3-24-2017 (Friday) Withdrawals

Finn tells Hayden to tie him up (then gives her a roll of duct tape); she tapes him to a chair.  She wakes up to him calling her name; he needs a drink of water.  He tells her he “went through withdrawals” in the middle of the night; she says she has only been sleeping for two hours.  She questions how long he’s been feeling better; he says it doesn’t matter.  He tells her to let him go; she refuses.  He gets angry and yells at her; he accuses her of turning on him, of trying to steal from him and then breaks down crying.  Hayden texts Curtis; she bends down to wife Finn’s head and he grabs her arm.  Curtis comes into the room, as she is screaming for Finn to let go of her.  Curtis tells her even if they make it through the next few hours; he says “detox” isn’t the end of Finn’s battle with addiction… it’s only the beginning.

Kristina and Molly come to see their mother; Kristin, who is still slightly pissed at her mother, tells her mom that she is sorry for everything she has gone through.  They hug.  She lets them both read the letter and asks their opinion; Kristina is sure it is all lies.  Molly, who studies the letter thoroughly, says since he wrote it to be read only after his death, it might just be the truth.  They ask Alexis how long it has been since she has been to a meeting and encourage her to go to one tonight; she says she has to find another sponsor, since her last one was a deranged killer.  They all laugh and hug again.

Sam watches Jason holding their baby girl as he stands by the window in the morning light, showing her the harbor; Sam leans over the handrail and smiles.  She thanks him for taking the last feeding and offers to take the baby now.  Curtis comes over; he tells Jason that he might be joining the police department.  Jason congratulates him, if that’s what he wants to do, but says they will no longer be working together if he is PCPD.  Curtis acknowledges this; they shake hands and Curtis leaves.   Jason asks Sam how she feels about her dad likely being dead; she claims to have no feelings whatsoever about it.  She says she feels sorry for her mom and sorry for all her father did; not sorry for him.  She says she just wants to focus on their little girl and Danny and their life together from now on.  The girls come by to see Sam; they tell her their mom is on her way to an AA meeting.

Alexis walks back in the door of her house, closes the blinds, and pulls a bottle of wine out of her purse.  She sits it down and stares at it.Sonny and Carly run into each other at Perks; Carly tries to excuse herself, saying she just came by for a different blend.  Sonny asks her if she has to go; he wants to talk.  She tells him she knows that the should be able to get through this, after all they have already been through… but he lied to her, and she’s having a hard time accepting that; she says she is going to need more time.  He asks how much time; she says she doesn’t know.  He says he isn’t doing this again, and starts to walk away.  She stops him, and tells him all of this pain isn’t her fault; he says he knows that, but if she can’t forgive him, she can just stop running because he isn’t going to run after her anymore.  She asks if that means their marriage is over.

3-23-2017 (Thursday) Enter Larry Ashford

Jordan tells Olivia that her “henchman, Winston Rudg has all kinds of stories to tell about her; Olivia smirks.  Jordan tells her they have all kinds of evidence and they will find what they don’t have; Olivia mocks how determined she is.  Jordan leaves.  As Jordan talks to Curtis outside of the interrogation room, Sonny comes by to see Olivia; Jordan goes to get a cup of coffee to allow him access.  He tells her that her time will come; he lets her know that she will never make it out of Darkham because she will be dead.  He says the last word she will hear is his son’s name; and she will never know, until it’s too late, who will be the one to kill her.  When the guards get there to transport her, she is scared shitless.

Hayden comes back to Finn’s apartment to find Roxy on the floor out in the hall and Finn shaking and shivering under a blanket on the couch.  He tells her he and Roxy had a fight; she gets him up and helps him into a warm shower, with his clothes on.  He asks why she is doing this; she says because she cares about him.  He says he doesn’t deserve it; she reminds him that he took care of her.  He says that wasn’t the same.  After they dry off, he thanks her; but then tells her he is not going to rehab.  He tells her he can do this on his own if he has to, but he is asking for her help; she tells him she’s in.  He warns her it is going to get ugly and asks her to tie him up.

Tracy sits down at the Metro Court and lasts the waiter when he asks if anyone will be joining her; she screams “no” – she is alone – and asks him if he wants to put up a blinking, neon sign.  Ned approaches the table and asks if he can sit down.  He asks if she wants to talk about it; she says she would rather talk about him.  He tells her that Olivia turned down his proposal.  Tracy can’t believe it; she wonders why Olivia would not want to joint their family.  Just then, Larry Ashford (new actor) shows up at their table; he questions if she told Ned about the letter.  She tells him she tore up his letter and threw it away.  He says it was of great importance; he says an unexpected windfall has landed in his lap and it has everything to do with her.  She tells him she wants nothing to do with whatever his scheme is and sends him away; he tells her, as he is leaving, this is about what her father wanted.  Ned tells his mother not to take his father’s bait; she says she won’t.

Sam and Jason bring their baby girl home; they kiss as they revel over her.  The doorbell rings; Sonny welcomes them home.  He brings a soft, squishy, pink teddy bear for Emily Scout; he tells Jason they don’t have to worry about Olivia anymore.  Scout wakes up and Sam lets Sonny hold her; he tells the baby she has the best parents in the world.  Sam goes to change the baby; Sonny leaves as soon as she comes back out.  She asks Jason what that was all about.  Danny comes down and meets his baby sister; he and Sam fall asleep on the couch.  Jason talks to his daughter.

Elizabeth comes home; Franco has a footbath, and a glass of wine, waiting for her.  She asks how he and Jake did today; Franco says they may have mad some progress.  Liz asks Franco to spend the night with her, and the next, and the next; Franco agrees to move in.

3-22-2017 (Wednesday) The Sentencing

Nora talks with Valentin and Nina about being gracious with visitation; she tells them it will look best for them if they are more than generous about it.  Nina assures them that Lulu will be treated more than fairly by them for the next six months.  

Anna assures Olbrecht she wouldn’t be asking for her assistance unless it was under extreme circumstances; she asks what Olbrecht knows about Valentine.  Not much, she says.  Anna says she is desperate; she’s been on Valentin’s trail for months and has nothing… she asks Olbrecht if she will talk to Caesar to see what he knows about Valentin.  Leisel laughs about the fact that Anna needs her, then says she doesn’t know how to reach Caesar; she asks, if she could, what would be in it for her.  She says, if it is at all possible, contacting Caesar will come at a cost; Olbrect says she wants all charges against Caesar dropped.  Anna tells asks her what happens when Nina and Valentin start fighting and Nathan intervenes; she says he may not be her problem today, but he will be one day, unless she can deal with him now.  Leisel says she can’t guarantee Caesar would help her; Anna says she has no guarantee she can trust him either, but she is out of options.

Michael runs into Nelle, at the café, and she tells him about her new job; she says since it’s a live-in position, she can save up money faster for school (still wanting to get her teaching degree).  He questions why she didn’t decide to leave town; she says if she didn’t stay, she couldn’t make amends.  She says hurting him and Jos wasn’t part of her plan; she wants to try to make things right with them.  He says maybe the kindest thing she could do is leave them be; she says she will respect his wish, if he really wants nothing more to do with her.  Michael tells her she doesn’t have to turn in the other direction when she sees him; Charlotte interrupts them, and Michael tells Charlotte they are friends.  Nelle thanks him, saying she knows they are not really friends anymore and that its on her; she leaves with Charlotte.  Laura comes in as they are leaving; she greets Charlotte and introduces herself to Nelle.  She then sees Michael and asks him what he can tell her about this new nanny; Michael looks hesitant to say anything.

Now, Nora is representing Olivia; Olivia says “hello Duke” to Griffin.  She then says she doesn’t see a trace of his mother in him; when he questions her about it, he gets yelled at for bothering her.  Nora tells him her client is ill and calls the opposing attorney to get him away.Olivia is playing the part of a confused, scared woman who doesn’t know what she’s done; Nora, apparently was not aware of the depth of the charges against her client.  As the list is read off, Nora’s eyes tell her surprise.  Still, she does a good job questioning Kevin about his review of the mental health records regarding Olivia Jerome; however, he admits that he has no way of knowing if she is faking her condition now.  She questions Griffin next; they discuss her confusion about him being Duke… he testifies that she called him Duke today.  Griffin tells Anna that the judge has sentenced Olivia to Darkum Assylum; Anna laughs.  She says that Pentonville is a luxury spa in comparison to Darkum; she revels that Olivia may finally have gotten herself trapped.  He tells her what Olivia said to him about his mother and questions if she could have known his mom.

Nina talks to Valentin about their new nanny; he questions why she is warning him to keep her away from his bed.  She tells him she had a few problems with her former employers, the Corinthos’ – Nelle and Charlotte come in; Nina introduces her to Valentin.  She takes Charlotte and leaves Nelle to talk with Valentin; he tells Nelle if she betrays or hurts his family, they will never find her body.  Nora delivers the judge’s order to Valentine and says she is headed back to Landview, Pennsylvania; he says he’ll see her in six months.  He then questions her about “the other matter” and she tells him that Olivia Jerome is on her way to a prison for the criminally insane and she doubts she’ll ever see the light of day again; he says that’s exactly what he wanted to hear.  They shake hands; he smiles.

3-21-2017 (Tuesday) The Past is the Past

Elizabeth calls to check on Franco and Jake; Olbrecht hard times her.  Liz assures her she’s on break; Olbrecht complains about Finn’s abrupt departure.  Hayden happens by and Olbrecht questions her about where Finn went; as Tracy looks around the room and calls out for Finn, he shows up at the door, holding a bottle of wine.  He assures her that he didn’t take any Zen-zen, although he wanted to; he says what’s on the floor, is the last of his supply.  Olbrech questions Hayden and Liz does her best to cover for Finn, saying he is taking time off to work on a paper about his research.  Hayden, rather than thanking her, tells Liz that she didn’t need her to cover for her.  Finn tells Tracy that he needs to just do this on his own; he can make it through the withdrawals, and he asks her to leave.  She refuses and suggests that he call Hayden; he gets angry saying he doesn’t need anyone.  

Hayden breaks down and talks to Elizabeth; she confesses that she is concerned because she wants to trust Finn, but she’s not sure that she can, and doesn’t know how to get through to him.  Liz explains that it isn’t up to her to make him see the light; she says sometimes, it’s the least likely person who has the most impact.  She tells Hayden, she has to accept the fact that person may not be her.  Finn makes fun of Tracy because her famly wants nothing to do with her, and because she married so many con artists and never got over her daddy issues; Tracy throws her drink in his face.  He apologizes and admits that he was just trying to push her away; he says he didn’t mean what he said.  She tells him he did, and that he was right; she admits her friend stock is limited and she is used to going it alone, admitting most of her family is gone.  She says she wonders sometimes what her life would be like if she had let more people in; she asks him if he wants to be like her.  He says she has a lifetime of achievements to be proud of; she says she also has a lifetime of regrets, and reminds him that he has a good woman who wants to share his struggles as well as his victories.  He calls Hayden and tells her that he was wrong; he says he can’t do this alone, and he needs her.

Michael and Dante talk about Olivia Jerome; Michael says Nelle made things even worse for his parents.  Dante tells Michael that he can’t blame himself for believing Nelle; Michael says it doesn’t matter.  She did what she did and now everyone is hurting; Dante says what does matter is if he can forgive her.  He says if he decides to kick Nelle to the curb, it has to be for him, not anyone else; then he says he has to go.  Carly goes to the Metro Court; she tells her mom that she kissed Sonny.  She tells him he is the only one in the world who truly understands her; Bobbie mocks his sleeping with Nelle.  Carly tells her mother that it is more than the infidelity; what she cannot forgive is the lies.  Then she tells her mother than she can only think about what a hypocrite she is; she says that what Nelle has done to her is payback for what she did to Bobbie.  Bobbie holds her daughter’s hand and tells her that this is not the same kind of situation; she says she and Tony had problems long before Carly blew into town and assures her that Nelle has no connection to her.

Nelle goes over her credentials with Nina (for some reason not mentioning that she was Avery’s nanny for a little while).  She admits that she was fired, when Nina asks why she isn’t working as Carly’s assistant anymore.  Nina says she is hesitant to get in the middle of things between her and Carly; Nelle starts to leave, and Nina changes her mind.  They only thing, she says, is that she has to know her on a personal level; they go to the Metro Court.  Carly tells Nina that hiring Nelle would be the worst mistake she ever made; she tells Nina that Nelle slept with her husband.  Bobbie says Lulu wouldn’t want Nelle anywhere near her daughter; Nina immediately takes offense to being told what Lulu would or wouldn’t want and hires Nelle on the spot.  Bobbie tells Nina when that tramp ends up in bed with her husband, she will only have herself to blame.  She says, she believes, given the chance, people can change.  Carly tells Nina to watch her back.  She and her mom toast to Nelle being on Spoon Island, and far away from their family.

Valentin corrects his prior language to Anna, saying he will remove her presence out of his life; the past stays in the past, he says.  Anna says it is his best tactic, presenting something outrageous and making it sound totally rational; she says she wants to know the truth about what happened between them and is not going to stop until she finds it.  He gives in and tells her to ask anything she wants; she asks why there was a kill order against him in her name.  He tells her that she was a traitor; he brings up the kiss.  She is still confused; he notices her hand is bleeding.  She asks him to tell her what she wants to know; he simply says, “no” and tells her to just forget they were ever in each other’s lives.  Anna calls somebody and says she needs to talk to them about something important; it’s Olbrecht.  Anna tells her she needs answers.  Valentin goes to see Nina; he tells her that he went to talk to Anna and told her he was letting go of his grudge.  He tells Nina he is leaving his past in the past.

3-20-2017 (Monday) Game Over for Nelle; or New Game?

Carly tells Sonny she is there to see what’s going on between them and what happens next; she tells him that she was so angry, and then so relieved, and then to find out that he had slept with Nelle, it’s more than she can handle.  She tells him that she understands how Nelle tricked him into sleeping with her; he asks why she can’t just let it be over then.  He reminds her that they have both told lies; he says he knows they fight and they say mean things and they’ve left each other alone, but he reminds her that they really need each other.  He pulls her close; they kiss.  She stops though, and tells him that she needs to go; she tells him they always screw up the day-to-day stuff.  She admits that she loves him and will never stop, but she thinks they need to just end this; she leaves.

Andre stops by to see Anna.  He tells her that he did Charlotte’s evaluation; she tells him that she went to see Olivia Jerome.  He asks why she would put herself through that; she admits that she is not really sure.  She talks about Duke and the interactions they had with Olivia in the past, and how her life has been complicated and full of contradictions; she says she glosses over her past crimes, but seeing Valentin reminds her of who she was and in all honesty she doesn’t like that person very much.  Andre tells her to be kind to that young woman; she altered the course of her life, then adds that she needs to be kind to the woman she is now as well, reminding her that she has to take care of herself.  They hug and he leaves, giving her one last piece of advice; he says to steer clear of Valentine, at least for now.

Finn is on the phone with a rehab center, claiming he has a patient that needs to get in ASAP; they tell him they will call him back.  He packs his bag; he finds an unused bottle of Zen-zen in the suitcase.  He tells Roxy he is sorry and tells the hospital they the patient has changed his mind, when they call back.  He goes to get his bag with his syringe and supplies; he drops the bottle and it breaks on the floor.  Hayden tells Tracy that Finn is going to get help for his addiction; she describes his withdrawals in the room, during the bomb scare.  Tracy goes to visit Finn; she finds his door ajar, steps in and sees his bag packed and a broken bottle of Zen-zen on the floor.  But where is Finn?

Nelle stops in at the Metro Court (why I’m not sure) and is lambasted by Bobbie; they bicker back and forth about the things she did and the things Carly did in her past, and then Bobbie tells her to get out of her daughter’s restaurant before she calls the cops.  Nelle leaves, looking defeated.  Nina is watching Charlotte at the office; her nanny just resigned, having to go take care of a sick sister.  Nelle shows up at Crimson, with a dress Nina had loaned her; she tells Nina she doesn’t need it anymore because she is no longer working for Carly.  Nina gets a call and Nelle offers to watch Charlotte; I think Nina is going to hire Nelle to be Charlotte’s new nanny.  When Nina gets off the phone, Nelle asks if she could apply for the position.

Laura and Lulu talk about the hearing and her disappointment; Laura tells her, she will need to be patient and “play the long game” – Lulu questions what that is and how it will get her, her daughter back.  Laura doesn't get to say.  Valentin stops by the table and offers to let Lulu spend one hour with Charlotte on Thursday; Lulu scoffs at the offer, but Laura says she will be there.  Valentin goes to see Anna… he says he would like to end this dance.  He tells her that his wife and daughter are all that’s important to him now, and he won’t have anything upset that.  He says if she does, he will “remove” her, permanently.

3-17-2017 (Friday) Meetings

Carly goes to meet Emily Scout; Jason proudly shows his daughter off.  Carly revels in what a gift this baby is; then they start to talk about Olivia.  She tells him that standing face to face with her last night, she learned something about herself; she says she finally truly understands Sonny.  Jason tells her that you carry it with you for the rest of your life when you take someone’s life and he is glad Sonny stopped her.  She then asks him when he knew about Sonny and Nelle; he admits it was before Christmas.  She asks why he didn’t tell her; he says it simply wasn’t his place.  Sonny tells Ava that he still holds her and Julian responsible for Morgan’s death, as well as their sister, Olivia, adding that he is not going to forget that.  He questions how much she knew about Olivia, and then they get into a screaming match; she tells him she is done and leaves.  She calls someone the second she gets outside of the door and says she needs to see them right away.  Alexis reads Julian’s letter; it begin by saying he is finally going to tell her the truth about him, his sister, Olivia, and Alexis.  He says that he had asked Olivia to just take his life; he explains how he took the life of the one she loved, and she wanted him to take the life of the one he loved more than anything.  He explains the whole story; how Olivia started blackmailing him by threatening the rest of his family, Sam, Jason, Danny… and how he tried to stop her.  He apologizes and tells Alexis that he knows she is better off without him and wishes her the best, adding that he loves her more than anything.

Scott comes in to see Olivia, in the interrogation room; he makes fun of her, saying she is going to go away for a long, long time.  She mocks him, saying she could very well see him again.  Dante asks what he is doing in there, when he catches him leaving the room.

Felicia comes to the graveyard to visit Georgie; she is surprised to see Anna kneeling at Morgan’s grave.  Anna explains that she feels for him, because Olivia took her baby with Duke too.  Anna goes to see Olivia Jerome; she talks to her about Morgan, and then asks why, after all this time, she came back.  Olivia describes her time in the hospitals for the criminally insane, in China, and a doctor who taught her the principles of resurrection; that’s when she had to return to bring Duke back to life, she says.  Anna questions why all the rest of the carnage; she said she did what she needed to do in order to ensure her success with Duke.  Anna tells her that her life is effectively over; Olivia tells Anna she knows a secret about her.

Alexis meets with Olivia Falconari; she tells her about Julian’s letter.  Olivia tells her since one of the best things in her life came from the worst decision she ever made; she doesn’t feel she is a good person to talk to about this.  She worries she may not be objective; Alexis says she wants her to be subjective…Olivia says it seems to her that there should have been some way that Julian could have warned her.  Liv couldn’t have been watching him every second, she says; Alexis says that’s the part that doesn’t make sense to her either.  Olivia says, if it were her, she would never be able to forgive him for what he did; she says it is up to Alexis how she remembers him.

Ava meets Scotty on the docks; she kisses him on the cheek, then tells him she needs to talk to him about Sonny.  She’s afraid she may have said something that could get her killed.  She tells him about the slip up she made, talking to Sonny at her gallery, when she said that she didn’t mean for things to “go that far.”  She worries that he may find out about her switching Morgan’s medication and still want to kill her; Scotty promises her that won’t happen.  She tells him that she wants him to get that bottle of pills back from Lucy; he is not happy about “hopping back into bed” with Lucy.Dante talks to his father; he says maybe all of this is a sign that it is time for him to get out of the business.  He tells him about the custody hearing and the judge’s ruling; Sonny tells him if he needs any help with Valentin, all he has to do is ask.  Dante takes a breath; he says thank you, but that won’t be necessary.  Sonny says he just wants him to remember, just in case; Dante leaves.  Carly shows up at Sonny’s door.

03-16-2017 (Thursday)

Dante, Lulu and Laura get ready to meet Diane at the courthouse; Lulu feels hopeful.  She goes to fix her makeup; Dante tells Laura that he is afraid of getting her hopes up.  Laura tells him about her conversation with Kevin regarding their chances; Laura says she is worried about what Lulu might do if they don’t get custody of Charlotte.  Valentin tells Charlotte not to worry about talking to the doctor; he says to just tell the truth.  Charlotte is worried about where Nina is; she is happy to see Nina when she shows up for Court.  They wait, just outside the courtroom, while Charlotte goes to talk to the doctor.  Nina tells Valentin that she is ready to be his wife, and to be Charlotte’s mother and to stand by him, so long as he can leave all this stuff with Anna in the past; he tells her he will do that, saying from this day forward, it is all about them.

Franco shows up to watch Jake for Elizabeth; he tells her he has brought a marshmellow gun and a water blaster.  He says he may also start art therapy with Jake; Elizabeth discusses her concerns about the haunting phrase Jake repeated last night.  Liz heads off to work and Franco sends Jake to get crayons; he pulls out two long rolls of paper.

Alexis visits Sam, still in the hospital; she tells her about Olivia apparently shooting Julian and pushing him off the bridge.  She says they found his bloody jacket by the river; Sam is concerned about her mother, especially as Alexis professes that Julian saved her life.  Sam doesn’t have any compassion; she reminds her mother that she would have never been in danger, if it hadn’t been for Julian, in the first place.  Alexis reminds her that this is her father, and he is probably dead; then she apologizes for snapping at her.  Sam tells her she knows she has been through a lot the past few months, but worries that she is softened toward Julian; Alexis says she just wants so badly for there to be some explanation.  She remembers the letter Julian left her and says it is time for her to open it.

Andre comes into the courtroom to give his testimony about his interview with Charlotte; he explains the reasons for Charlotte’s rejection of Lulu, but says it is important to enforce the relationship with Lulu.  He says it would benefit Charlotte to develop her relationship with her mother, but adds that she clearly loves Valentin and would be traumatized to remove her from her current home; he recommends leaving her in Valentin’s custody.  The judge follows his recommendation and leaves Charlotte in the custody of Valentin, ordering supervised visitations with Lulu, Dante and Rocco.  Lulu has a hard time accepting the decision, but Dante assures her it will be okay; he says, in six moths, they could get joint custody at the very least.  Laura stops to talk to Valentin on her way out of the courtroom; she tells him a lot can change in six months.  

3-15-2017 (Wednesday) The Footbridge

Sonny demands to know where Olivia Jerome is; Rudg swears he doesn’t know.  Rudg is noticeably nervous; Sonny tells him it’s going to get ugly if he can’t tell him what he needs to know; Rudg insists he can’t.  He tells Sonny that he didn’t know how crazy she is; he begs for his life.  Sonny tells him he is going to have to pay.  Olivia begs Carly for her life; she asks Carly if that doesn’t mean anything to her.  Carly says no.  She asks Liv where her heart was the night she blew her son to pieces, questioning if she ever thought about him or his family.  Olivia tries to make excuses and says she never meant for this to happen; she cries and says she’s sorry.  Carly continues to tell Olivia all of the things that Morgan will never be able to do now, saying Morgan died for nothing… less than nothing and there’s no way to make peace with that.  She tells Liv that she killed the kindness in her heart the night she killed her boy; she gets ready to shoot, but turns to look when she hears squealing car wheels, and Olivia gets up and runs away.  She shoots in front of her face, the bullet bouncing off the brick wall next to the gate; Liv stops.  Carly puts her back down on her knees and tells her she is not getting away; Sonny shows up and tells Carly he doesn’t want her to shoot Olivia.  He says he should be the one to do it; Carly tells him no, this is her pleasure.  Sonny says Olivia needs to pay in the most painful way, but he tells Carly they need to do it in a way that doesn’t trace back to them; Carly makes Sonny swear that she will suffer.  He gives her his word; Carly tells Liv that she will wish she had killed her tonight.  

Ava is brought into the station; Jordan wants to question her about Olivia.  Ava tells them that Olivia had come to her apartment and forced her to lure Julian there, held her hostage and left.  They chew her out for not calling when that happened; she tells them that she didn’t think it would do any good since she had been there and gone.  Ava tells Jordan that they need to go find her brother before Olivia kills him; Alexis comes in and says it may be too late.  She tells them about being held captive by Olivia, Julian showing up, shooting the chain on her cuffs and then just being ‘no where in sight.’  Ava sits down to talk to Alexis and tells him everything he’s done, this whole time, has been because of her sister, Olivia.  

Kiki comes to see Dillon and finds him watching Gilmore Girls; he says he is doing research, on the clothing they wear on that show.  Kiki tells him she needed time to think; he assumes she is breaking up with him again already.  She assures him she’s not; she tells him that her mom is out of jail and she went to see her, explaining that she had nothing to do with Morgan’s death…then tells him about Olivia, and the bomb at the hospital, which he apparently was not aware of.  After talking a while, they start kissing; Monica and Tracy walk in.  Tracy makes a big deal about Dillon apparently not being worried about them; he explains that Kiki just told him about the bomb, also telling him that they were okay.  Dillon tells them he and Kiki are going up to his room; Tracy makes a big deal out of this.  Monica says Tracy should be happy, suggesting maybe they will get a new grandchild; Tracy says she doesn’t want another Jerome baby.  Monica tells Tracy that she is seeing someone; Tracy is surprised.  Monica tells her she should try it sometime.  Tracy gets a letter from Larry Ashford, telling her he has a matter of extreme importance to discuss with her; she throws it away.  Kiki and Dillon finish making love and Dillon asks her to stay the night with him; he tells her she is so awesome and he just wants to spend as much time as possible with her.  

Jordan and Dante get to the footbridge; they see a man laying down below.  They think it might be Julian, but it turns out to be Rudg; he tells them Sonny knocked him out, left him there and went to find Olivia he imagines.  They show up at the graveyard, where they find Carly and Sonny with Olivia; Sonny is holding Olivia with her hands behind her back, hands the gun to Dante and turns Olivia over to the police.  He tells Carly part of him wishes he had let her pull that trigger, and she says part of her wishes she would have, but they both agree that would not have been the way to honor Morgan, as they kneel by his grave together.

03-14-2017 (Tuesday) Olivia Jerome Meets Carly

Lulu and Laura talk about the upcoming hearing tomorrow; Lulu says the judge seems like he might grant custody to Valentin.  Laura tells Lulu she has just started to fight; Kevin walks in… Lulu asks him… he says their lawyer would not allow it. She says they could use what Valentin did to him to blackmail them into allowing it; he says that’s not how it works.  Kevin tells Lulu she just needs to trust the system, she thanks him and leaves to pick up Rocco; Laura asks Kevin to be straight with her, and asks what their chances are.  He says it could go either way.

Liz and Franco get home; she is stressing over everything and Franco gets her to relax.  He tells her he thought he might have lost her for a moment with that bomb scare, and that the world only feels right when he’s with her; they kiss, and Franco notices Jake standing there.  He asks what happened tonight; Elizabeth tells him and then shows him a picture of his new baby sister.  He says he doesn’t think she’s cursed; adding, at least, he hopes not.  Liz looks confused.  He explains… then says, “never forget, Jake, and never tell”… and goes to bed.  Liz gets the book Helena left her in the Will.  They have a glass of wine as they try to re-evaluate the contents of the book; they discuss his actions when he first returned and his progress since.  She fears he experienced a terrible trauma that he has chosen to block out; Franco thinks he knows a way to find out.  He suggests art therapy; accessing the experience without Jake even knowing what’s going on.  Elizabeth agrees not to say anything to Jason until they know something more

Andre comes to check on Jordan after hearing about the bomb scare; he tells her he will always care about her, and will always be just a phone call away, as a friend.  She says she’d like that, they hold hands and Curtis walks in.  Jordan gets a call; Andre thanks Curtis for helping to diffuse the bomb, then admits that he doesn’t like him.  Sonny tells Curtis he needs his help…he says he needs answers; Curtis doesn’t think he knows anything Sonny doesn’t already know.  Sonny says he needs to find Olivia and asks what Curtis knows about Rudg.  Ava comes back with a dustpan and broom to clean up the broken glass and notices Carly gone; Carly is back at Morgan’s grave, talking to him about Olivia Jerome.  When she gets up, Olivia happens to walk by… she tries to leave and Carly stops her.  She says she knows who she is; and asks Olivia to explain the plaque she holds in her hands (her tombstone plaque).  Carly calls Olivia out, saying she knows she killed her son.  Olivia apologizes – so so sorry.  Carly doesn’t care; says she is going to make sure she can’t hurt any body else.  

Ava gets brought in for questioning; she tells Jordan that both Olivia and Julian were at her apartment that day, separately, and that Liv had tied her up.  Jordan asks why Ava didn’t call the police when that happened; Ava laughs about how she could possibly ask that after all she’s been through with the police.  Jordan admits she understands.  Ava swears she doesn’t know where any of them are now.  Olivia Jerome tells her brother goodbye and says he deserved “that,” as she looks down off of the footbridge; Rudg shows up and says he couldn’t find Alexis.  Liv says no big deal; she’s in high heels and they’ll be gone before she gets anywhere to find help.  She tells him her job here in Port Charles is done, but then says she has one more thing to do before leaving – she has to correct her past, she says.  Sonny finds Rudg on the footbridge, waiting for Olivia; Rudg tells him that Olivia was supposed to meet him there.  

Carly tells Liv she is standing on the grave of the boy she murdered; Olivia pulls a gun.  Carly calls her crazy; Olivia is surprised that she is so brave with a gun pointed at her.  Carly tells her she is going to make her pay; she grabs the gun, they struggle and Carly shoots Olivia (apparently not fatally), in the arm.  She tells Olivia now they are going to talk about how she killed her son; Carly sees this meeting as fate… Liv says “you don’t want to do this” and Carly replies, “yeah, I do…  I really do.”

03-13-2017 (Monday) Where'd Julian Go?

Sonny visits Morgan at his grave… Carly shows up.  He apologizes and she asks him to leave.  Carly talks to Morgan; she tells him she is sorry she can’t forgive his father right now.  Ava calls Carly – she wants to see Avery.  Carly goes to see Ava; she asks why she is out.  Ava tells her the police have proof someone else planted the bomb.  She shows Carly a picture of Olivia Jerome’s on a tablet; Carly is suddenly overcome - Carly says she doesn’t want the police to find her; she wants to find her herself, look her in the eye and make her pay.  Ava reminds her that Olivia’s intent was to hurt Julian, not Morgan; he wasn’t supposed to be in that car.  Carly says it doesn’t matter, Morgan is dead because of her and there’s nothing will make her forgive that.  She picks up the glass Olivia drank out of and throws it, breaking it on the wall; she tells Ava she won’t have to repeat the experience of meeting her sister and leaves.  

Finn doesn’t look good; Hayden is concerned; she gets him a blanket and a bucket.  She tells him she is exactly where she wants to be, reaffirming that her place is w him.  She promises to stay with him while he kicks his addition.Sam is wondering why her mother hasn’t showed up with the car yet, as she is waiting in front of the hospital.  She asks Apiphany to take the baby somewhere safe.  Franco shows up; he stops Sam from going back in the building.  Jason and Curtis are now on the way up to the roof with the bomb at 3 minutes, 44 and 22/100 seconds; Jordan and Dante tell Liz.  She is concerned.  Elizabeth goes to see Hayden and Finn.  Hayden tells Liz, Finn is in withdrawal; Liz promises his secret is safe with her, as long as he takes a leave of absence.  

With the bomb now at 3:15:00, Jason and Curtis both clip wires same time, blue; the bomb explodes.  For a minute, no one answers the radio call; then Jason walks out.  Sam is happy.  He takes her back to her room and goes to get Scout.  Franco goes in, finds Liz, and kisses her.  Sonny comes to see Sam and Jason, and baby Emily Scout in their hospital room.  Jason says he should go home to Carly; Sonny tells him Carly doesn’t want anything to do with him.  Curtis and Jordan talk; he tells her to admit that she is happy he didn’t get hurt.  She says she needs to get back to work; he insists a doctor check her out because she got knocked over the head earlier… he waits for her.

Alexis is handcuffed, still out cold, to the footbridge… Olivia calls Julian to tell him that she has the love of his life.  He heads out – Ava asks where he’s going, doesn’t say; he has a gun.  Alexis wakes up… Liv talks about love, true love, love n hate.   Julian shows up; Liv holds the gun on him and tells him he is going to feel the pain she felt when he took the love of her love, only, she says, she isn’t going to kill Alexis; he is.  He tries to deny his love for Alexis; Alexis agrees.  She hands him the gun and we hear a shot fire, as the scene changes back to Sonny, Sam, Jason and Emily Scout.  Sonny says goodbye, and they revel in their happiness as they hold their newborn baby.  Sonny makes a call; he says he wants the bitch who killed his son.  Julian screams for Alexis to run; she looks and sees that he has shot the chain on the handcuffs.  She gets up and runs off the bridge, then hears another shot and turns to look.  Julian is gone, and Olivia is looking over the edge of the bridge. 

03-10-2017 (Friday) Up, Up and Away!

Curtis is looking for Jordan; he tells Hayden he is worried about her.  He does down to the basement of GH and calls her phone; he hears it ringing behind a door and finds Jordan, out cold.  He wakes her; she’s fine.  She says she was following Rudg when someone hit her over the head; she asks where Julian is.  Curtis doesn’t know.  Alexis tells Sam about her father being missing; she’s worried.  Dante tells Anna that Olivia is gone; she tells him togo find Robyn.  Jason comes in, Dante tells him and they go looking; Dante tells Jordan Robyn is missing.  Robyn tries to call out for help, but no one can hear; Anna figures out that Robyn is in the elevator, as she recalls her deadly encounter with Olivia Jerome all those years ago, and remembers Liv’s words that their history is coming back to haunt her.  

They pry the elevator doors open; Robyn stands there, on top of a platform to which the bomb is attached.  Robin tells them that Liv said if she moved, it would go off; Dante says they need to evacuate the building, and calls the bomb squad.  In the meantime, Jason tells Robyn to slowly step off as he steps on and changes places with her; he tells Alexis (who happens by the elevator) to get Sam out of the building, and sends Robyn out with Anna.  Robyn doesn’t want to go, but Jason yells at her so, she does.  Jordan announces the evacuation of the building.  

Griffin tells Finn it is his ethical responsibility to report him for his drug use; Finn tells him to do what he has to.  Liz tells Griffin that a patient in ICU needs him; he tells Finn this is not over.  Elizabeth finds Finn looking at the tray of patient medications; she senses his addiction.  She tells Hayden that she recognizes it because she had experience with addiction, with her ex, Lucky.  Hayden admits that she knows; Elizabeth leaves.  Finn and Hayden go to a room to talk and get locked in when the hospital shuts down; Finn tells Hayden he loves her.  Julian is treated and released; he checks with Jordan to see if they have found his sister.  Jordan questions whether he knows where to find her; he says if he knew, he would tell her.  He goes to check on Sam and the baby.  

Liv introduces herself to Ava; she pulls a gun on her and asks where their brother is.  Ava says she doesn’t know.  Liv tells Ava to call Julian; she calls him and says he needs to come home, adding, they have “a bit of a problem.”  Julian goes home to find Ava tied up; she tells him she has no idea what Olivia is doing.  Alexis goes to get Sam and Scout; Anna tells Sam that Jason took Robyn’s place on top of the bomb.  Somebody grabs Alexis, covering her mouth with a gloved hand.  Griffin decides to sit with a patient, who cannot be moved, and tells Liz to go; he says her boys need her.  Jason decides they need to take the elevator to the roof; Curtis gets on the elevator with Jason, telling him he figured he’d enjoy the ride.

03-09-2017 (Thursday) The Elevator

Jason brings Scout to Sam; they talk about naming her.  Monica interrupts, saying she likes “Scout” – they tell her they’ve decided to make Scout her middle name; they are going to name her Emily, if that’s okay with Monica.  Monica loves it; Emily Scout Morgan.  She then lets them know that Olivia Jerome is on the loose.

Brad taunts Finn with a vial of Zen-zen (which turns out to be contact solution); he pushes him for a deal in return for his silence.  Finn tells him he already gave all the money to GH; he offers to give him equal credit for the findings.  Brad is not happy with that; he says his interest was in the money.  Brad tells Finn the promise he made to him is null and void too.  Finn tells Brad that he has heard a lot about him, and his lack of ethics, including the rumor that Lucas ‘reformed’ him; he threatens to tell Lucas that Brad has been blackmailing him.  Kiki goes to see Ava; she tells her that Valerie called and told her all the charges have been dropped.  She asks about her sister, Olivia; Ava says she only knows her by reputation.  Kiki says she knows Olivia is the one who killed Morgan and tells her mom she is sorry for doubting her.  Ava walks Kiki out to her car, saying with Liv on the loose, no one is safe out there.  

Caution tape is being put across the elevators; a full search is on for Olivia.  Monica tells Dante to watch out, saying Olivia is “unstable on a good day.  Dante realizes Jordan is missing now; he goes to look for her and Anna.  Griffin has the gun back and Anna is tying Olivia’s hands behind her back; Liv goes on about Robyn, saying Anna she turns her into the police she’ll never know what she did with Robyn.  Liv says their history is coming back to haunt Anna.  Anna grabs her, demanding to know where her daughter is…then passes out.  Griffin comes to Anna’s aid; Liv tries to leave and Griffin yells, “stop,” and points the gun at her; she laughs at him and calls him “father” certain he won’t shoot.  She leaves.  Griffin gets Anna upstairs and gets her help.  Dante sees Anna and asks if they found Olivia; Anna tells him she has Robyn.  Griffin takes him down to the lab and shows him the passage she slipped out; he tells Dante that Olivia said she was going to do something to Robyn.

Nelle decides to look for a new job; she may stay in town after all.  Joslyn shows up for the night out – concert plans, which Nelle had forgotten about.  Nelle is surprised and questions whether Carly hasn’t said anything to Jos yet; she tells Jos plans have changed.  She says they aren’t friends any more and tells Joslyn to go home.  Jos is noticeably hurt.  Carly talks to Michael, saying she hopes he doesn’t still have feelings for Nelle; he tells her it’s not that simple.  He says he has a lot of feelings; humiliation, devastation, but mostly he feels sorry for her, he says.  Joslyn comes in; she tells Carly that Nelle is upset, and made her feel bad.  Carly apologizes; she tells Jos that no one can be friends with Nelle anymore; she explains that she had to fire her because Nelle sabotaged their family.  She says she can’t tell Jos everything, but says, “Sonny did something with Nelle” – Jos understands and responds, “so gross!”  

Nelle sits down at the bar (at The Floating Rib) and orders a drink; the bartender tells her it will be just a minute because they are short-staffed.  Nelle inquires about a job, but when the bartender tells her Felicia is the owner, she says nevermind.  Michael comes in; he asks if she’s drowning her sorrows.  She asks if he can blame her; he tells Nelle that he understands her need for revenge, but says he will never be able to forgive her.  He tells her his mother has suffered enough and asks how she could want to hurt her more.  He says he understands her original plan, but not after she saw how their family was suffering.  He brings up her tricking his dad into having sex; she says that’s not what happened.  Nelle says there’s something he needs to know, but Michael stops her, saying it probably won’t help the family she wrecked.  Michael says his family loved her and he leaves.  

Brad tells Griffin that he doesn’t think Finn is in shape to be treating anyone; Griffin asks to talk to Finn.  He tells him that he has to tell Monica that he is addicted to Zen-zen.  Monica announces that Olivia Jerome is not anywhere near the hospital; they have searched everywhere.  The police have no idea where she went.  Ava walks in her door to find Liv sitting on her couch.  Scene flashes to Robyn, bound and gagged, standing on a platform, the bomb counting down, behind the doors of the elevator.

03-08-2017 (Wednesday) "Duke" Saves Anna

Nelle is packing boxes, saying she has nothing left here; Carly shows up with her last check and to “finish business.”  Nelle insists their father loved Carly, but Carly says he “never reached out” to her – Nelle shows Carly the silver rattle she has been keeping.  Carly says her father probably only had it because he couldn’t pawn it, or forgot about it; she says he didn’t care about her at all, until she was grown and rich.  Nelle dumps out the letters from her music box, all returned, except on, which Carly responded to, telling Frank that she didn’t care about him or his “little brat.”  Nelle insists that Carly demanded her kidney from their father; Carly informs her that she always though Joslyn’s kidney came from Jake, and explains the circumstances that created that belief, saying she had asked her best friend for his dying child’s kidney.  After she leaves Nelle’s, Carly calls someone, saying, “we need to talk, now.” Sonny apologizes to Michael, discussing Nelle… how, if, etc.; Sonny tells Michael he is lucky he’s not “with” her.  Michael asks why Sonny didn’t warn them about what he knew; Michael says he was just trying to protect himself and let Nelle trash their family for months.  Sonny argues that he did it for their family; he begs Michael not to forgive Nelle, adding that she is dangerous.The judge calls Nina up to the stand; Nina testifies that her marriage is NOT a sham.  She says she and Valentin love each other, and she believes they can provide a stable, loving home for Charlotte.  Diana files an Emergency Petition for Removal of Charlotte, for “kidnapping” explaining that the term kidnapping also includes simply keeping a child from its mother; she asks Valentin (now on the stand) how long he has known about Lulu, then stresses to the judge that he kept this child from her mother during her most formative years.  The judge adjourns momentarily.  When she returns, she decides to have an evaluation done of Charlotte and both sets of parents; she denies the Petition for now.  Nora tells Valentin she hopes he doesn’t have any skeletons in his closet.Rudg sneaks into Julian’s room and tries to suffocate him with his pillow; he gets interrupted by Jordan.  Julian tells her that was his sister’s “thug.”  Jordan determines no one is safe and puts the hospital on lockdown; Felix tells Jordan he just saw Rudg heading down the stairwell.  “Duke” tells Liv that there is no room for Anna in their lives; he tells Anna to leave and get the help she needs, assuring Liv that she won’t be a threat to them any longer.  Olivia says she can’t allow a witness to this; Anna has to die.  She pulls a gun on Anna; “Duke” says he should be the one to pull the trigger; Liv hands him the gun.  He points it at her.  Anna laughs at Olivia, telling her this isn’t Duke; Liv remembers moments with her beloved, then attacks Griffin.  Anna pulls her off; Liv tells Anna she knows something Anna doesn’t know, and laughs.  She has Robyn, now strapped to a bomb – but where?  Jordan finds the secret door, but before she can enter, someone hits her over the head with a lead pipe.

03-07-217 (Tuesday) The Spirit of Duke

Nora asks Valentin where Nina is; he says she may or may not come, admitting that they’ve had a disagreement.  Nora says they’ll spin it – she is so devoted to he staff at Crimson” etc., she couldn't be there.  Laura goes to visit Nina; she tells her it would be a shame for her to lose Charlotte and suggests that she help Lulu get custody.  Nina asks what she wants her to do; Laura says she could testify that their marriage is a sham, begging her, for Charlotte’s sake to help her daughter.  She warns Nina of the Cassadine wrath, saying if things don’t work out for her and Valentin, he will never let her see Charlotte again; she assures Nina a place in Charlotte’s life if she helps Lulu get custody.  Court begins; Lulu wonders where her mother is.  Diane introduces Lulu and gives a good speech about the importance of a child-mother relationship.  Nina shows up.

Olivia has Griffin strapped to a bed in the basement of General Hospital; she tells him he is going to spend the rest of his life with her.  He asks where Robyn is; she says she is fine and says nothing more about her.  She tells Griffin that she heard Duke cry out to her after he died; she says he won’t be free unless she helps him.  His soul needs a vessel, she says, to come back to and tells Griffin to drink something “to cleanse” his body so Duke’s soul can return.  She uses a funnel to force it down Griffin’s throat when he refuses to drink it; she then takes a scalpel and cuts his chest. 

Julian is brought into the hospital; Anna wants to question him.  Julian tells her Olivia is “here,” in the building.  Jordan and Andre are also there; Julian mentions “Grey,” the board member who was on Olivia’s payroll.  Andre questions whether they have Liv’s previous mental health records; Anna goes to look for Olivia and the secret lab.After a review of her medical records, Andre tells Jordan that it appears Olivia has an extensive mental health history; her mind latches onto to fantasy that it creates for herself.  

Anna finds Olivia; Liv tells Anna she is bringing Duke back to life.  Anna sees Griffin strapped to the table; Anna and Liv begin to fight.  Liv cuts Anna’s hand with the scalpel.  Griffin struggles and breaks loose; he yells, “stop, Olivia!” claiming he is Duke.  Olivia smiles.

03-06-2017 (Monday) Oivia Makes her Move

Liv wakes up Robyn, who is passed out while sitting up, chained to a wall.  Liv tells Robyn they have so much work to do; she has a hammer in her hands.  Robyn asks if she wants revenge on Julian for putting the hit out on Duke; Olivia says she is here to right Julian’s wrong, saying she has to restore balance.  She tells Robyn she has to bring Duke back.  Liv proceeds to tell Robyn that she has become enlightened; Robyn looks confused.  Liv intends to resurrect Duke; she says what she needs to do it is underneath the hospital.  She opens a door in the boiler room and says this is where Helena Cassadine brought her son, Starvros back to life.  They go down a passageway to a room where there are some large machines, covered in cobwebs; Robyn tries to explain to Liv that Starvros was not really dead.  They machines just kept him alive while he healed from his injuries; she tells Liv Duke is gone.  She reminds her that he was cremated; Liv says she knows – she pulls out a lock of Dukes hair, saying his DNA should be enough.  Robyn explains that it’s just not.  Olivia remembers meeting Griffin; Duke left another piece of himself, she says.

Anna is getting dressed and planning on checking herself out of the hospital; Dante tells her that she isn’t invincible and she has to remember that Olivia Jerome has a grudge against her and is out to get her.  She says she is counting on that.  She tells Griffin that she has to stop Olivia before she goes after Robyn; Griffin asks why she thinks she would do that.  Anna says because she knows it would be the best way to get to her; Anna tells Griffin it’s a good thing Liv doesn’t know he exists.  Otherwise, he might be in danger, she says.  Griffin tells Anna he’ll talk to her later; Olivia is on the elevator when he gets on… both going down.  She tells him, as she reaches out and touches his face, that his father was the man she loved.

Nina is on the phone at Crimson, and the other line is ringing off the hook; Valentin walks in and hangs up the call on her.  He asks why she didn’t come home last night; she says she is surprised he noticed.  She figured he would be with Anna DeVane.  He assures her that she is his focus; he says he does not have feelings for Anna anymore.  He says they need to present a united front in court in a few hours and asks if that is going to be possible.  Nora Buchanan is back in town; Diana accidentally meets her at the bar.  Nora says she knows who she is; she knows her books about the adventures of Damian Spenelli.  Diane doesn’t realize it is the infamous Nora Buchanan until Valentin walks in and she introduces herself as his attorney; Lulu and Dante show up to meet with Diane.  She tells them Valentin has a very good lawyer, adding it’s a good thing that theirs is better.

Franco and Liz talk in the parking garage; she thanks him for walking her to work.  Franco says he is not taking any chances with that crazy woman on the loose.  He says, as Heather Webber’s son, he has learned that crazy doesn’t discriminate; he says he’ll pick her up later.  When he comes back, he announces to Liz that he is the new GH parking garage attendant.  They hear a noise in the trunk of a car; Franco breaks in and they pop the hood.  Elizabeth is shocked to see Julian.

03-03-2017 (Friday) Sam Survives

Jordan questions whether Julian is Olivia’s victim or accomplice; Olivia opens her trunk in the parking garage, exposing Julian, bound and gagged.  Griffin approaches and asks if he can help with her bag; he says it looks heavy.  She quickly closes the trunk and tells him it’s just books; she’s going to see a friend, she says.  Griffin inquires as to whether she knows her way; she says she used to live there “years ago” – he tells her the hospital remodeled in 2009.  She assures him she is fine, then notices that he looks “strangely familiar” and asks him if they’ve met before.  He suggests she may have known his father, Duke Lavery; Olivia smiles.  Alexis tells Jordan about the safe deposit box; she asks if this qualifies for her to get into the box.  Jordan says she will call to see about getting a Warrant.  Monica calls Alexis to tell her about their granddaughter’s condition, which is good, and to break the news to her that Sam is in a comma now.  

Ava asks why she’s still being chained to chairs; Jordan says she needs to question her about her sister, Olivia Jerome.  Ava looks confused; she says her sister is long dead.  Jordan tells her maybe not so.  Ava inquires and says it makes sense because she didn’t have anything to do with planting the bomb and it wasn’t her Julian was talking to on the recording.  Jordan asks for information about her half-sister; she says she didn’t know her, but Julian told her she was the “worst kind of whack job,” that she wanted power but didn’t know what to do with it, that she was unstable, compulsive and obsessive (referencing Duke Lavery) and says they should talk to Anna DeVane about Olivia.  Robyn fills her mother in on Sam’s accident and her condition.  She says no matter how much doctors learn, sometimes, medicine comes down to guess-work; playing the odds and hoping you get lucky.  Anna apologizes for not considering what Robyn has been going through.  She says it can’t be easy to learn your mother has cancer, and asks how she is.  Robyn admits she is terrified, but considers herself lucky.  They talk about the children Anna lost and Anna recalls that Olivia caused the loss of Duke’s baby by rigging the crash of that elevator.  Anna tells Robyn she needs to go home and rest; Robyn makes her promise to stay in bed.  

Griffin comes in to check on Anna; she tells him she is thankful she has so much support.  Jordan comes in asking about Olivia Jerome; Oliva opens her trunk and asks Julian how come he didn’t tell her Duke had a son.  She says maybe she should cut her losses, since she’s found out she can’t trust him.  She closes the trunk, saying she has something important to do.  Robyn walks through the parking garage and sees Olivia; she can’t believe it.  Anna briefly tells Jordan about her relationship with Olivia; she says it doesn’t matter though because that woman is dead.  Jordan tells Anna that they have reason to believe Olivia Jerome may still be alive; Anna is horrified at the thought.  

Nelle tells Carly she is gotten everything she deserves; Sonny questions what Carly did to deserve this.  Nelle tells Carly her real last name is Benson; Carly says, “Oh my god, you’re Frank Benson’s daughter.”  She says, “yes…and he was your father too.”  Carly denies this, saying he was just a dead beat who walked out on her and her adoptive mother when she was three years old.  Nelle says her father was a good man, he just wasn’t very good with money after her mom died; Nelle says their father loved Carly and tried to reach out to her, writing her letter after letter.  Carly claims all he wanted was a handout; she told him, as she tells Nelle, Frank Benson meant nothing to her and she doesn’t owe him a dime.  Nelle says, “he meant nothing to you, until Joslyn got sick…and you demanded a kidney!”  Carly swears she didn’t do that; Nelle insists she called their dad and asked for a kidney, no questions asked, and he gave hers.  

Michael asks Nelle if she has any proof that his mother reached out to her father; he says without proof, it’s just his word against Carly’s.  Nelle gets angry when Sonny chimes in and says whatever she’s done, Carly did first; she recounts Carly’s arrive to Port Charles and her antiques with her mother’s husband.  She says, “what goes around comes around” and calls Carly a bitch; Carly slaps her across the face, hard.  Nelle just looks back at her, Sonny shakes his head, and Michael just stares in amazement.  Sonny tells Nelle it wasn’t Carly who screwed her over, it was her own father; he says she doesn’t want to face reality.  She says he’s the one who doesn’t want to face reality; if he had stayed with Carly, she would have just broken his heart.  Michael steps in and says he doesn’t blame her for what she was feeling, but after spending months there with them, he asks, if she didn’t question her father’s version of the story.  She just shakes her head.  Carly, tells her better women have tried to take her down.  She said she wanted to believe the girl who gave her daughter life was that sweet, that selfless; but she was wrong.  She tells Nelle the pain she caused is coming for her like a runaway truck and walks out; Sonny follows her, but Carly tells him she can barely look at him now.  Michael tells Nelle to enjoy her victory, gives her a very disappointed look and walks out; she cries.

Jason tells Sam he is afraid, like he never has been before; he says he is not strong enough to do any of this without her and begs her to open her eyes.  Nothing.  Alexis shows up to see Sam and the baby; Jason is still talking to Sam when Alexis comes in.  She tells him the police are looking for Olivia Jerome; she apologizes for her father putting Sam in danger.  Jason says he’ll let them have some time alone; Alexis kisses Sam on the head, briefly talks to her daughter and then goes to see the baby.  Jason continues to talk to Sam, recalling many of their adventures together and how much they have come through, what a fiercely protective and nurturing mother she has become.  He tells her none of this works without her; Alexis comes back in with the baby.  Jason lays the baby on Sam’s chest and puts Sam’s hand on her; Sam wakes up.  Jason welcomes her back.  He tells Sam she is incredible; she touches Scout on the nose.

03-02-2017 (Thursday) Sam Stil in Danger

Tracy, Hayden and Finn come into the Metro Court; Tracy says she is springing for dinner.  She thanks Finn for what he did; he says she doesn’t need to thank him any more.  Hayden is angry with Finn for some reason; Tracy asks if they can table the spat until after they enjoy their dinner.  She pours champagne and tells them to cheer up; Hayden asks Finn what part of his soul he had to sell to make this deal.  Finn explains that he didn’t have to sell his soul at all; he says he managed to convince the owner of the company to make a low-cost version of the drug available to underdeveloped countries that may need it most.  Hayden is semi-impressed, but still seems upset with Finn; Tracey says she hopes they can work out their differences and forces them into a toast with her.  They click their glasses.  Finn says he needs to make a call now; Hayden questions why.  He leaves without answering; Hayden tells Tracey about Finn’s addiction.  Hayden says she has realized they don’t even know who the real Finn is because she’s never known him when he wasn’t high; Tracy tells Hayden they have to help him.  Tracy confronts Finn when he comes back; he says he is going to get help “soon.”  He says he’s got this under control; Tracey tells him is going to quit right now, or she will make his life a living hell.  Hayden adds, “so will I.”

Laura wakes up in the passenger’s seat of her car, at JFK airport; she wonders what she is doing there.  Laura’s door opens and the car alarm goes off; she starts screaming.  Kevin tells her it’s okay; it’s him.  He asks her what she last remembers; it was being in the parking garage.  She says she “woke up” here; he asks why she was unconscious.  She has no idea; she remembers the hospital vote and panics… he tells her it’s okay.  She wonders how she lost hours and ended up there; Kevin asks if she remembers anything out of the ordinary at the Metro Court.  She mentions the guy knocking her purse over; Kevin figures it was someone who didn’t want her to make the vote at GH.  Laura questions how Kevin found her; he says she texted him.  He says he used an app to locate her and says he is glad that, even in a stupor, she thought to reach out to him.

Carly accuses Sonny of protecting only himself, not her, and says their live together now is never going to happen.  When she opens the door and sees Nelle and Michael there, she is speechless; Michael asks if something happened, and Carly says, “you could say that.”  She tells them to come in and Carly asks Nelle what her plan was; Nelle says she didn’t have a plan.  Michael asks what’s going on; Sonny tells Michael that he and Nelle slept together last thanksgiving.  He tells Michael it was a mistake for him, but that Nelle knew exactly what she was doing; he explains that Nelle recorded their conversation about it.  Michael says that doesn’t make any sense; Carly says no it doesn’t and points out how this “wonderful, selfless, generous young lady wormed her way” into Sonny’s bed.   She calls her names and wonders how she got her completely wrong; she is either “one hell of a blackmailer, or a wall-crawling psycho.”  Nelle tries to leave; Michael grabs her and says he will give her one chance to tell him the truth.  He asks her why she did it; all she can say is that she is “so sorry.”  Michael clarifies everything; Nelle says she had already set things is motion and was trying to stop it.  Sonny asks about the plan to get him in bed, to record the conversation and to plant the bra; Nelle admits to doing all of that, but says she wasn’t going to go through with it.  She tells Michael she wanted to be the person he saw in her; she starts crying and tells him she is “so, so sorry.”  Carly makes fun of her for crying; Sonny says he wants to know why she did this.  Carly says it doesn’t even matter; she tells Nelle she wished Joslyn didn’t have her cold blood running through her.  Nelle tells Carly it’s not because of her parents selling her kidney that she is acting this way; it’s because of her, she says. 

Jason grabs Franco; Robin interrupts them.  She asks what’s going on; Franco says he was just trying to keep him from interfering with the medical professionals doing their job.  He walks off.  Jason proceeds to tell Robin about Sam’s adventure and the delivery of the baby; he explains that he was just loosing his mind and Franco got in the way.  Elizabeth tells Jason that she has checked on the baby and she is doing well; warming up.  Sam on the other hand is hemorrhaging; probably internal bleeding from the fall.   She is critical; Jason asks Liz to keep him updated.  Franco tells Jake that he has a new baby sister; Jake realizes that Sam is not okay and questions what happened.  Franco just says she is sick; Jake starts feeling bad for being mean to Sam last year.  Then he says Sam has a curse on her; a very bad curse.  He tells her that Helena Cassadine says that bad things will always happen to Sam.  Robin assures Jason that it will be okay; she tells him that they need to pray and visualize Sam recovering.  They go see ‘Scout’ and Jason tells Robin he is scared because he has so much to lose now, remembering that it wasn’t that long ago he didn’t think he was capable of feeling.  He admits that he is afraid because he doesn’t know how any of this works without Sam.  Liz goes to get an update and comes back to tell Sam that things don’t look good; she says he should probably go see Sam right now.

03-01-2017 (Wednesday) Sam and Scout are Safe

Olivia gets a call from her man on the board; he tells her that the staff managed to save the hospital.  She is pissed; she grabs a knife and tells Julian she blames him.  She says she wants to gut him like a fish, then throws the knife down and says she has to stay on track though; Julian asks her what he can do to help.  She tells him it is not the building she was wanting, it’s “what lies beneath.”  Curtis comes into Jordan’s office; Alexis is right behind.  They tell Jordan that the person responsible for killing Morgan is Julian’s older sister; she is stunned.  Alexis explains that Sam is missing; and tells Jordan how she knows “Liv,” who has been masquerading as her AA sponsor.   Jordan tells Alexis to call Liv; they say she may not realize they are on to her… Olivia sees Alexis call and immediately figures she has found her out.  She doesn’t answer; Alexis leaves a voicemail and calls right back.  Liv decides to answer; Alexis tells her she needs her help.  Liv tells her she can’t meet her right now and suggests she find a meeting; she hangs up and tells Julian that she is on to them.  Alexis said she was in front of a liquor store, but there was no traffic, no noise; the police manage to track the call and head to Olivia’s apartment.  She and Julian are gone.

Elizabeth gets called back into work; Monica explains that they saved the hospital.  Franco drives her in and asks when he starts; Monica tells him probably never.  She explains that this is a purely financial decision; nothing personal… the hospital simply doesn’t have the funds to keep luxuries like art therapy going right now.  She tells Franco there is a list of other jobs that are still available; he decides to apply for one emptying bed pans, telling Liz all he wants is to be near her.  

Jason tells Sam that the baby is fine; Sam is looking over his shoulder, and faints.  She comes to after a few minutes, but tells him she just wants to go to sleep; she tells him to take the baby and get to the hospital.  He says he is not going to leave her; he makes her hold the baby and he picks them both up.  He is determined to carry them out of there.  He makes it up the wall and onto the bridge; he can hear the ambulance coming.  They get Sam and ‘Scout’ to the hospital in time; Jason wants to stay with Sam as they wheel her off, but they tell him no.  Franco tries to talk to Jason; Jason grabs him and tells him to stay out of his way.

Nelle finds Michael at the hospital and tells him that she has done a horrible thing; he tells her whatever it is they can fix it.  She says, no, “they” can’t.  Monica interrupts and congratulates him on the wonderful thing he did; Nelle inquires as to what that’s about.  He tells her how he stalled the meeting; said he’s never tap-danced like that in his life.  She says he is a wonderful person; he says so is she.  She says she’s not, and that’s why she has to go away.  She makes up a story about her friend being sick back in Atlanta, and says she’s been a horrible friend; she says she has to go be with her friend.  Michael insists on escorting her to Atlanta and says they can take the company jet; she agrees to let him but says they have to hurry.  

Carly tells Sonny to look her in the face and tell her that he slept with Nelle; she then asks why and he does his best to explain it to her.  Carly plays him the recording and he realizes Nelle was setting him up all along; he points out to Carly that means she was setting them both up.  He apologizes, saying he played right into her hands.  He points out that the flowers, with his initial on the card, could not have come from him because he isn’t that stupid.  He tells Carly that he had questioned Nelle about this mystery man of hers, and reminds Carly of the day she sent Nelle up to the room for the tax information and tells her she planted a bra in the bed.  Carly tells Sonny she believes him.  She then gets angry at him for “letting” her depend on Nelle, letting her trust Nelle, and asks why she didn’t tell him right when it happened.  She tells Sonny to leave her the hell alone and starts storming out the door; she opens it to find Nelle and Michael standing there, about to come in.

02-28-2017 (Tuesday)

Tracy and Michael are devastated; they can’t believe they lost the vote.  Olbrecht shakes hands with the developers and tells them she’s glad she could be of help.  Tracy asks Olbrecht what she got for her vote; Olbrecht claims no one bought her vote.  Tracy doesn’t believe it; she tells Hayden and Monica that they lost the vote.  Finn overhears and asks if they can stall for fifteen minutes before certifying the vote; they say they will do what they can.  He leaves in a hurry; Hayden, Tracy and Michael put on a good act; they point out that Hayden used only worst case scenarios for projections.  Tracy says she can’t certify the vote without hearing the other analysts projections; Michael presents much more optimistic numbers.  Just then Finn comes in and asks if another donation would help seal the deal; he tells them he has sold his patent and offers the entire check, as a gift to the hospital.  

Olivia tells her brother that she is getting her revenge for him shooting her; she says she is no longer a push over.  She chews him out for his stupidity in the past, for killing Duke, mainly, and says she doesn’t think he can be saved.  Jason stands on the bridge, calling out to Sam; he cannot see her, I guess because it’s dark (although it doesn’t look dark from where she is).  She can’t find the strength to call out to him; she has another contraction and falls backwards, passing out again.  The moon shines between an opening in the clouds – a full moon – and lights up the exact spot where Sam lay.  Jason sees her; he slides down the wall.  She tells him she figured out her mother’s sponsor was not who she said she was; Sam is in full-blown labor now and Jason is delivering their baby.  Scout is born, but she is not breathing; Jason begins giving her breaths [thank god he didn’t start pumping on her chest].

Nelle starts to leave the office, with the flash drive in hand, and runs in to Bobbie, who was just about to knock on the door.  Bobbie gloats and tells Nelle she should pack her bags and catch the next bus out of town; she says, “your game is over.”  Carly listens to the entire audio file; and recalls moments of their separation; then she remembers their conversations through their attempts to get back together.  Next Carly recalls all of her interactions with Nelle, and conversations about Nelle’s “boyfriend” – things Nelle said seem to start making sense now.  She starts to walk out the door; Sonny is standing there.  Carly pretends not to know anything; she says she is there for business reasons.  Nelle tries to convince Bobbie that she truly cares about the family and only wants the best for them; Bobbie asks if that is true, why did she sleep with Sonny.  Nelle is stunned.  Bobbie tells her she knows everything, laying it all out on the line – she then tells Nelle that Carly knows now too.  Bobbie does her best to make Nelle feel horrible, pointing out all the people she has hurt, all the things she has done, and tells Nelle to get out of there and go back to whatever swamp she crawled out of.  Bobbie calls Carly and tells her that she found Nelle in her office and she confronted her with everything; she apologizes, but says she thinks they’ve heard the last of her.  

Carly tells Sonny that she has figured it out; why he wants to renew their wedding vows.  Sonny looks worried.  Carly questions why he would show up there at Nelle’s; Sonny gets even more uncomfortable.  She asks if it offends him that she is asking… then adds that it sure offends her that he has been screwing Nelle this whole time.  Guilt washes over Sonny’s face; Carly is pissed.

02-27-2017 (Monday) The Resurrection of Olivia Jerome

Sonny and Carly are beaming after their night together; Carly tells him that she is going home – to pack and tell Joslyn that they are moving back in there.  Sonny starts to tell Carly about that night, around Thanksgiving, when he thought it was all over; he tells her that he thought she was with Jax and…Carly kisses him and tells him it’s okay.  He tells Carly that he wants to renew their wedding vows.  Bobbie calls Carly and tells her that she has something important to tell her; she wants Carly to meet her to talk.  Sonny asks Griffin to perform the renewal ceremony; Griffin asks if the desire to renew their vows has anything to do with the woman he was with.  

Finn meets with a potential purchaser for his cure; he says no, because he doesn’t know how they are going to use it.  The man pushes a check across the table; Finn looks at it and seems to be impressed, but then tears it in half.  The man shakes his head; then hands Finn a card and tells him to call if he ever changes his mind.  Tracy and Monica wait anxiously; Monica asks if they have enough votes.  Tracy says they will, if Laura makes it there on time.  The meeting starts; Hayden gives her presentation.  She tries to drag it out, but the board gets frustrated and decides to take the vote; it is deadlocked, four in favor of the Quartermaines and four in favor of the developers.  Olbrecht walks up and says that she can break the tie; she is an alternate for a missing board member.  She votes with the members for the developers.  

Jason meets with Alexis and tells her about Olivia Jerome; she is freaked out, saying no, no, no… she’s my sponsor.  She recalls Julian’s meeting with her and how awkward it seemed; no wonder.  They suddenly realize, she probably did something to Sam.  Jason goes to look for her.  Sam still lies at the bottom of the spillway, half conscious; sirens blare in the background.  Sam tries to call out; the sirens slowly get quieter as they head another direction.  Julian is handcuffed to a radiator with a bag over his head; he demands to know what Olivia did with his daughter.  She says Sam attacked her on the bridge and she accidentally fell off; he is pissed that she just left her there.  Sam has a contraction; she is on her knees now.  She begs Scout to hang on until they can get to a hospital.  She tries to climb again, but has another, strong contraction; she says they are coming too fast.  Julian pulls up and calls for Sam; Jason is on the bridge calling for her.  Sam can’t call out to him for some reason; she tries, but has another contraction.

Nelle deletes the file on her computer and throws her flash copy of the recording of Sonny in the garbage can by her desk; she heads to the office to retrieve the envelope she mailed, trying to take back what she has done.  She searches desperately for the envelope and finally finds it, on the floor.  At the café, Bobbie tells Carly that Nelle’s “boyfriend” is Sonny; Carly is confused.  She says Bobbie must have misunderstood something; Sonny would never do that.  She says she’ll prove it; she goes to Nelle’s room.  She sees the “Sonny Audio File Deleted” message on Nelle’s computer.  Griffin convinces Sonny that he needs to be the one to tell Carly; Nelle goes to retrieve the envelope she mailed yesterday.  Carly finds the spare drive in Nelle’s garbage and plays it; she hears Sonny say that under no circumstances can Carly know [they] had sex.  She gasps.

02-24-2017 (Friday) The Empty Crypt

Curtis and Jason break into Olivia Jerome’s crypt; they pull back the stone lid and find the box empty.  Jason realizes Olivia Jerome was never dead!  Hayden is still looking for Finn; he talks to Roxy, telling her he has eight texts from Hayden and has a lot of explaining to do.  She finds him in his room; says she called the desk clerk and they told her he got in last night.  She searches his room, while she chews him out; she finds his pouch in the fridge and asks why he is still taking Zen-zen.  He admits it’s been hard to stop; she says she is going to get him help. He asks her to give him three days; if he can’t quit by then, he says he will go to rehab.  Hayden says she can’t watch him shoot up again; he tells her that he needs her more than anything in the world.  He tells her he loves her.  She thinks he’s just saying it to get her to back off; she says she isn’t going to fall for it and heads for the door.  She tells him to text, if he survives.

Anna wakes up in the hospital; she complains to Robin about the staff coming in and out so often, saying it makes it hard to rest.  For some reason, Robin decides to ask the guard outside her door to take a walk with her – and at the same time, Olivia Jerome steps off the elevator.  She uses a fake accent to ask the desk clerk a question; then hears him telling someone on the phone, Anna’s room number.  She pulls out a knife as she enters Anna’s room; before she steps all the way in, she hears Robin and the guard coming back.  The guard tells Robin to get him an update on her condition and he’ll try to get the desk Sergeant to agree to keep her here.  Robin announces to her mom that she is pregnant again.  Olivia says, to herself, that she will kill Anna eventually; mental health depends on setting goals, she says.

Nina and Valentin are having dinner at the Floating Rib; Dante comes by the table and says he needs to talk to them about the break in.  Valentin says he didn’t file a complaint; Nina says she did.  He gets angry with her for not talking to him about this first; she accuses him of having feelings for Anna.  He tells Dante they want to drop the charges, then goes to see Anna and tells her she owes him more than she knows.  Alexis finds Laura waiting for Lulu to join her at a table, at the Floating Rib…she wants to make amends.  Laura tells her she doesn’t think she qualifies as someone Alexis hurt; Alexis explains that she was drinking while handling the estate and although everything was valid, she apologizes for not providing competent representation.  Alexis leaves, and Regg happens by her table ‘accidentally’ knocking her purse off onto the floor; he apologizes, and Laura says it’s fine.  As she’s picking everything up, he pours something from a little vial into her coffee; he makes sure she drinks it before taking off.  Rudg calls Olivia and says he has an update; Laura starts to feel the effects of whatever Rudg put in her coffee.  She passes out cold as soon as she parks; Olivia instructs Rudg to take her for a nice, long ride.

Sam wakes up at the bottom of the spillway; she seems pretty hurt, but coherent… she talks to her baby, and is relieved when she feels it move.  She starts to climb up the slanted wall, but falls when she is halfway up, sliding back down to the bottom, holding her stomach in pain.  Sam tells the baby not to worry; she says ‘daddy’ is going to come for them real soon.  She passes out.