Thursday, May 24, 2018 (S56E37): Risky Business

Julian shows up at Alexis’ door with flowers; she agrees to listen to what he has to say.  He reminds her of how much he loves her, and they laugh about old times, but Alexis is hesitant to allow him to get close.  But then, he gently kisses her on the cheek, and she begins kissing him; she pulls away suddenly, then, and begs him to leave, asking him not to try to comfort her again.  Sonny goes to visit Carly in the interrogation room.  He tells Carly that he and Stella took Mike to the Nurses’ Ball; she can’t believe when he tells her he sang with his father on stage.

Jos talks to Oscar about what happened and wonders if her mom is capable of hurting Nelle on purpose like that; she doesn’t want to believe it, but says her mom was completely out of control at the baby shower.  Oscar tells her they will figure it out.  Drew talks to Kim about her relationship with Julian; he says she deserves better.  She tells him he does too.  Drew makes a joke about the situation that reminds her of “the old him” and he tells her he hopes to just be “him” again soon.  Kim worries about him having any procedure done; she says he just got a relationship back with his son and begs him not to do anything that might take that away.

Kiki and Griffin are wakened by Ava knocking and hollering at the door; Kiki gets out of bed and hides.  Griffin lets her in; she notices the empty champagne bottle.  She says he must have a headache, and apologizes for things she said last night, accusing him of wanting Kiki.  She says she sang that song out of spite, because she was scared of losing him; she asks if it’s too ask for forgiveness.  He says he needs to tell her something, but Kiki texts “do not tell her!”  He tells Ava he has to get ready for work, and kisses her goodbye.  Kiki tells him her mom can NEVER know they slept together because it would destroy her; they agree to pretend it never happened.  Kiki leaves, Griffin goes to shower; Ava comes back, naked under her coat and tells Griffin she wants to make up.

Diane tells Carly there isn’t any proof she had an altercation with Nelle; she also says Monica is squarely on Nelle’s side.  Michael shows up, asking to talk to his mom; he wants her side of the story.  Jos goes to visit Nelle; she is relieved to hear that the baby is okay.  She tells Nelle she was on her way to see her mom, but ended up there… she asks Nelle to tell her what happened.  Nelle insists that Carly really pushed her, but then says she should be with Carly and not her.  She says she thinks Carly is having a breakdown and maybe that’s a good thing because she can get better; she also says she thinks this whole thing is bringing her and Michael back together again… Jos smiles.  Diane tells Carly that she is afraid a judge is not going to look at her defense kindly; she’s afraid Carly may be looking at 25 years in prison.

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