Monday, June 11, 2018 (S56E49): The Decision

Anna and Finn’s goodbye replays… she asks him if he wants to stay.  Finn gets nervous and says he may not want to leave; she says that’s not a bad thing.  He says he isn’t that great to be around; she says she isn’t a barrel of laughs.  They go back and forth about whether there are reasons he should go or not and talk about having “breakfast in the morning before the flight” and he walks out the door.  Anna gets in her pajamas; Finn goes home and gets undressed for bed.  Anna tries reading a book; Finn looks at a newspaper.  He asks what he is doing; he picks up his phone.  He says he forgot to tell her something really important, and then just says “goodnight.”

They end up talking for a long time; Anna asks if he has a remedy for insomnia.  He says, “as a matter of fact I do.”  He says the doctor should deliver it personally; “someone who has an intimate working knowledge of the human body.”  Finn tells Anna he made a lot of mistakes before he got to her, but mistakes are what bring us closer to what we need.  They both agree they are happy everything in their lives has led them to each other; Anna is still talking when Finn gets silent.  She wonders if he’s okay and goes to open her door; Finn is standing there.  She grabs his robe-belt and pulls him in the door; they begin kissing and undressing.  Romantic music plays.  Well done love scene.  Anna looks so happy.

Nina arrives at the shack to find Leisel torturing Heinrik, with a recording on ear phones of “three blind mice” (lol).  She stops her when she rubs a boquet of flowers in his face, saying her son’s grave is covered with them.  Nina says they need justice, not violence; Obrecht argues she is just playing him a little music and showing him some flowers.  She tells Nina to let her handle it; Nina leaves.  Leisel puts the flowers in a vase; Heinrik says his father didn’t do her justice, saying Ceasar called her one of the most brilliant women he ever met.  He tries to make a deal with Obrecht.  He tells her Nathan’s death was Anna’s fault and says he will help her get revenge.  He tries to condemn Dr. Finn too, but Obrecht says she owes her gratitude to him.  She tells him he can’t give her back her son, and throws the vase at him; it breaks against the wall.  She says she is on Nathan’s side, and he never was.  She tells him she wants him give a confession and leaves the room.  He reaches for a piece of glass.

Maxie is pleasantly surprised by a visit from Chase; he asks if she knows when the baby can come home.  She says soon, hopefully; she says she doesn’t even have the nursery all set up, mentioning that Peter August started helping her with it.  She finds a necklace Peter gave her, and says he continues to haunt her; she says she let him convince her that his friendship was real… that he was real.  Chase says Nathan would probably want her to donate the necklace to charity; she agrees.  He tells her letting someone get close to her is a good and brave thing to do; he says she should stop blaming herself.  He continues talking and she realizes he isn’t talking about her situation anymore.  He says he runs into a lot of liars in his line of work; Nina shows up.  Chase leaves and Maxie shows Nina the baby’s birth certificate; she starts to cry at the thought that Nathan will never know his boy.  She says, “whatever happens to Peter August, he has it coming.”

At home, Michael and Nelle sit down and she talks about how grateful she is for everything.  She imagines a conversation, yelling about his “bitch mother” then apologizes for things being out of her hands right now, where Carly is concerned.  She goes up to lay down; Michael calls Spenelli again and Nelle interrupts him by coming back in.    Jason gets on the stand and says he can’t answer the D.A.’s first question, about whether or not he thinks Carly was insane on the day of Nelle’s fall.  She questions, “can’t or won’t?”  He says he isn’t a psychiatrist, and Diane stands up to support that statement; the judge sustains her objection.  Diane calls no other witnesses and doesn’t recall any other witnesses.

The D.A. gives her closing argument, saying Carly knew what she was doing and needs to pay for it; Diane says Carly “snapped under the weight of the loss of her son, and the betrayal by someone she trusted, who did everything she could to infiltrate her family” and asks for justice to get Carly the help she needs.  The judge goes to deliberate and recesses court; Diane tells Jason he played it perfectly on the stand.  The D.A. comes over to comment and Sonny tells her to stay away from his family; she tells him to tell them all not to push mothers-to-be down the stairs.  Michael gets a text about the trial; Nelle says she hopes the judge makes the best decision for everyone… especially their baby.

The D.A. calls Nelle and tells her that Carly’s attorney made a “strong case.”  She says she’ll do everything she can to protect her and the baby; Nelle thanks her and tells Michael it was just something she ordered.  She tells him she wants to go back to the courthouse with him, to face whatever happens “together” so he doesn’t have to face it alone.  The judge sentences Carly, “not guilty by reason of insanity.”  Michael says, “thank God… she’s not going to prison.”  The D.A. demands, “the defendant receive the sentence she deserves.”   Diane objects to her attempt to “seek retribution” in this case.  The judge tells her he doesn’t need instruction on how to pass sentence; he then says since there was no denial of the actions, she is a potential threat and demands her to Ferncliff, the Institute for the Criminally Insane, until deemed cleared by psychiatric evaluation and ready to be returned to society.”  Carly begs, “not Ferncliff, please.”

Carly panics and tells Sonny to watch Joslyn; she tells Jason she’ll wait for him to come get her, and the guard takes her away.  Diane says she is going to try to fight the sentence.  Jason says he can’t wait; he leaves.  Nelle revels and tells her baby that her “plan worked like a charm…” she says she is going to get everything she wanted.  She turns to see Chase standing there and he says, “Nelle, its been a long time.”

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