Nelle tells Nina that she took this
job to turn over a new leaf; Nina says she understands that, but she is
expanding her job description to include “covert observation.” Nelle is surprised that she doesn’t trust
her husband; she says they seem so happy.
She says the worst thing she can do is to assume something and have it
eat away at her, warning Nina that she may do something she ends up
regretting. Carly ends up interrupting
their conversation and warning Nina against employing Nelle, telling her about
the drugging of Sonny. Nelle assumes
that she will be let go and begins to excuse herself, but Nina says that makes
her all the more eager. She tells Nelle
that she is going to spy on her husband, and says she better be damn good at
Anna tells Valentin she owes him her life; she reminds him of how he carried
her to the hospital, saving her from complications from the blood clot and
getting diagnosed with cancer. She says
she tries to pretend she doesn’t have it; realizing she is vulnerable has been
humbling, she tells him. She
smiles. She says she looked at his back
the other day, tall and straight and strong, and remembered how it used to be
twisted; she realized what he went through to make his outside the same as the
inside. She tells him that she is
celebrating her life and wants him to join her in a drink of champagne; he
concedes. She pops the cork, just as
Nina happens to call; Nina hears the noise in the background, as Anna ‘whoops’
when cork pops. Valentin pretends to
lose signal; Anna insists he take his glass.
They toast and drink; she pours “just one more” and asks him if tonight
could be a new beginning, offering the watch back. He refuses at first, but then allows her to put it back on his
wrist; she says she so wants to believe that something that is irreparably
broken can be fixed. Griffin talks to Andre about Anna's claim that she is receiving treatment outside of General Hospital; he asks if Andre thinks Anna could be hiding something.
tells her mom that she loves working at the hospital; she says it makes her
feel like she really matters. Her mom
worries about her working in the psych ward; she says it’s a choice she made,
because she wants to understand more about what took Morgan’s life. Her mom brings up Dillon; they talk about
the upcoming Nurses’ Ball and then last year’s Ball. Kiki gets sad remembering that was the night that Morgan got so
angry and began his downward spiral; Ava tells Kiki she has to move on. Kiki gets upset, thinking she means they
should forget Morgan; she says she needs to go. Her mom apologizes and says she is in awe of herr; they hug and
Kiki cries.
Bobbie confronts Sonny at the hospital; she tells him, as much as
she doesn’t like him, she knows he makes her daughter happy. She says no matter what else has happened
between them, they both lost Morgan; they talk a while, and Sonny brings out
the pill bottle. Lucy approaches Sonny,
to talk about the Nurses’ Ball, and stops cold when she sees the bottle in
Sonny’s hands; her whole demeanor changes and she apologizes for
overstepping. Sonny tells her he will take his usual table and provide an additional
contribution; he tells her to call his accountant. She thanks him
and says there is something that she still needs to tell him; he tells her it
will have to wait. He goes to see Andre. Sonny tells Andre
that he can’t help but think, maybe the manufacturer of the pills screwed up;
Andre says that would be difficult to prove.
Michael talks to her mother;
she tells him that his father got Jax sent out of the
country. Michael tells her that Jax will work things out; Carly
can’t believe he is defending his father. He says he just doesn’t
want her trying to get back at him; she says she won’t do anything Sonny
doesn’t deserve. He suggests she go to Australia; he says she could
get a house down the street from Jax if she doesn’t want to move to fast with
him. She seems to consider it, until he mentions Nelle and she
realizes he is thinking about forgiving her; she tells him, he
can’t. She explains that she tested her love with Jason because it
was the only way she knew to prove it to herself, and as good friends as they
are, she says, Jason could never fall back in love with her because she hurt
him so badly; Michael realizes she is comparing Jason and herself to he and
Nelle. He politely ends the conversation; and acknowledges that he
is going to do whatever he wishes.
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