10-04-2017 (Wednesday) The Cassadine Connection

The Russian priest tells “Patient 6” that he knows of a boat that is going to America; Patient 6 offers to give him the money Griffin gave him… the priest tells him to keep it.  Patient 6 thanks him.  The men that were looking for him before, come back; the demand that the priest open the door.  Jason tells the priest and his assistant that they should get out of here; he’ll fight them off, he says.  The priest says he can’t let him fight in the house of God.  He tells Patient 6 to go and says they will deal with the men; Patient 6 thanks him and leaves.  A man shows him to a engine room and tells him to stay there; he tells him the ship is headed for New York, USA.

Laura goes to Valentin’s, with a gun, she tells him it’s time she got revenge for everything he has done to her family; she points the gun at him.  Valentin swears he did nothing wrong; Laura says he has done plenty… he tells her the custody hearing is a bad idea, and they can work this out.  Laura tells him, she wants him to feel what it felt like to be in her son’s shoes.  She cocks the gun; she pulls the trigger and then laughs.  She says he’s lucky she decided not to put bullets in the gun.  He tells her if she ever pulls a stunt like this again, he “will win” and she and her “bubble-head daughter… will lose.”Cassandra tells her caretaker that she is considering to back to New York with Dr. Finn; he questions the choice.  She calls Valentin and tells him that she is coming to Port Charles.

Finn is angry with Anna for dragging him all the way there, when he feels like it’s for nothing; he tells Anna he misses his bearded dragon.  Anna talks about Robyn, and her grandchildren, especially the newborn boy, who she claims takes after his grandfather.  She talks about giving Robyn to a friend to raise, and not seeing her for six years, because of her job with the WSB.  Anna says she now has a chance to make up for lost time; Finn says you can’t ever make up for abandoning the people you love.  He tells her he will continue to “play nice with Cassandra” because he has nothing better to do.  He says the smart move here is to “double down”; Anna asks him what he has in mind.  Finn convinces Anna to spend a little time enjoying the country, gambling and drinking.  Cassandra calls Valentin to tell him that she is coming to Port Charles.

Ava tells Griffin she believes in miracles now; she can hardly believe that he is there.  She tells him about Patient 6, whom she helped escape; Griffin describes him and tells her he’s the one who told him where to find her.  Griffin gives Ava a key he stole from Dr. Kline; he tells her to go get her paperwork so they can get out of the country.  She comes back excited that she got everything, including her phone; she starts packing her bag.  Griffin asks if she can’t leave it; he says they don’t have time.  They get out of there and make it to a plane; Ava pours herself a drink on the plane.  Griffin asks if she is ready to tell him what happened at that clinic.  She tells him she doesn’t really want to talk about it right now and asks him why he came to find her.

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