Monday 03-14-2016

Lulu shows up for the will-reading; Laura can tell she has good news.  Elizabeth is leaving the mansion and is stopped by Scott; he tells her she is a beneficiary of the will so she needs to stick around.  Monroe looks in the mirror at a scar on his side, obviously fresh out of the shower (in a towel) and bumps into Maxie as she rushes into the room.  She drops her files; looking for Apiphany she said.  As she tries to stand up, she twists her ankle.  Monroe says he can minimize the injury if he acts fast.  She says go for it.  Sam runs into Alexis at the bar and tells her Helena cursed her before she died; maybe the cut finger was a result of that curse.  They leave for the reading of the will.

Ana thinks she might have figured out the answer to who Griffin Monroe is (but she’s wondering if she might be crazy).  Nathan and Dante speak in the evidence room; Dante tells Nathan that he and Lulu are back together.  Finally, Nathan says.  Nathan tells him Maxie is letting the ‘Claudette’ thing go… Dante tells him the Maxie he knows doesn’t let things go.  Nathan tells Dante, Claudette was not only his ex-girlfriend, she was his wife.  Wow.  Ok.  Maxie might be upset about that.  Ana thanks Andre – after Jordan walks in on their conversation; tells Jordan there is something she should know about him.  She simply admits that Andre is her therapist.  Maxie and Griffin Monroe are getting along well; she asks him to consider being the subject of the Crimson ‘Real Men’ issue, which they are planning to do after this ‘Real Women’ issue.  But when Maxie asks about the little scar, he tells her he thinks they are done here.  Maxie walks into the evidence room to find Dante and Nathan in a serious conversation; Dante tells her that he was just telling Nathan that he and Lulu are back together.  She says “yay” and hugs him.

As the will-reading starts, a video is played.  It starts with her explaining that she had kidnapped Robin to try to make herself immortal; the tape is just a precaution in case it doesn’t work.  She is leaving these gifts to ‘live on’ through all of them.  She begins with Samantha Morgan May McCall; she leaves one cent (because that’s all any child of Alexis is worth).  Alexis is next; formerly known as Natasha, daughter of the whore of Nikos… with instructions to play a certain opera tape, she leaves her a lockbox (inside of it is a dagger and case – the one used to slit her mother’s throat).   Next, Helena says, “my dear sweet Elizabeth”…  apologizing for taking Jake and keeping him all those years, she leaves Elizabeth a leather-bound book; “Jake’s Adventure”.  Elizabeth, rattled, leaves and says she has to get to work and be near the psychiatric help she’ll need when she reads that.  For Nicolas, she says, who deserves NOTHING, she leaves a portrait.  Nicolas seems shaken by it; says he’ll put it up in the den and throw darts at it.  Now for Lulu, Lesli Lou… who has done the most for her, more than she’ll ever know, Helena leaves an empty envelope (tells her to remember what she said).  Finally, to Laura, who had the greatest impact on her life, Helena leaves a small box with a key in it; a key to what she had loved and lost (Nikos?) – everyone is confused.  Lulu tells her she should just throw it away; Nicolas asks Laura if she is going to pursue this.

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