Thurs-Mon, April 12, 13 & 16: TRIPLE DECKER

Thursday, April 12, 2018 (S56E9):  Lulu seems to disregard the hints that are being dropped by Peter as to his identity; Curtis determines that all of Peter’s records are faked.  Michael stands in as an impromptu birthing coach for Maxie when Nina runs late for the class; there seems to be a little chemistry there.  Ava goes through Griffins bag while he is in the shower and sees the test results; as he’s leaving, she tells Griffin she loves him and he tells her he will see her at dinner.

Friday, April 13, 2018 (S56E10):  Jason and Anna make their way to Switzerland and we see some beautiful shots of the landscape; Anna is making it more and more obvious that she has a strong connection to Heinrik.  Robert makes an appearance; still looking good.  Walking the hallways, at the hotel in Switzerland, Jason bumps into Sam.  Stella does her best to prepare Sonny for what is to come, while not beating around the bush; Mike loses his glasses after sitting them down on the table.  Mike takes Avery to the park; the nanny goes with and calls Carly to tell her because she seems a little concerned about it.  They played and had fun; it was adorable.  Carly drives out to the spot where Morgan died; she calls out to him, but gets no reply.  This makes her late picking up Mike and Avery at the park; she calls the nanny to tell her she will be late.  Mike wants pretzels and the nanny goes to get it, leaving Avery with Mike.  When she returns, they are both missing.  Nelle leaves a strange note for Carly, on the back of a flyer, on her car window; “meet me where you left me tonight.”

Monday, April 16, 2018 (S56E11): Emma puts on a pretty blue dress and puts her hair in a nice French braid, preparing for her interview at the boarding school Henriech used to attend.  She;s not happy when Robert shows up at her hotel room door.  She explains.Carly tells Griffin about the calls she’s been receiving, one saying “I’m here” and the other, an explosion; she also tells him that the calls were traced to an Angels’ Bluff pay phone.  He agrees to investigate.Sonny talks to Stella about his fathers’ condition… he tells her about a childhood game he used to play, because his dad wasn’t around.  He compares it to now…he wonders if one day Mike just wont recognize him.  He thinks about recreating a moment in Mike’s earlier life, thinking it might help him remember some things.

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