Kim and Julian give Oscar an early Christmas present; its keys, or rather a key
‘fob’ to his own car. Chase and Willow
leave Charlie’s, but Willow comes back; Julian is closing, but opens the door
for her. She asks him what he thinks
the adoption agency would think if she told them about his little visit to her
apart, where he begged her not to take her son away from his. Julian reminds her that she wanted the best
for her son and agreed with him that she couldn’t give it to him; he tells her
Wiley is happy. She asks if maybe they
could just ‘know’ each other; he agrees to show her pictures.
Anna’s guests start to arrive; Jordan and
Curtis tell her they are excited for an authentic English Christmas
dinner. Anna says it isn’t for
everyone; Curtis says it must be better than Alexis’ dry Thanksgiving dinner. She is surprised when Peter shows up; Finn
is impressed. She admits she didn’t
expect it. Chet shows up next and asks
if he could bring a friend; Anna says sure.
Willow is still talking to Julian; she admits that she has thought about
still telling her son who she is.
Julian pleads with her not to; she heads to the hospital, where Michael
finds her. She tells him she just found
herself there; she gets a text from Harrison inviting her to the party. She tells Michael she wants to go… or
rather, she wants to want to go.
Michael tells her he understands; he tells her there is a meeting even
though its Christmas Eve… she goes in with him.
Anna and Peter wrap presents together and laugh about what
terrible wrappers they are; Peter says he sees he comes by it naturally. Cameron writes a letter of apology to the
court, trying to get a reduced sentence for the attempted weed purchase; just
as he is about to read it to his mother, his brothers come home with
Franco. Cameron starts lovingly messing
with Aiden, and Jake joins in the fun; the playfully wrestle on the couch. Liz says they need to get going to the
hospital for the Christmas party; Jake jumps over the back of the couch. Aiden asks Cam how he gets people to like
him; Cameron tells him the secret is to like yourself first. He points out all the ways that Aiden is
cool, and tells him kids in the third grade are really dumb and it takes them a
while to catch on. He says they will
though, and Aiden hugs him; they all head out the door.
Maxie is surprised by
Chet, when he appears in the hallway of the hospital, as she drops off toys for
tots donations. She hugs him; she says
he looks great. He says he just did a
photo shoot; Men in Uniform Against MS.
He’s October; Maxie, excitedly says, “that’s my birthday month!” Chet says “Happy birthday.” She invites him to go to the party with
her. They show up and Maxie almost
knocks the tree over as she goes to put presents under it. Lucas and Jason visit Jason; Jason holds
Wiley. Lucas tells Jason that he has
everything he could want this Christmas already. Joslyn sees Jason and yells at him for not telling her that he
knew Oscar was dying; he tells her he knew it was crushing Oscar and he had to
give his word – he kept his word, but hated it every day, he says. She cries that she can’t be mad at Oscar
because he’s sick, but she wants to because it hurts; she apologizes to Jason
and thanks him for standing by Oscar.
Carly watches from around the corner and thanks Jason for that; she hugs
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