Friday, October 26, 2018 (S56E143): Who Is Ryan Chamberlain?

Sasha agrees to stay in town and accept a job with Crimson.  She laughs with Kiki about all of her newly-found, screwed-up relatives.  Kiki welcomes her to the family, with a giggle.  Kiki says she is excited to have a big sister; she invites her to stay with her at her place.  Sasha accepts.  Kiki has to leave; Ava sits down… she proceeds to tell Sasha about her relationship with Griffin and Kiki’s betrayal.  Sasha isn’t sure how to respond; Ava excuses herself.  Franco tells Liz that he has an idea to make Aiden the most popular kid in third grade; he tells her he wants to build a volcano and teach the kids about different colors and how they elicit different emotions from different people.  He thinks Aiden will be so engrossed in what he is doing, he will forget that he is shy; Liz thanks him for the thoughtfulness, but says she doesn’t think it will work.  She agrees to let Aiden decide though.  Franco goes to the hospital where he sees Ava; she is in a surprisingly good mood.  She tells him that Dr. Collins has encouraged her to be herself and quit apologizing for her actions; Franco laughs at the thought that she apologizes at all.

Sam and Spenelli dress up like auditors for the insurance company and go to speak with Marino’s widow; they tell her they need to know the exact month that her husband passed in order to process her claim.  She says it was March; she says she “just knew, the minute he walked out that door, Vincent was headed for his death.”  They asked why she had never filed on the insurance before this then; she says because of Margaux… she couldn’t bring herself to tell her little girl that her father was never coming home.  Laura tells Carly, if she wants to back out of going to Fern Cliff with her, she will understand; Laura is launching her campaign based on mental health treatment.  Lulu has an intense conversation about Ryan with “Kevin” and gains some personal insight into the mind of a psychotic killer.

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