09-18-2017 (Monday) The Decision

St. Petersburg, Russia… Ava steps into the waiting room and approaches Patient 6 again; she tells him she used to like flirting with danger, until she literally played with fire.  She asks him if anybody misses him, then tells him about her family, and Dr. Griffin; her “companion” comes running back into the room yelling at her and pulls her away.  Ava hears her phone ring; the lady still has it on her… it’s Griffin.  The woman hangs up; Ava gets pissed.  Dr. Bronsky comes in announcing that he is the man who is going to restore her face; Griffin leaves a message, offering moral support.  The doctor tells Ava if she is unhappy with their policies, she is free to leave; she backs down, mentions Valentin and the doctor says, he is “so like a Cassadine.”  Patient 6 clutches his fist.

Anna shows Finn records she has of him borrowing Sonny’s jet to go get illegal pharmaceuticals (his Zen-zen back when).  She threatens to turn it over to the medical board if he doesn’t help her.  The WSB has linked him to the drug dealer; she says she could “lose” the file.  He says blackmail; she says “bargain.”  He asks her how much of this has to do with Valentin; she smiles and tells him, regardless, he can either be a part of the solution or a part of the problem.  Griffin comes to Anna’s house, asking if she’s heard anything on the clinic; he says he can’t help but think that Ava could end up like Jason if she goes through with this surgery.  Ava talks to the doctor about the surgery; he asks if she any questions.  She asks why Patient 6 is there; the doctor gets angry and says this clinic operates on absolute discretion.  He says the other patients don’t ask about her business and she shouldn’t ask about theirs, or she will have to leave.

Curtis tells Sonny to let him know if he needs help; Jordan comes back.  She says since he took so long, she doubled back there.  She asks what the hell he was doing with Sonny.  He says he was offering his support, and his services.  Jordan gets pissy, using her job as an excuse at first, then admitting she personally doesn’t like it.  She tells him he better prioritize because he can’t have both a relationship with Sonny AND a relationship with her; she walks away.

Scotty talks to Liz about Franco’s “twin” painting; he thinks he should sell it, saying it’s special.  Franco presses his mother for answers; she says it is time she give him the truth, although she says he might not be happy hearing it.  She tries to persuade him to forget it; Elizabeth approaches and asks what she missed.  Betsy says Franco was telling her how much he loves her boys; Liz says the feeling is mutual.  Betsy asks about the boys’ father; Lis mentions her “middle son, Jake’s father, Jason” and Betsy gasps, “not Jason Morgan.”  Lis says, yes; Betsy asks Franco, “you are raising Jason’s son?”  Elizabeth doesn’t seem alarmed by Betsy’s reaction, simply telling her that Jason and Franco have worked out their issues; she says if anyone can make it work, they can.  Betsy tells Franco, she will tell him about the boy in the picture, but not there; she tells him to meet her in her hotel room.  When he gets there, she is gone.

Sam talks to her mother on the phone; she doesn’t see Jason moving his finger again.  Sam hangs up and apologizes to him for having to listen to a one-sided conversation; she takes his hand and says her mom was trying to talk her into leaving, but she’s staying because that’s what he would do for her.  He squeezes her hand.  Griffin tells her it does not mean he is waking up; she argues.  Griffin says he is sorry; still no change.  She tells Sonny she is going to take him home; he says he’ll support her decision, but reminds her how difficult it will be for the children.  He suggests a long-term care facility and promises to keep an eye on him for her when she can’t be there.  She hugs him.

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