Friday, October 19, 2018 (S56E138): What is That?

Maxie runs into Peter at the hospital; he makes a big deal over how much baby James has grown.  They smile at each other as they adore him.  She sees what she thinks is a rash and freaks out, asking a doctor to look at him, to find out that his clothes are just too tight and chafing him.  Drew tells Margaux he isn’t sure why he hasn’t called the cops yet to turn her in; he says she won’t get him to turn on Sonny because its not the right thing to do.  She asks if he wouldn’t like to have his past memories back; he says, not at the expense of losing his new ones.  Jason tells Sonny that there is no way she will get away with pinning this murder on him… Sam offers to talk to her; Sam tells Jason that she is frustrated with Spenneli trying to set them up together..  Michael adores the babies in the nursery; Stella asks if she can join him.  Jordan and Curtis tell TJ that the reception is going to be held on a yacht… he asks if Aunt Stella will be there.  They tell him they have done all they can do to reach out to her; Jordan takes responsibility for her actions, but says she can’t change the past.  She says it breaks her heart that it is hurting Stella; she says she just has to live with it though.  TJ asks Curtis if he can live with it; he hesitates to answer.  TJ offers to talk to Aunt Stella; he says he may be the only one who can get through to her.  Jordan and Curtis don’t hold out much hope for it though; Jason and Sonny think they have found the answer.

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