Friday 04-22-2016

Michael and Felix are in San Juan, Puerto Rico, now.  They meet with Sabrina’s dad.  He tells them he hasn’t talked to Sabrina in years, but she might contact her aunt.  Nina wakes up mid-afternoon, with a hangover; Franco tells her he’s glad she’s there.  He brought her a present.  A puppy.  She is not happy about it.  Nathan and Maxie walk into the bar; it’s a surprise engagement party for Maxie.  Andre tells Anna he cannot evaluate Anna because of a prior relationship and recuses himself.  

Anna tells Paul that he will not break her; he is going to lose.  Lulu tells Maxie that she and Dante are back together.  Andre asks Jordan if she knew his evaluation was Anna… she didn’t.  But she gets upset and asks him if he wants to be in a relationship with her or with Anna; he kisses her.  Griffin happens into the bar; Maxie greets him… invites him to stay.  Franco tells Nina that he was trying to do something nice.  She totally overreacts and leaves the apartment.  She says the dog better be gone when she gets back.  

Nathan turns down the lights, drops to one knee and proposes again, this time with a ring, in front of everybody at the party.  Nathan tells Maxie she is his sun and his world revolves around her.  They kiss.  Griffin looks almost horrified; he drops his drink.  Scott walks in to the police station and tells Paul he is Anna’s attorney; Mac and Felicia hired him.  Mac tells Nathan he is happy for him and Maxie.  Michael and Felix find Sabrina’s aunt; Sabrina is not there – the aunt asks about the baby.  Claims not to have even known that she left Port Charles.  

Griffin tries to tell Maxie that he needs to go; she introduces him to Felicia and Mac.  Scott tells Anna that he will get her out.  Nina shows up at the party, gulps a drink and leaves – Dillon chases after her because she left her purse.  Nathan tells Dillon he thinks Griffin has a thing for his fiancĂ©.  Andre leaves Jordan’s office – Scott asks to speak to him.  Jordan tells Anna she wants this to go away, but it’s not going to if they don’t find Sabrina.  As Michael is about to leave the aunt’s house, he spots a baby toy on the floor and asks who’s it is.

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