Thursday, May 10, 2018 (S56E29): Ball Recruitment

Lucy stops by to see Dante, recruiting for the Nurses’ Ball; she hears Chase in the locker room, singing and tells him he is hired.  Without regard to the fact that he is standing there naked; she insist he agree to sing at the Ball.  He tries to say no, but she begs “please, please, please” and Dante admits that all the policemen there have performed at the Ball before.  He says it’s a brotherhood thing; he tells Chase if he wants to fit into the department and the community, he will do it.

Mike feels bad when he is reminded that Sonny doesn’t have his daughter now because he “screwed up.”  Sonny tells him it was an accident and they don’t blame him; they are just going to make it work for Avery.  Max comes to talk to Sonny; he says he can’t figure out how Mike knew about ‘Croton’ – Sonny wants to know how his dad would even know to ask, saying he wasn’t in his life back then.  Max assures him that the field in Croton is still empty; Sonny says he is worried that his father might say something to the wrong person.  Max says he either moves the problem from the field, which might stir up interest in a problem long forgotten, or he leaves it there and hopes that Mike won’t say anything.  Sonny says he might be screwed either way.

Nelle tells Monica that she can’t believe she is there, part of the Quartermaine family; Monica tells her she has come a long way.  Carly goes to the shower; she is surprised to see Ava show up; Monica says she wasn’t on the guest list.  Nelle gives all the reasons why she should be… calling Ava her “boss and trusted friend.” Carly hugs Avery.  Bobbie arrives and Nelle welcomes her; but there is obvious distrust still between them.  Carly says this is a chance to put their differences aside and focus on what matters.  Monica gives a speech after calling everyone into the living room; she welcomes the upcoming new family members (Nelle specifically includes Brad) and they toast.  Everyone lines up with their gift, and tells Nelle, one by one, why they chose this gift for her and the baby; Monica gives a savings bond, Bobbie gives a map to her house so the great-grandchild will also know how to find her, and Carly gives her acceptance of the guardianship saying she hopes it never becomes necessary; she and Nelle stare at each other for a while.

Finn apologies to Alexis for getting mad at her for trying to bring him and Chase together; she apologies for overstepping her boundaries.  He thanks her for wanting to help, but says his family is broken beyond repair.  She tells him it can’t compare to her family and says she would like to know more about his; he tells her that they were still putting flowers on his mother’s grave when his father remarried.  She tells him he can’t take his resentment of his father out on his brother, telling him he should “cut him some slack.”  Chase tells Dante thank you for accepting him, in spite of the way that he was thrown  in his face after his partner died.  He comments on some investigation report that Dante wrote on a break-in; Dante almost tells him that he may have exaggerated the weight of participating in the Nurses’ Ball on his acceptance into the force, but just tells him to “have fun at the Ball” and leaves.

Nelle finds one last gift, left on the table and makes a big deal about it being from Ava; she asks what it is and Ava says “open it and we’ll all find out,”  but then suggests that she might want to wait to open it in private.  Nelle says no way, and rips the box open; it’s a penguin-baby-mobile.  Carly gets upset with Ava, saying she knew Morgan loved penguins; she grabs the mobile and throws it, making a big scene. Ava looks at Nelle in disbelief.

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