5-24-2017 (Wednsday) Surprise!

Ava tries to leave, but Sonny stops her; he tells her the party hass just begun.  Sam wishes Kristina luck with her performance; Lucy ushers her out.  Charlotte asks about the Chimera container; Jake says it’s powerful magic… it comes at the very end, he says.  Emma does a cute rendition of “I just Want to See You be Brave” with Amy, Kristina and Valerie.Nelle starts to wake up; she calls out for Michael.  Sonny tells Michael that he is pissed Ava is trying to make herself look good, using Morgan’s name.  Jason shows Sam the necklace he found on the floor; they think Jake may have brought it.  

Anna calls Robert and asks what the Chimera actually does; she asks what the hell the Bureau was thinking making it in the first place.  Andre sees Anna and is obviously pissed at her; Anna tries to explain to him that her sister, Alex has been posing as her for the last two months.   Anna apologizes if her sister offended him.  As Lucy changes for another act, Valentin comes in and tells her he wants to “up” his donation to seven figures; Lucy asks, “in exchange for what?”  An announcement comes over the speakers that Leisel Olbrecht can not perform, but someone is taking her place; Valentin steps out on stage and plays the piano, and sings a song to Nina.  Valentin tells Anna that he sold the Chimera to Helena Cassidine.

Andre tells Sonny the crushed material in the bottom of the pill bottle was an “inert substance.”  When Sonny asks what that means, Andre tells him it could have been a placebo.  Sonny knows someone set him up by tampering with his medication; he says he is going to find out who it is.  He walks into the ballroom and stares right at Ava, who is sitting with Scotty.  Scotty tells her there is no way Sonny is ever going to find out.  Joslyn calls Michael and tells him she is nervous about her performance; he tells her to keep her phone on.  Her voice crackles a little bit, but she sings a beautiful son, “It’s Not Over Yet.”  Nelle hears her signing and wakes up to see Michael sitting next to her; he says, “surprise.”  

Sonny tells Carly he finally has answers about Morgan.Jake tells his mom he isn’t feeling good and they decide to cancel his magic show; Jake realizes he left his magic box backstage.  The girls get upset that he isn’t going to do the show and decide to do it themselves; they open the box to practice the tricks.  They pick up the Chimera container; Charlotte finds a button and pushes it… blue lights come on around the bottom of the container.  

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