11-20-2017 (Monday) Readers Love a True Story

Jason meets Sonny at the Metro Court again; he asks how the meeting went.  Sonny says okay, but it’s going to take some time to rebuild.  Cassandra sees Sonny and introduces herself; she says she understands he is a man who likes business.  But when Valentin shows up, Sonny tells her, “any friend of Valentin Cassadine is no friend of mine” and walks away.  Cassandra tells Valentin that she is excited to start working together, saying they are going to “do great things together.”

As Michael and Ned laugh about all of the Thanksgiving decorations Olivia has put out, Ned tells Michael that they need to talk about Jason and his twin.  They both tell Monica that they are concerned that the extra Jason may undo the family company; he says, for one thing, it affects the distribution of the assets, and throws the who operation into chaos, for another.  Jason comes to visit Monica; she tells him she is going to a spa in New Mexico that promises “harmonic convergence” but then admits that she’s really running away.  He tells her she is welcome to join him at Sonny’s; she says she would rather stick cocktail forks in her eyeballs.  She says he and Michael are the only things that they have in common; what about the other Jason (Drew).  Michael is surprised to see Jason; he apologizes to him for not knowing that the other guy wasn’t really him – he says he thinks, deep down, he knew, though.  Hey cries; they hug.  Ned tells Olivia that he believes the fight over the Quartermaine name is going to be a fight between the two Jasons, but he is certain, after seeing Michael’s interaction with him, “that” is the real Jason.

Finn helps Chet work out at the gym; Finn tells him he understands what he is going through, announcing that he is only seven months sober.  He tells Chet it is hard to try to explain to other people what you are going through; he says, “it helps to have help though.”  Felicia brings some food to help with Thanksgiving dinner; she says she didn’t want to leave Anna alone to do it all.  She and Mac are surprised to see Robyn at Anna’s; she tells them Emma is at a friends and the baby, Noah, is sleeping.  Felicia brings up Anna’s “new boyfriend,” saying that he adores her; Robyn asks her mom if she adores him back.  She evades the question; when Felicia goes to get the baby up from his nap, Robyn tells her mother, “out with it.”  Sonny finds Finn at the gym; he invites him to their Thanksgiving dinner.  Finn declines, saying he has somewhere he could go; Sonny says, “the invitation still stands.”

Finn asks Sonny what he knows about the street drug trade, not that he’s implying he has anything to do with it.  He says they have scores of people OD’ing at General Hospital; Sonny tells him these synthetic drugs are being made overseas.  He tells him the best he can do is put a dent in it, and someone is just going to come along and fill the gap.  Finn shows up at Anna’s; he tells her he can’t just sit on his hands… he wants to help do something about this drug trade in town.  Anna tells him that Valentin just told her the new drug that will be hitting the streets is stronger and more dangerous than ever; Finn says maybe they can stop her by giving her what she wants.  Sonny is surprised by Michael showing up at the gym with Jason; Sonny asks if he wants to spar – Jason playfully holds his arms back and Michael laughs, “that’s the only way you can beat me.”

Amy comes to see Nathan, complaining about the article the Invader printed; Maxie says they may have overdone it.  Amy worries about getting charged with fraud; Maxie says she should have thought about that before she did it.  Amy accuses Maxie of being the one who leaked the story to the invader; Maxie is offended, even though she told Chet.  Nathan tells Amy they will find something else to write about tomorrow.  Amy takes a breath when a knock comes on the door again; this time, it’s Quinn.  She says the gig is up; she is angry because she says her company has taken a hit.  Nathan says they will make it right; Quinn says, “damn right you will.”  She wants them to “go public,” and “pay through the nose.”

Chet comes over in time to hear Quinn say that no one is going to sue Amy and Nathan, because by the time they finish paying her back for everything, they will have nothing left, for which to be sued.  Amy and Nathan agree to make a video, accepting full responsibility for everything; Chet steps into the shot and says, none of this would have happened if it weren’t for him.  He tells his story and book sales start going up; Quinn gets excited and tells Amy and Nathan it looks like everything is going to be okay.

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