11-08-2017 (Wednesday – E152) Love and Support

Finn tells his patient he made it through the night; he looks at his wristband and sees his name is Chet Driscol.  He tells him it is a good day to be alive; the boy glares at him.  Nathan comes into the hospital on a call for an overdose.  He is surprised to hear that the person who overdosed is Amy’s brother; she says somewhere between the Center and here he got his hands on some pain killers; she cries and Nathan hugs her.  Outside the door, Amy begs Nathan not to arrest her brother. Nina tells Maxie that she likes her piece about Ask man Landers, but Maxie doesn’t seem very confident about it – think maybe she feels a little guilty for taking all the credit for ‘Landers’ popularity?  She smiles, though, when Nina tells her she did a good job. 

Nelle is surprised to see someone elses stuff on her desk at Crimson; Maxie introduces herself.  She tells her she’s heard a lot about her from other people.  Nelle says she’s heard a lot about Maxie too, and suggests that they both agree not to believe everything they’ve heard.  Wow… Maxie’s a bitch a to her.  She lets Nelle know that she is going to be assisting both of her and Nina for now; she says, she’ll be getting the “corner office…with three windows” and will eventually get her own assistant; but, she tells Nelle, “for now, I’m going to need you to step up” – she starts giving her instructions about what she expects and how she likes her mocha.  She wants her to help keep her organized, get her supplies and tells her she can start by hanging up her coat!  What a diva.  Nelle storms into Nina’s office and tells her she wants a raise.  Nina says they’ve talked about that and Nelle pleads her case; she leads with all the work she’s done and what happened in Morrocco.  Nina says she deserves hazard pay for that, but she tells her she only has creative control, not financial… she says maybe she’ll find something in her Christmas stocking.  She tells Nelle that she would like her input on Maxie’s article later.

Amy thanks Nathan for the shoulder and says she understands if he does what he has to do; Nathan tells her he isn’t there to take Chet into custody.  He says he does need to talk to him thought, about where he got his pain killers.  Amy runs in and hugs her brother, and chews him out, telling him he should have called her; she says she would do anything for him; if says if that’s so, he wants her to “get out.”  Her sadness is obvious.  She agrees to leave the room, but then comes back in; she tells him she isn’t going to leave him, ever.  She tells him he is a hero; he says the real heroes didn’t come back.  He tells her she’s wasting her time with him and should go save someone else; she agrees to leave again, only because she’s working.  She tells Chet that she will be back, attempting to quote McArthur; Chet tells her that was The Terminator.  Nathan tells Amy that he thinks she should tell Chet about the book and all she’s done for him; she says she can’t do that.  Later, Amy sneaks back into her brother’s room, while he is sleeping; she says she is never going to give up him and orders him not to give up on himself either.

Nathan shows up at Crimson… Maxie tells Nathan she is so excited for the upcoming event, she says Ask Man Landers is going to be bigger than ever and people from here to Hong Kong are going to be looking to him for answers; he tells Maxie the problem is he doesn’t have a single one.  He a friend needed advice today and he didn’t know what to tell her; he couldn’t think of what to do or say.  Maxie says what counts is that he was there, and he gave a damn; he doesn’t feel that it’s enough.  He asks her if she knows how lucky they are; Maxie hugs him.  Nina sees them from her doorway, smiles and stares down at her ring.

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