Friday, May 25, 2018 (S56E38): Mommy Dearest

Dante tries to get more answers out of Heinrik; he is pissed off that he used his wife as part of his agenda.  Heinrik says it wasn’t his intention to USE anyone – and he never wanted his brother to die; Dante tells him not to ever call Nathan his brother again.  He tells Heinrik just what kind of brother Nathan would have been and says he would have been ashamed of him.  Valentin comes to get Charlotte, but Lulu refuses to let him have her because she knows he is planning on kidnapping her.  Nina suggests they leave Charlotte with Lulu for the time being “as a show of good faith.”  Valentin glares at her, but agrees if she agrees to talk to him.  He denies responsibility for Nathan’s death even though Nina says he could have warned him; Valentin says he couldn’t betray Peter like that.  He owed him, he said; that’s why he kept his secret.  She screams at him and tells him she is “done.”  Maxie has to break the news to her parents that Peter didn’t turn out to be the man she thought he was; they are so sad to hear this and try to comfort her.  They urge her to focus on the baby and not hang on to any bitterness; Felicia hugs Maxie.  They go look at the baby and Maxie names him “James (Nathan’s given name) Malcom (after Mac) West.”  Brad brings Nelle flowers and mentions how worried Lucas and Bobbie are about her… he says they are all afraid it looks like she is having a nervous breakdown.  Nelle smirks and mentions “mental illness” (as if it’s some horrible thing); this perception needs to change (I say this as a person who suffers from several mental illnesses, myself).  Anna goes to see Heinrik; he says, “hello mother.”  She tries to explain why she made the choices that she made back when; she acknowledges that she failed in trying to protect him.  She says she thought the less she knew about him, the better; she tells him that Valentin was the one who gave him to his father.  He is shocked.  Nelle waits for Michael to come pick her up from the hospital; Brad stops by and they talk about the future and playdates.  She says everything is working out exactly as she planned.  Diane suggests that Carly plead not guilty by reason of insanity, something she can prove; Carly refuses, insisting it just didn’t happen like Nelle says it did.  Lulu stops by to see Maxie; Maxie allows her to stay and talk.  She apologizes to Maxie for believing Peter/ Heinrik; Maxie tells her she understands.  She says she doesn’t agree with what she did, but she isn’t responsible for what happened to Nathan, Peter is.  She tells Lulu she can be back in her life, and adds, she needs her help with something.  Carly’s hearing is set to begin and Diane is still begging her to make the plea she has advised and says she could be out in just months that way; Carly argues she isn’t crazy and it would be perjury to say she was.  Diane reminds her that her connection to Sonny won’t help her case any.  

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