Friday 03-25-2016

Anna begins to question Griffin about who he really is; he insists he is Duke’s son.  He asks her to run a dna test.  Parker stops kissing Cristina and tells her this can’t happen again – Cristina asks why not.  Cristina asks her if she’s just playing with her; if it’s fun for Parker to watch her embarrass herself, or does she really care for her? Hayden asks Elizabeth who she thinks she is… Elizabeth turns the question on her, calling her by the name ‘Rachael Berlin’.  Hayden pretends not to know what she’s talking about – apparently she is someone who was involved in a scandal on Wall Street?  Laura slowly lifts the lid to the trunk.  All that is in there is a textbook that apparently used to belong to Scotty Baldwin; he was a law student when they were first married. 

Hayden begs Elizabeth not to tell Nicolas; she says she wants to tell him herself… Nicolas walks in the door and asks what they are talking about.  Elizabeth tells him – her father is Raymond Berlin, Investment Advisor who bilked his clients out of billions of dollars.  He is in prison; her mother is still alive… Nicolas is furious that she lied to him about her parents being dead (she tells him they might as well be).  He knows for a fact she has been using him now.  Lulu asks Laura if she can let it go now; treasure hunt is over.  Parker apologizes to Cristina; says she should have called – Cristina insists she must have wanted something from her and that’s why she came.  Parker asks Cristina what she wants; she says her… the only woman that has ever made her feel this way. 

Parker apologizes again; tells Cristina that she needs to explore this side of her without fear and without shame… and without her.  Cristina says she doesn’t know how to do that; Parker hugs her gently and tells her goodbye and leaves.  Paul Hornsby tries to make Carlos a deal he can’t refuse; Carlos threatens to tell on Paul if he doesn’t keep sending him money.  Anna comes to see Paul; she wants to know if he is any closer to bringing in Carlos.  She says she is going to find Carlos herself and bring him in.  Lulu drops the book and an old, pressed wrist corsage falls out of the pages; it brings back memories (from before Helena was a part of her life).  Hayden tries to explain herself; she tells Nicolas what they have is real… he’s not buying it now.  She begs him to believe her; she said she was humiliated about who she was – but the one big truth is that she loves him – he just may consider forgiving her.  Sonny talks to Griffin about Duke; Griffin asks Sonny to forgive the man who killed his father.  Paul calls somebody and gives them a ‘tip’ – the PVPD made a mistake in identifying body… Carlos is still alive

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