10-02-2017 (Tuesday) The Rescue

Ava is now regretting her decision to go to this clinic; she is wondering what she gotten herself into.  Dr. Kline tells her she is not going anywhere; she asks what is going to happen to her.  The doctor doesn’t answer; she begs him to finish fixing her face and let her go home.  He says he can’t do that; he tells her this is a matter of HIS survival, not hers.Jason answers Sam’s phone when it rings; Patient 6 asks who he is… Jason asks who HE is… Patient 6 hangs up.  Sam came back in and asks who called; Jason says he doesn’t know – it was a local number, but he didn’t recognize it and no one spoke.  Sam looks at the number to see if she knows it; she realizes it was from Griffin.

Patient 6 ends up telling Griffin that he saw Ava at the clinic and tells him how to get there… two men come looking for Patient 6; Griffin sends the men in the opposite direction.  The Russian priest comes back with shoes and a clean set of clothing for Patient 6; Patient 6 thanks him.  He tells this priest that he needs to get back home; he asks if a passport is something he could help him with.  Patient 6 kneels down to pray (it is hard not to call him Jason at this point); he asks God to help him make it home.  The priest comes back and tells him that he may have a way out of the country for him; he asks where he wants to go.  Dr. Kline comes at Ava with a tranquilizer.  Griffin shows up in a knick of time (we aren’t shown how he got past security).  He fights Kline for the needle, gets it out of his hand and injects the doctor with his own medicine.  Ava thanks Griffin.

Sam tells Jason that she is afraid she “messed up” when she asked him to give up the life he loved; she says, the danger and the excitement is what used to make him “tick.”  She says, if he is bottling that up, it will eventually kill him inside, and she can’t have that.  She tells him she doesn’t want him to deny who he is just to make her happy; he says, that isn’t what he’s doing.  He tells her he wants to be her husband and a father to their children; the couch and all of it, he says, he wants… just to be her man.

Finn goes to see Cassandra; he tells her that he believes she has an actual condition, and he thinks he knows what it is.  I forget this actress’ character name, on One Life to Live, but I can’t help see her as that character; she almost looks like she could be related to the Cassadines (I see a resemblance to the young Helena).  Finn tells this woman that he needs her to come back to Port Charles with him, so he can treat her properly; she is hesitant to leave France.  He leaves her his card and tells her to call him if she changes her mind.

Valentin brings Nina a gift and tells her “happy anniversary.”  She says their anniversary isn’t for three more months; he tells her it is the anniversary of the night they met, and he cherishes that night more than anything.  The gift is a necklace, which looks exactly like the one that went missing at the photo shoot in Morrocco.  Finn tells Anna that he knows this whole scheme isn’t about Cassandra; it’s about Valentin, he says.  Anna claims Valentin is not her main objective in this investigation; Finn still doesn’t buy it.  He tells her that he doesn’t think they will hear from Cassandra again.  Cassandra calls Valentin; she tells him that she wants to know everything he knows about Dr. Finn.

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