Friday, May 11, 2018 (S56E30): Stairway to Pentonville

Sonny tells Jason about the planned construction in Croton; he says if what he did is discovered, his life will be blown apart.  He says he was just a kid when he killed that boy and buried the gun with the body; if the Feds find it, he tells Jason, it’ll be “like Christmas for them.”   They go to the field and start digging where Sonny is certain he buried the body; halfway down, they take a break, and Sonny talks about Scully and his commitment to him.  He says, Scully had everything he wanted: money, respect, and power.  He chose to be powerful like Scully, or weak, like his dad; he verbalizes the irony of his dad, now, as he is starting to loose everything, bringing him “back to the place where it all started.”  Sonny apologizes to Jason, saying he never intended to trap him for life into servitude; Jason tells him they are good.  They are surprised when there is no body in the ground, only a metal pin the guy used to flash around.

Nina meets with Curtis; she tells him she appreciates her brother’s childhood letters he found in Peter’s office.  She pays him; Curtis asks if she doesn’t want him to do any more digging.  She says no, claiming she was just angry; she is sure Peter August is not a threat at all.  He shows her a ring he picked out for Jordan and asks her advice on how to ask her, again, to marry him.  He tells her why he wants to marry Jordan and she tells him what he said was poetic and direct, beautiful and meaningful and he should just say that.  He thanks her; she thanks him for his help with the investigation.  He asks again, making certain, she doesn’t think there is anything left to investigate; she says she really believes he has only the best of intentions.  Peter sits at his computer, exchanging emails with Anna.  He says, “I can hear the excuses already, mother.”  He is interrupted by Sam; she asks why he suggested she leave Aurora.  She tells him she isn’t leaving; he says okay.  She leaves and Maxie bursts in; she thanks him for the “book” he put together of Nathan’s childhood.  She tells him she has convinced Nina what a wonderful guy he is, and thanks him for the gift to her and the baby on what Nathan was like growing up.

Anna is surprised by Valentin, who sits down beside her; she closes her computer and talks about Emma and Robyn.  Obviously, unaware that Anna has already contacted Hienrik, he tells her that he wishes her peace in her search for her son.  She thanks him, and he laughs that he can’t tell if she is being sincere.  She says she is exactly as sincere as he is; he gets up and leaves.  Olivia tries to calm down Carly; Nelle tries to apologies, but Carly realizes Nelle did this.  She asks if she is the only one who sees Nelle for the snake she is; Olivia insists they continue the shower, and begins a game.  Carly apologizes and takes a pill.  Nelle tells Carly she is sincerely hoping they can be family; mentioning that she even wanted to name the baby Morgan, swearing it was to honor him.  She begs Carly to let her “make things right.”  Carly tells her the only way she can make things right is to stop saying Morgan’s name; she tells Jos that Nelle is using her and says “no one is buying this noble victim act” she is putting on to try to get Michael back, adding, “my son is too good for you.”  Nelle leaves the room.  Bobbie defends Carly’s behavior, but Monica tells them both to “suck it up and treat her with courtesy” or fake it.  Jos pleads with her mother to apologize to Nelle; Bobbie backs her up and Carly says okay, begrudgingly.  She heads into the other room.  She apologizes when she comes in; Nelle sits in a chair, holding a blanket she crocheted herself.  Carly notices that he looks just like one Morgan used to have, that Bobbie had made, and Nelle sarcastic comment tells Carly everything… Nelle laughs and asks Carly if she is okay; she says she isn’t making any sense.  Carly asks if she is trying to get her angry again, saying “I know what you are doing.”  Nelle mocks her, saying there will come a day when all of them are one big happy family, hinting that Carly might not be there.  When Carly accuses her of using her own baby shower to get her to freak out, calling her unhinged, unbalanced and dangerous, threatening to take her access away from the baby.  Carly says she won’t get away with this; she says, “watch me.”

Maxie interrupts Curtis and Nina’s conversation; she says she needs to tell Nina something.  Nina tells her it’s okay and apologizes for being so parental; Maxie says, at least now she knows Peter isn’t someone she needs to be protected from.  Curtis tells Sam that Nina has pulled the plug on the investigation; Sam says she isn’t pulling hers – Peter August is tied to too many people she knows, she says.  Anna sends Peter an email, telling him not to trust Valentin Cassadine.  Valentin goes to Peter’s office, saying they have important matters to discuss.  Nelle and Carly come out of the room, fighting over the blanket Nelle was holding; everyone looks up when they hear the two yelling… but what they don’t get to see is Carly grabbing the blanket.  Nelle grabbing it back and then throwing herself down the stairs, rolling (landing first on her knees, then her butt, sideways) all the way to the bottom.

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