Thursday, November 1, 2018 (S56E147): Thunder Rolls

Lightening and thunder strike as the party gets underway; Felicia congratulates Laura on her campaign turnout… Laura repeats that this is about raising money for mental health, not about her campaign.  “Kevin” says, selfishly, he wants both: good mental health care and his wife as mayor.  Jordan and Chase arrive; Jordan finds Curtis.  Cameron and Joslyn are dressed as Hans Solo and Princess Laya; she recalls last Halloween, with Oscar.  He pulls her close, as if he is going to kiss her, and he squirts her with Silly String; she tells him she will get him back when he least expects it.  They take a picture to try to make Oscar jealous.  Oscar is working at the bar; he tells his dad he has a place to live now.  Drew finds it hard to believe that not having rent money doesn’t matter to them; he tells Oscar that he is his life and he isn’t ready to let him go; he pleads with him to change his mind about the clinical trial.  Alexis shows up next; Laura notices the watch she’s wearing.  Alexis asks if she disapproves; Laura says it isn’t her place, but warns it might have come with a hidden cost.

Lulu tells her mom she is proud of her; she says she loves Ned and he’s a great grandfather to Rocco and Charlotte, but she says no one is as qualified as her mother for this job. Ned shows up; he announces that he is refocusing his campaign on the issue of mental health.  Olivia tells everyone that she and Ned are going to match every dollar raised by the good people of Port Charles tonight; Carly brings up Ferncliff.  Ned tells her, after his re-election, he will address that personally; Alexis tells him he better rethink that because she just checked the polls and Laura Collins is surging.  Ned stews about Laura’s rise in the polls; she consoles him, saying it is almost impossible for a write-in candidate to win an election.  Michael tells his mom that he has started attending the group at the hospital to cope with his grief over Jonah; she tells him how proud she is of him.  He gets up for a drink; Ava swoops over and comments on Michael’s capacity for forgiveness, bringing up A.J.  Carly warns her not to go there.  Mac shows up, in costume; he tells “Kevin” he brought his.  Mac is shocked at “Kevin’s” response; he is not aware of the alter-ego characters Mac is referring to (“Norma and Eve”).  He makes up an excuse about that probably not being appropriate in today’s sensitive climate.

Carly talks to “Kevin” and asks about her old neighbor; he gets upset with her and tells her she “should know when to back off.”  He goes to the bar to get a drink, and stops to talk to Ava; he encourages her self-exploration and tells he looks forward to finding out what else is going on inside that mind of hers.  Chase sees Michael and sits down with him to have a drink; they talk about Nelle.  Chase says he questions how he did a lot of things with Janelle; he regrets getting involved with her in the first place.  Michael tells him he made things right and can make peace with himself; Chase thanks him for saying that.  Valentin apologizes to Nina for inconveniencing her tonight; Nina doesn’t buy it… she thinks he somehow arranged this on purpose.  He swears he didn’t order the rain, nor the closing of the shuttle boat.  Valentin swears he didn’t purposefully set any of this up, but vows once again his love for her.  She says that makes it even harder for her to believe him as he is using it to his advantage; he says he will use any advantage he can to get her to come back to him.  She kisses him, then pulls away, saying that was a mistake. He pulls her back to him; she says she doesn’t want to confuse Charlotte.  He says she would be happy for them; Nina says the fact is that she knows he will hurt her again and she isn’t going to let it happen.  He looks hurt, and goes to check on Charlotte.

Julian tells Kim he wasn’t successful in getting Alexis to drop Oscar’s case; she thinks it’s because he agrees with her.  She repeats her determination to get Oscar into these trials, to prolong his life; Julian asks her to think about the possibility that it doesn’t work.  He asks her, “what if these really are Oscar last few months… how will you feel if you spend it all fighting?”  She says she isn’t giving up without a fight; he tells her he will be right there fighting with her. Kevin and Laura call for everyone to play games; first competition is Bobbing for Apples… Mac calls for takers; Laura urges “Kevin” to be a good example but he tells her he has to go, claiming to be returning to his supposed sleep-study.  As Cameron and Jos leave the docks to head to the party, Cam finds an ID card on the ground… it’s Mary Pat’s.  Carly volunteers to be first at apple-bobbing and is horrified when a face appears ‘bobbing’ in the water amongst the apples.  It’s Mary Pat’s.

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