11-07-2017 (Tuesday) Spice it Up

Valentin tells Anna he doesn’t want these drugs in their community; Anna urges him to be her spy.  He says, “no way in hell.”  He says he and Cassandra are at a stand off; fear of mutual destruction… if she becomes motivated to act, he says, “she becomes very, very dangerous.”  Anna says she never took him for a coward and asks why he is so afraid of Cassandra; he says her proposal is out of the question… he is not helping her.  He threatens to blow her investigation if she doesn’t.  Casandra’s assistant comes over and hands his phone to her; he says he got plenty of good pictures of the three of them together.  Cassandra calls Valentin and shows him the pictures; she wonders what Charlotte would think of him if she knew what he did with, and to, Claudette.  He tells her “he’s in.”

Charlotte talks to Nina about a figure skater they just saw in a Disney on Ice show; she wonders if she could do that when she grows up.  Nina tells her she can do anything she wants to do. Cassanda comes into the bar for a Strawberry Daquiri; living it up, she says because Dr. Finn tells her she is not allergic.  She looks over and sees Nina and Charlotte; she tells her male assistant that it might be time for an introduction, adding she needs to “kick it up a notch.”  She goes over and clumsily trips over Charlotte’s new skates; she starts a conversation about taking lessons when she was Charlotte’s age.  She tells Charlotte to master the basics and she’ll be able to do anything; Charlotte says that’s what her pappa always says.  Cassandra questions where her pappa is tonight.  We aren’t shown the rest of the conversation, but Cassandra tells them that she is very glad they met and believes they are going to be great friends; they take a selfie together before she leaves.

Valentin tells Anna Cassandra could split so fast, deep underground, and Anna will have nothing – all he has to do is say the word, he says.  Anna is insistent that she has to be stopped; he says that he wants Cassandra brought down, but he doesn’t want to be involved.  Maxie is all dressed up; she and Nathan are having a photo shoot in their home, for her ‘Meet Mrs. Ask Man Landers’ article; (the woman behind the man).  Maxie is trying to take credit for ‘discovering’ Man Landers; Amy is there writing questions and answers.  Maxie isn’t happy with what Amy wrote and decides to “spice it up a bit.”

Monica tells Finn that they have an opiod overdose, who is also showing signs of a infectious disease; she asks him to consult on the case.  She says if he can’t cure him, it will be his end.  Finn tells Monica this man has many past injuries; it appears he was probably a veteran… Monica says that’s probably where the opiod addiction started.  Finn says the guy has been through hell; Monica thanks Finn for staying.  She says she doesn’t think he would have made it, if he hadn’t; Finn says it’s no problem, reminding her he just had some time off.  Monica says these damn synthetic opiods are popping up everywhere; she worries what they are going to do.

Amy arrives to work to find that the patient Finn is treating is her brother, Chet. Alexis questions Julian about why he got beaten up; he says he could be a target of another crime boss.  She doesn’t think he is telling her everything; he says there is nothing to tell.  She asks about the sale of Derik Wells Media; he says he’s just trying to cut all ties, even though it looks like a mob-to-mob transfer, he swears it’s completely legitimate.  She breaks the news to Julian about the two Jasons; he asks how Sam can wrap her head around any of this.  Alexis says she can’t discuss Sam with him, just Jason.  She says Scott will have to sort everything out with him, she just wanted to let him know.  He thanks her and she tells him to “be careful in there.”  When Julian gets up to leave, another prisoner shoves him into a wall; the prisoner looks at Alexis and glares.

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