09-27-2017 (Wednesday) The Suspicion

Finn meets with Anna; he tells her about his meeting with Cassandra.  He is frustrated and tells her he got no information on the diamond; he tells Anna that she is just a full blown hypochondriac.  Anna says that’s terrific; Finn says, not for him.  He says Cassandra told him they probably wouldn’t see each other again; within minutes, however, he gets a text from the woman, asking to see him again.

Nelle tells Michael she’s wondering what it’s going to be like sleeping with her landlord; Michael says there is only one way to find out.  They start kissing.  After they get done making love, Nelle tells Michael this is the happiest she’s over been.  She says she wishes they could be “like this” all the time, just the two of them together; Michael tells her she would probably get bored pretty fast.  He surprises her by telling her he has taken the day off; he offers to help her unpack her boxes.  He invites her to join him at his grandmother’s birthday party; she declines.  He says he will just take his grandma out, alone, another time.  Nelle tells him he doesn’t have to do that, but he says he wants everyone to know that they are serious about each other.

Amy is nervously awaiting the book launch, which is today; Nina is there to get “the scoop” she was promised.  She questions Amy about involving her brother; she has sort of a threatening tone in her voice.  Amy tries to assure her that no harm is going to come to Nathan; Nina says it better not.  Maxie tells Nathan he needs to go get dressed; he says he isn’t looking forward to this.  She tells him not to worry, because her plan is “fool-proof”; she says nobody will ever know he is a part of this deception.  Spenelli shows up and tells Maxie, with all that’s been going on with Jason, he hasn’t had time to complete the investigation on Man Landers, which she asked him to perform weeks ago.  He is confused by the calm reaction Maxie has; she tells him to “forget it” and shoves him out the door after he sees Nathan come out in his tuxedo.  Spenelli gets suspicious when he hears Maxie say, “thank God I took care of that.”  He immediately goes to the launch; Amy asks why he is there so early.  She says the public doesn’t know yet; he tells her he’s such a fan, he would like to talk to Man Landers himself.  She tells him, maybe later.

Quinn is surprised when five “Man Landers” come out, wearing ‘Zorro’ masks; Maxie tells her that she is a PR specialist and this is her idea to build public relations.  She says, having five of them “working the room and handing out books” will excite the crowd and make them all the more curious about his true identity.  Quinn likes the idea; she says they will “go with it.”  Spenelli watches from outside the door; he watches as Nathan exits the room and goes out the porch to comfort Amy.  Amy is afraid that Quinn will accuse her of “blowing off the non-disclosure agreement.”  He assures Amy everything will be okay and hugs her; he says no one will find out “about them” but suggests she go in alone so they aren’t seen together all that much.  The minute Amy goes back inside, Spenelli comes running out and asks Nathan, “how dare you?”  He says it is his duty, as Maxie’s friend, to tell her that he is cheating on her with Amy; Nathan follows Spenelli back into the room, telling Spenelli he isn’t cheating, and loudly says, “I’m Ask Man Landers.”  The crowd in the room gasps, and cameras start flashing.  Nathan realizes he just let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.

Carly tells her mom that she doesn’t know that she is doing the right thing; she is meeting with Sharon Grant today, the dead fiancĂ©’s sister.  She says it could all blow up in her face; Bobbie tells her it is for Michael’s own good and she shouldn’t back down.  Sharon walks in.  The lady immediately guesses that Janelle did something to Carly’s family as well; she asks Carly to share her story first.  She then shares hers and says goodbye; Michael comes in for coffee and sees his mother at the diner.  She tells him she was just meeting her mother there; she asks if she’ll see him at the party later and he tells her he and Nelle have decided not to go.  Nelle hears a knock at her door; Sharon Grant says, “hello Janelle… or, I hear it’s Nelle these days.”  Nelle looks horrified.

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