08-29-2017 (Tuesday) A Meeting of Families

Ned tells Olivia that he is considering going back to ELQ, noting that Michael suggested it.  He tells her he is taking over for him right now, while he goes to North Africa for business.  Nelle revels over the beautiful suite they are staying in; she is sure Michael pulled some strings to get them in it.  She says it seems like a dream; he pinches her.  She says it still seems to good to be true and kisses him.  She says she has a confession to make; she says this is the first time she’s used her passport.  Ned gets annoyed when he sees Michael posting pictures of him and Nelle in Marrakech; he says he could have just told him he wanted to take a little trip with his girlfriend.  Olivia is angry that her pizza oven just got put back on the truck; Monica has hired Cook 2 back and Olivia has been locked out of the kitchen.  She says she has totally been played; Ned says that makes two of them… he says he may know how to strike back.

Felicia meets with Bobbie; she tells her she should have “something on Nelle soon” – her contact says he found what she was looking for.  Amy tells Nathan the Quinn is in the hotel and wants to see them now; she thinks Quinn is going to tell them everything for the campaign is a go.  Maxie is on the phone with someone saying she is in Port Charles, assuring whoever she’s talking about that their project is her priority.  She says she can’t wait to see the look on Nathan’s face when she tells him her “other news.”  Felecia sees Amy and Nathan going into the elevator, and hears Amy say it’s room 453.  Bobbie tells Carly she may have some dirt on Nelle; Carly tells her, whatever it is, she doesn’t want to know.  She shows her mom a text from Michael, with a picture of him and Nelle; she says he is happy, and she realizes he can take care of himself.  Bobbie asks what if Nelle did something really bad; she says she can’t give up without knowing what this is all about.  She asks what happened; she says she realized that she needs to let Michael live his own life and have the freedom to make his own decisions – and his own mistakes, Bobbie adds.  Carly says they’ve all had the benefit of a fresh start; they should offer that to Nelle.  She tells her mother to tell Felicia to drop it, saying they’ll all be better off if they just let this go; Bobbie huffs.  When she tells Felicia, Felicia says she may want to reconsider.  She shows Bobbie the text from her contact, asking how Carly feels about murder.

Quinn tells Amy and Nathan that there is a launch party schedule and Nathan has to reveal himself at it; as he hears this, he spills his coffee all over his shirt.  He takes it off to wash it.  Quinn tells them they don’t have a choice, suggesting they re-read the contract.  Felicia sees Maxie at The Floating Rib; she tells her that she is back, for good.  She tells her, after digging into the Man Lander’s blog she realized he had some pretty good advice about love and putting it first.  Felicia tells Maxie its wonderful that she is giving everything up for love, but asks if she’s even spoken to Nathan yet; Maxie says if she had, it wouldn’t be a surprise.  She gets the feeling that her mom is keeping something from her; Felicia mentions that she has seen him with Amy an awful lot.  She then tells her she saw them get in an elevator at the Metro Court half an hour ago.  Maxie goes there and just as she rounds the corner, she hears Amy coming out, saying this will forever be their little secret, adding that Nathan should button up his shirt.  Maxie steps around the corner and slaps Nathan across the face.

Andre asks Sam how she is doing, referring to her fears about Jason’s safety.  She tells him, after today, that shouldn’t be a problem.  Jason and Sonny walk into the meeting; Sonny announces he is retiring.  He reminds her that his door is always open.  The other family heads question Sonny’s decision to retire; he tells them he will be distributing his territories to the remaining families.  As a condition, he says his family and Jason’s family will be protected by their organizations; they question if this is really all he wants in return.  He says yes, and asks if they have a deal; they all agree and shake his hand in turn.  One man wishes him luck, saying he is going to need it; another says they hope he knows what he’s signed up for.  Jason says he hopes everyone is as on board as they appear to be; Jason and Sonny say it’s done, and they shake hands.  Jason goes to meet with Sam, and tells her that everything went smoother than he thought it would; he thanks her for suggesting that he be there, saying it was the right decision.

Sam tells Jason she is probably still going to see Andre a couple times; she says the fear of losing him has always been there, so much that it took over her mind.  He says that’s fine, but assures her they are past it.  Sonny tells Max to bring the car around; the last man to shake Sonny’s hand after the meeting puts a gun to Max and tells Sonny “he’s a little busy at the moment.”  He tells Sonny he must be crazy to think he can walk away from this and live.  Jason gets nervous when Sonny doesn’t answer his phone; he goes back to check on Sonny, telling Sam he’ll be right back.  She follows him; Jason rounds the corner just as the man is getting ready to shoot Sonny.  He tells him to drop it; the man looks at Jason.  Sam comes in behind Jason; the man raises his gun at her.  Jason pushes her out of the way and jumps in front of the bullet; it hits him in the chest.

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