to suspect Finn; she confronts him.  Nathan stops Maxie when she starts talking about wedding plans again; he tells her there is something she needs to know before they get married.

Wednesday 06-01-2016

Lulu and Dante are looking for a new home; they discuss finding one perfect for the ‘four’ of them.  They discuss having their last embryo implanted as soon as possible; they both get phone calls about Nikolas.  Carly finally gets a message from her voicemail about Lucas and her mother being in the hospital; Hayden and Laura are discussing what happened when Spencer comes in, questioning if someone died.  Jason comes in to the police station with his lawyer, Diane, for questioning.  

Ava walks in to Sonny and Carly’s house, insisting she is there to pick up Avery again – as agreed, this time; Carly looks stunned.  Sonny tells Ava to apologize for being rude to Carly or she won’t ever see Avery at all.  Ava apologizes and Carly goes to get Avery for her visit; Sonny tells her if she screws up again, she loses Avery for good.  Dillon apologizes to Kiki for kissing her like that; she tells him that kiss was the best thing that has happened to her in a long time.  

Spencer seems to be taking the news about his father very well; he is speaking statistically and logically thinking of all the possibilities.  Elizabeth accuses Hayden of pushing Nikolas; says she has all the motive she needs.   Hayden accuses her of wanting to come to Nikolas and Jason’s rescue at the same time – diverting the polices attention to her.  Elizabeth brings up Hayden’s father again and says she is finally going to pay.  As the questioning continues, Jason says he first heard thumping and scraping, then went to the room and heard the glass break just before he entered the room; he says he looked through the window and say a body on the rocks below.  Jordan says his story doesn’t sound right and decides that he must have pushed him.  Jordan moves her questioning to Sam; asking how she knew where to look for Jason – she figured he would go talk to Nikolas.  After explaining what she heard upon entering Wydemere, Jordan says the footage disputes their story… the timing doesn’t match up.  She says there is a full seven minutes between Sam and Jason's entry into Wyndemere.

When Ava leaves with Avery, Carly questions why; he tells her because of Michael.  He explains, they cut AJ out of Michael’s life for Michael’s own good – when AJ came back, he made them look like the bad guys.  He doesn’t want Avery being lied to by Ava… he figures, let her visit, and after every visit when she comes home to them she will know true love; Ava won’t be able to come back ten or fifteen years later wrecking Avery’s life – they are neutralizing her.  Makes sense.  Ok.  Ava sees Kiki talking with Dillon and tells Avery that she is having a very good day.  

Diane suggests Jordan stop rushing to judgment and find out what really happened to Nikolas, reminding her that this system has a record of baseless accusations against Jason and she need not add to them.  When Jordan leaves the room, Diane explains to Jason and Sam that his history with Nikolas, added to the timeframe developed by the police department; if this goes to trial, she will have to convince the jury that he has overcome the brainwashing/ torture he endured, and although he had a murderous rage against Nikolas once upon a time, he has set aside all that on behalf of his late sister, Emily.  She tells him she hopes it doesn’t come to that and reminds him that he was always her favorite client.  Ava enters the room; Kiki takes Avery to the kitchen and Ava congratulates Dillon for helping Kiki get over Morgan.  

Sonny tells Carly it feels good to dictate the terms with Ava; he knew she would come through for him – he thanks her.  They kiss.  Dante and Lulu bring Spencer home with Laura… he tells Hayden, it’s ok; he says his father may be gone, but she still has him – he hugs her.  Sam and Jason stroll through the park; he tells Sam he will not get arrested because he is not going to be there.

Tuesday 05-31-16

Lucas is still attached to a breathing machine; Brad asks Dr. Finn how this could have happened.  He asks if anyone has called Lucas’ father.  Julian tells Alexis he is off to bed; she says she has work to do – he asks if they are okay… She recounts all the things he has done and asks how she should feel, noting that she is still there with him.  Molly comes home; Julian gets the call from Brad.  Sabrina recoils from Tacey’s request not to touch the baby, then says she knew she could trust her friend.  Tracy says she wishes she could say the same.  After informing Sabrina of her troubles, Tracy tells Sabrina she should have been there for her.  She is angry about the way Sabrina disappeared into the night; friends say goodbye at the very least.  Says she has never made a friend worth keeping.  

Sonny tells Ava that Avery is not going home with her today, tomorrow or ever.  He tells Ava she can leave and not come back; he tells her it’s a “sweet deal” because he is going to let her live.  He tells her his concern is keeping his daughter safe, but avenging Connie’s death could be a plus.  Ava tells him that her life isn’t worth living without her daughter; she tells him to go ahead and kill her.  Brad makes the call to Julian; Olbrecht comes in and tells Finn to get away from the patient; she says she saw him rifling through the patient’s records and messing with his IV.  Olbrecht explains to Julian that the hospital has lost two patients this week, to unexplained heart failure, who also had Finn as their doctor.  Julian grabs Finn and Brad intervenes, explaining that Finn was helping Lucas when he came in.  Finn tells Olbrecht she’s crazy.  Sam questions Curtis about why he is there at Wyndemere; Jordan arrives.  She questions all four witnesses; Hayden leaves a few things out of her story.  Jason refuses to answer any questions and says he wants to talk to a lawyer.  Hayden wants both Sam and Jason arrested for murder.  Laura comes through the door; she asks where Nikolas is.  

With Julian gone, Molly questions her mother; Alexis is unable to talk, but asks what she would do if she made a decision that she regretted.  Molly tells her to start following her instincts again.  Jordan asks Hayden if there were any servants or anyone else on the island; she tells her there are surveillance cameras on the outside perimeter and Hayden gives her permission for them to collect the footage.  Julian calls Alexis to come to the hospital; he says he needs her.  Sonny says he will make an arrangement for Ava to see her daughter… but she has to know that they are not going to lie to Avery, so when she is old enough she can make the decision as to whether she wants to see her or not; and when the truth comes out about her killing Connie, he won’t lift a finger to help her.  Sabrina tells Tracy that she named her baby Edwardo, after her father because their family had been so kind to her.  Tracy lets Sabrina hold her baby.  Brad comes back with Lucas’ labwork; Finn says this can’t be right – derisifol, a muscle relaxer used during surgery, was in his system, enough to kill him.