Tuesday, August 28, 2018 (S56E105): How Long Can We Keep Doing This?

Carly and Jason talk about the incident last night; Sonny comes in and tells them he has come to a decision about what to do with his father.  He and Carly go to look at some facilities.

Lulu tells Felicia and Maxie that her new boss (Peter) is running a piece on the Ryan Chamberlain murders, for the 25th anniversary.  Kevin goes to visit the patient, who was Carly’s former neighbor in Ferncliff; the patient says, “:it’s nice to see you again, Kevin.”  Kevin says the orderly told him he has been claiming to be him again; Ryan says he can’t help himself.  Maxie, Lulu and Felicia talk about the time Ryan kidnapped her and killed others in town.  Kevin tells his brother that he should have given up on him long ago, but he still hasn’t; Ryan says maybe he should have.  Kevin says he will see him again in a few days, and turns to leave; he gets a text message and glances at it.  Ryan jumps up and kicks him from behind, knocking him to the ground.

Nina, while talking to Valentin, gets a call from Pentonville; they tell her, her mother is dead.  Alexis tells Julian it would probably be best if he wasn’t there at the hearing; the hearing is about to start, and Brad is freaking out.  He tells Julian that he thinks maybe he and Lucas should just take Wiley and run; Diane comes into the courtroom, without her client. 

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