08-23-2017 (Wednesday) Imaginary Friends

Carly is confused about Sam’s confession; she says Garvey is the one who shot Sonny.  Jason tries to get Sam to leave, but Sam refuses.  She tells Carly, she deserves to know what really happened.  She cries as she describes to Carly, the horror of her hallucinations and how she could have done what she did, thinking what she thought; she explains how she did it, and why, still somewhat confused herself.  She describes how sympathetic Sonny was; with the gun in her hand, he told her he would never do anything to hurt her or her family.  She explains that the gun went off when Sonny tried to take it from her hand, insisting it was NOT an accident.  She cries harder as she describes how she kicked him into the hole after pulling that trigger, and left him there to die; Sonny calls her over to him and lovingly tells her she has nothing to be sorry about.  Carly glares.  As Sonny talks to Sam, Carly just shakes her head; he points out problems others of them have had; Jason says he should have noticed and feels he wasn’t paying enough attention.  Sam says she was hiding it; she questions why she couldn’t come to him when he is the person she trusts most in this world.  Sonny points out that he was out of his mind much the same way when his bipolar would get out of control; Jason points out that she had an infection, and it is gone now.  She worries it may have left some lingering effects.  Sonny tells her it’s over now; Carly says no it’s not… “not as long as the police are investigating.”  Carly tells Sam she is completely unaccountable for her actions and says she doesn’t blame her at all, but, she turns to Sonny and Jason and tells them that she can’t believe they could keep this from her.

Franco comes out and hugs Elizabeth; she tells him she misses being there with him.  She says all the art and creativity, makes her feel at home; he tells her she should start painting again and says he wants her to think of his art studio as her art studio.  She thanks him, although she doesn’t think she will have time anytime soon.  He tells her he fears his “talent” and the darkness may have been intricately connected; he asks what if one can’t exist without the other.  She tells him that “edge” is what people love about him – he says, “in the art world.”  Liz asks what other world there is; Franco says, “our world.”  He tells her she thrills him and calms in at the same time, calls her his first “sane girlfriend” and says he doesn’t deserve her.  He says he loves the world they have created and he is terrified he is going to mess it all up; she tells him he won’t.  She points out that one of his paintings stood out to her; she says it’s lighter… even hopeful.  He gets a text from Ava; she will allow him to show his work at her gallery.  He tells Liz, though, “that one” is not for sale; he describes an imaginary friend he had as a child… this is a painting of the two of them, in their respective opposite realities.  He laughs about how the nicest thing he’s ever painted is a manifestation of his childhood psychosis.  He talks about his different interactions with this ‘friend’ clarifying with Liz that he knows now that he was just imaginary; she says she loves the painting, and loves the story behind it.

Ned runs into Alexis at the Metro Court; he tells her she looks happy and says he needs her legal services.  He says he wants to update his Will; he wants to add Olivia and Leo – with Leo as his son.  He asks her if she would help him convince Julian to agree to the adoption; she says no.  He asks if that has anything to do with her still being hung up on Julian; she admits that she still loves Julian, and doesn’t know why, and knows she shouldn’t.  She deduces that she goes after men who are like her father, because her father didn’t love her; Ned tells her maybe it’s time to break that pattern.  She explains that there seems to be two sides to Julian, just like her; she knows he loves her, but that’s not enough.  She says she has to get off of this roller coaster.  Ned tells her she hasn’t been able to get out of her own way so far, but if anyone can break this cycle, it’s her; he kisses her on the cheek and leaves her sitting there.

Julian’s trial continues; the Prosecution adds someone to their witness list and Scotty objects.  The judge allows it; the people call Winston Rudge, insisting his testimony is vital to the case.  Scotty asks Julian how bad this is going to be.  Rudge gets on the stand.   He testifies that Julian says he was willing to do anything his sister needed; Scotty objects.  He’s allowed to continue; he describes Olivia and Julian’s conversations as very “conspiratorial” and describes one particular lengthy conversation between them.  He says Julian was always concerned about the legal ramifications and claims they had conversations about him claiming to be coerced, if they were ever caught.  Scotty points out that this entire testimony amounts to nothing but hearsay and points out that his client, Julian, tried to kill his sister years ago.  He also gets him to admit that sometimes he was “in the loop” and sometimes, he wasn’t; he then asks if he has any incentive for testifying today.  Rudge says he just had to make things right for Anna, Robyn, Sam and everyone else who suffered at the hands of Olivia and Julian.  Julian jumps up and tries to attack Rudge; the judge orders him restrained.  The prosecution rests.

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