11-21-2017 (Tuesday) Refuse to Be Ruled by How Others See You

Franco puts a hat on Liz and all of her boys, telling them they are “exact replicas” of the ones the pilgrims wore; he says its time to say what they are all thankful for, going first, and thanking them all for welcoming him into their beautiful family, and vowing to “protect it and the beautiful life they are sharing, no matter what.” ‘Jason’ shows up to see the boys; Franco is (sarcastically) happy.  Jake asks ‘his dad’ to watch football with them; Franco says, “yeah sure, come sit with us.”  ‘Jason’ tells Jake he can’t; he says he needs to talk to his mother.  Franco leaves the room; ‘Jason’ says, “at least my son knows who I am.”  Liz tells him not to stress out about this because it will do “more harm than good” adding that it is out of his hands anyway.

Jason tells Sonny he is thankful to be home when Sonny tells him there is no pressure for him to keep working for him; Sonny smiles.  Robyn stops by; she talks to Carly first, and then Jason.  Carly tells Robyn that the second she looked at Jason, she knew he was the “real Jason” and Robyn tells her she was telling him “he could be the twin” but knew the second he brought up a memory from their past.  When he talks to Robyn he says he “can’t blame Sam for moving on” and Robyn tells him, “except that she didn’t really.”  She says if anyone understands what Sam is going through, it’s her.  She explains to Jason how her husband, Patrick, fell in love with another woman when he thought she was dead; she says, he just needed “some time to work things out” and adds, “maybe Sam needs that too.”  Michael talks to Jason about his feelings while dealing with his father and the business while Jason was gone; he also tells him all about Nelle and their on again, off again relationship.

Alexis goes to see Sam; ‘Jason’ is on the phone with the station manager; she tells him there is some broadcast they want to “break in” with… ‘Jason’ tells Alexis and Sam, it has to do with Liv Jerome.  When ‘Jason’ walks away, Alexis asks Sam if she’s heard from “Patient 6” or not; Sam says no, not since they found out that he and ‘Jason’ are twins.  Alexis asks if she really believes that ‘Jason’ is Jason and “the other guy is the twin.”  Sam says she has to; she loves her husband, she says.  She can’t believe otherwise.Nora reads a statement from Olivia Jerome, who states that she was out of her mind due to the loss of the man she loved, saying her “recovery has been slow” but claiming that she is “better now” and admitting that she forced, her brother, Julian to do everything he did.  She goes on to insist that she “forced him to cooperate” because Duke was murdered by one of his associates; she says she blackmailed him by threatening his loved ones and he had “no choice but to commit any crime [she] told him to” and she can’t now “let him pay for [her] crimes.”

Ava writes an email to a doctor who she hopes will help her; Griffin tells Ava he “isn’t going anywhere.”  He asks about her plans for Thanksgiving; he says he is “on call” and “hasn’t made plans with anyone else.”  He says he couldn’t think of a better person to spend this day with and was hoping she would be free; he brought “Thanksgiving subs from Kelley’s,” with “turkey, stuffing and gravy already in the sandwich.”  Griffin tells Ava, if she holds onto one thing from her old life, to “refuse to be ruled by how others see you”; he says, “the only thing that matters is what you see in yourself.”  She smiles and says that might be the truest thing she’s ever heard.  They turn on the television to hear Nora’s broadcast; Ava tells him her family is really messed up and he should go “running for the hills.”  He laughs; he tells her he is proud of her and she’ll be feeling like her “old self in no time.”  She says she’s counting on it.

Robyn stops by to see Elizabeth; she hesitates when she sees ‘Jason’ and says she is “so sorry.”  She admits that she thought he was Jason, but now that she has seen his brother… ‘Jason’ interrupts, “you think he’s Jason.”  Robyn sheepishly smiles and nods just a little bit.  She says she should go and asks him to tell Liz she’ll call her later.

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