07-17-2017 (Monday) On The Edge

Ava is telling Felix to leave her alone; he is trying to get her ready to leave, ass she is being discharged.  She says she’s not going back to the penthouse; she says she’s not going anywhere… she refuses to leave the hospital.  She says she doesn’t want to make other children cry the way she made her own daughter cry; she just wants to stay there, locked away, claiming its better for everyone.  Jason brings Sam to pick up her medication; she protests the supervision.  Elizabeth tells her the doctor has an opening right now and asks if she wants the appointment since she asked to reschedule her follow-up tests; Jason is confused.  He asks Sam why she lied to him, telling him the doctor gave her an all clear; she says she just doesn’t want to be poked and prodded anymore.  He says she needs to stay healthy, for the kids and asks Elizabeth if they can take that appointment.

Sam’s hallucination of Sonny tells her she better find a way to get out of the exam, saying they both know it won’t end well for her.  Liz says the doctor can see her in a few minutes; Sonny tells her they might find out about ‘him’ – that something is wrong with her – and then they’ll think she’s just some crazy lady who sees things that aren’t there; and after that, he asks her, “what will stop me from hurting her family.”  Jason asks Sam if she’s okay.  Griffin tells Sam he wants to do a neuro-scan; she agrees.  Afterward she says it was no big deal; Griffin says it will be two to three days until they have her results.  Griffin’s face warps into Sonny’s; he tells her it won’t be long until they find her weakness and lock her up; he says if she is going to eliminate him she better do it now.

Jordan calls to see how Stella is doing; Curtis tells her she is getting better.  She tells him she is just trying to give Stella some space to heal; he thanks her and says he’ll see her later.  Andre sees Anna; the agree that they are still friends, but look longingly at each other; Jordan approaches and Andre excuses himself.  Jordan asks Anna what she just walked in on.  She tells Anna its okay with her if she wants to get with Andre; she then tells Anna that she thinks she caused Stella’s stroke.  Felix dazzles Stella with his charisma; they laugh as she listens to him talk.  He brings her in flowers that were brought by TJ; she says she used to get boquets like that from someone who was very special once… Felix says, “do tell.”  Curtis steps up to the door; she stops talking when she sees him.  He says he’d like to hear more about this mystery man, but she refuses to talk anymore; Felix tells her he’ll be back later for the rest of that story.

Stella ends up telling Curtis about a young man who proposed to her once; she says when his mother died, she dropped out of college and moved back to Baltimore to be with  the boys.  Curtis apologizes, not knowing she gave up so much for he and Tommy; he asks why the guy didn’t come with her.  She says he had a good job; and before texting and everything, long-distance relationships didn’t work.  She says she could have stayed with him, or been with family; in the end, there was no decision.  Jordan thanks Anna for the talk and says it helped; she admits she might be using this medical crisis to push Curtis away again.  Anna tells her to call him and they hug goodbye.  When she calls, he doesn’t answer.  Stella tells Curtis that she will try to accept him being with Jordan; she says all she ever wanted was for him to be happy.  Jordan calls again; Stella tells him to answer.  Jordan asks him if he would like to have dinner and talk; he says that’s a good idea.  Andre goes in to see Ava; she tells him she doesn’t want to talk.  He asks her if she is having a suicidal thoughts; she laughs and says she isn’t sure she belongs in this world anymore.  After talking to her for a while, she decides she is ready to go home and agrees to let Felix escort her.

When Laura brings Spencer to Lila’s Kids camp, he makes a big deal out of how important the play is; Valentin steps out from behind a tree and says he couldn’t agree more.  Laura tells him he isn’t supposed to be there.  He says he knows, but couldn’t resist; Charlotte hugs him and asks when she can come live with him again.  He says soon; Laura tells him it was mean to get Charlotte’s hopes up because Lulu has custody now.   He asks if she knows about the lawsuit; she says of course.  He says Nikolas may be alive and well out there; he says he will protect what is his by whatever means necessary.  Charlotte asks Spencer why he hates her pappa s much; Spencer tells Charlotte her “pappa” killed his father.  She gets made and says it’s not true; she runs and asks her father, who doesn’t deny it, or admit it.  He tells Laura that Spencer has now hurt his daughter and he’s not going to let it happen again; he leaves.Carly and Sonny put their rings back on, making a new vow to always hold on to their strengths; they slip the rings on each other’s fingers, say a few words and kiss.  When he tells her they aren’t going to be prosecuting Ave, and they are just going to have to make peace with that; Carly gets angry and says they have to take things into their own hands. Sonny says they can’t; he says he can’t tell Avery one day that he killed her mother.  Sonny tells Carly the only way to beat Ava is not to let her consume their thoughts; Carly tells him she wants to go visit Morgan’s grave.  They apologize to Morgan for their fighting and tell him it’s all over now; he says they are going to move forward and be happy.  Spencer sits on the bench practicing his lines and someone puts a black bag over his head; he struggles.

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