06-30-2017 (Friday) The Sting Concludes

Jordan finds Anna at a table outside of Kelley’s; she inquires about Valentin.  Anna tells her that she doesn’t think Valentin should necessarily have to pay for everyone else’s crimes.  She says what is happening isn’t justice; it is damage control… the WSB doesn’t want to explain how and why they made the chimera, let alone how they lost track of it for decades.  Andre walks in; Jordan says she needs to get going.  Andre asks how Curtis is; Jordan says she wouldn’t know because they stopped seeing each other.  She walks away; Anna says that was awkward.  Anna tells Andre that she feels responsible for what her sister did to Valentin; he tells her she is being too hard on herself because it was all out of her control.  He asks her to let him take her somewhere special; it’s a dance studio.  He tells her to imagine it filled on a Friday night with people dancing away their stress and disappointments; inner struggle, Anna adds.  She asks if he is going to pick the music, or if she should.  He finds an upbeat, disco tune and they begin dancing; the dance is intense and quite intimate.  When they finish, they stand, still in each others arms and face to face; Andre kisses her.  Anna responds sweetly; one leg kicks back in the air.

Michael and Nelle are still in bed; he tells her he doesn’t want to get up yet, not even worrying about what time it is.  Nelle tells him that’s not very responsible; he laughs and says ELQ will still be there when he gets there.  She says she will be there too; he tells her he is glad to know that.  She tells Michael that she needs to get to Crimson too; he agrees to let her shower, but insists on showering with her.  He says he just needs a little bit more time with her before he lets her go.  He suggests they make it a business meeting and offers to run an ad campaign in Crimson through December; she can’t believe he would do that to accommodate her being late.  Kiki tells Dillon that she needs to get back to the hospital; he asks why.  She tells him it’s a secret project she is working on and there are a lot of people counting on her; Dillon gives her a long hug.  Ned steps out and asks if he is interrupting; Kiki excuses herself and kisses Dillon goodbye.  Ned asks if she’s okay; Dillon says she has it pretty rough right now.  Dillon asks his father if he is okay, saying he is acting a little weird; he asks him if he is getting cold feet.

Olivia brings in papers to Nina; Derik Wells Media lease, renewed for another two years.  She starts talking about her upcoming wedding, and Nina sits down suddenly; Olivia looks at divorce papers on Nina’s desk and apologizes.  Nina tells Olivia she doesn’t have to sympathize; Olivia says she understands that she loved Valentin, and maybe still does, and Nina admits that it has been difficult, but says she’s come to accept things as they are.  Ned asks his little brother, Dillon, if he would be his best man; Dillon says nothing would make him prouder.  Michael, Dillon and Ned, make a toast to being “less dysfunctional than the ones who came before them.”  When she gets into the office, Nina asks Nelle what Michael did to put that smile on her face; Nelle’s smile gets even bigger.  She explains that she and Michael are together and that she knows no one is going to be real happy about it; Nina tells her she is happy for her.  Nelle tells Nina she is sorry about her divorce; Nina tells her she’ll be fine and signs her papers.  Michael calls and asks her to be his date to Ned and Olivia’s wedding; she says okay.  Olivia tells Ned that she thinks they should invite Carly and Sonny to the wedding, since Carly has helped her put it all together – she says it just seems like it would be wrong not to invite them; Ned says, “sure… what could possibly go wrong?”

Hayden and Monica talk, loudly, with Finn about finding a way to prove who is setting him up; Curtis walks in, in uniform, and asks Olbrecht asks where the specimens are analyzed.  She demands to know his name and position here; he calls her Dr. Ogre (lol).  She points out the lab; she follows him.  Kiki comes along and sees Olbrecht spying on Curtis; she excuses herself.  Olbrecht asks Kiki to find out what she can about this computer guy and what he is doing in the lab.  Kiki goes back and asks Finn what she should tell her; he says, “the truth.”  Finn and Hayden tell Monica about the baby; Finn says this plan has to work.  He needs to be employed by the time the baby gets here.  Kiki goes back and tells Olbrecht, they are looking for someone messing with a sample of some kind; Curtis leaves the room.  Kiki starts fumbling with the computer, acting like she doesn’t know what she is looking for; Olbrecht stands by her, keeping watch.  Jordan comes in and sees Curtis; she asks him what he is doing there – he grabs her and puts his fingers to his lips, telling her to be quiet.

Kiki says it would be easier if she knew what kind of sample she was looking for… to rule all the other stuff out; Olbrecht tells her it’s a urine sample.  Kiki asks if she knows who’s; Leisl says Finn’s.  Kiki says that makes it much easier, and claims to have found it; Leisl runs over to the computer, saying, “what can you see, can you tell what I am doing?”  Everyone comes in; Olbrecht has been caught red-handed, by her own confession.  Jordan comes in last and places Leisl under arrest.  Nina receives a phone call; she says, “yes, I’ll accept the call.”

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