06-26-2017 (Monday) Contenental Love

Michael and Nell become more and more passionate as they kiss on the couch; he asks if he should stop and Nelle says no… they decide to move it into her bedroom.  A beautiful song plays as Michael and Nelle get undressed and climb onto the bed; they make love.  Afterward, both smiling, Michael says, “well?”  Nelle climbs back on top of him.

Joslyn talks to Oscar; he says the way she feels about riding is the same way he feels about playing music.  They talk about how nice it is to just get lost in the moment and forget their problems and all the people around them; they draw closer and look like they are going in for a kiss, just as Jos stands up and screams, “my grandmother is here.”  Bobbie kicks everybody out, telling Oscar he is lucky he gets to leave with his clothes on, unlike the half-naked kids in the hot tub.  Jos begs her grandma not to tell her mother about this; she says her mom doesn’t need to be burdened with more problems right now, then asking her to please do it for her – because she loves her.  Bobbie helps Jos clean up, and doesn’t promise not to tell Carly, but leaves Joslyn thinking she might not.

Hayden talks to Curtis, who has come to check on her; he says she looks a little green and the color doesn’t look good on her.  Hahaha.  Finn talks to Griffin at the Hospital; Griffin asks how Hayden is feeling and hints around about whether or not they are keeping the baby.  Finn says the ultimate decision was Hayden’s, and she thinks she’s ready to be a mom; Griffin asks if he is ready to be a father and Finn, shakily, says “no.”  Griffin tells him he will rise to the challenge; Finn admits he still gets the urge to use, but takes time to breathe and wraps his head around the love he has for Hayden and the baby to get through it.  Hayden makes Curtis a job offer; she says they need him to help them prove whom it is that’s altering Finn’s drug tests.  She says they believe they know who it is.  Obrecht tells Ava that her health is improving; Ava doesn’t seem to be happy about the news, and Obrecht questions why.  Ava says she isn’t looking forward to the rest of her life; Kiki comes in and Obrecht leaves.  Ava tells her that she saw her face; she says her scars are the price she has to pay for all she did to her and Morgan.  Finn confronts Obrecht, who denies having anything to do with his tests coming up positive; Griffin tells Obrecht that he supports Finn and believes he is in recovery.  Scotty comes in to see Ava; Ava tells Kiki she wants her to leave, and says she probably shouldn’t come back.  Kiki tells Griffin that her mom wants her to hate her now; she says part of her does, but part of her still loves her.  Griffin says everyone has to find their own way to forgiveness, and tells her she will get through this.  Hayden confides in Curtis that she is, indeed, pregnant; after some conversation, she tells him that she isn’t sure if she is ready to be a mother.  Finn walks in the door just as she says this; he takes a step back.

Julian finds Alexis, sitting at a table outside of Perks, having a banana split; she tells him she was sitting at home, alone, and she wanted to feel more than nostalgia and regret.  She tells him it’s not all about him; he says he gets loneliness and loss.  She asks him if he has seen Sam today; when he says yes, she asks how she is.  He says she seemed a little distracted; Alexis says when she asked her about it she just got upset with her.  They finish the ice cream; Julian offers Alexis a ride home.  She says she has her car, but he does his best to persuade her to take a drive with him, talks about blasting oldies music and feeling the wind in the hair with the top down; she turns him down.

Sonny asks Carly why she pushed him away; she says he’s doing it again… just as she thinks she is over him and out of his life, then standing there watching him almost get himself killed, she says, she was so worried she was going to lose him she could barely breath.  He tells her that he believes that means they belong together; she says this is the same place they always end up… between love and violence, bliss and grief, hope and loss, barely surviving.  She says she hates this, hates caring about him, hates worrying; Sonny asks if she hates him.  He tells her, if she had died, he couldn’t live without her; she says she couldn’t live without him either and they kiss again.  They make love; he says he guesses this means they aren’t splitting up.  Carly tells him not to be too sure about that.  He tells her that he plans to get “out of the business” again, completely away from crime and violence; she tells him that she doesn’t believe he can do that.

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