12-29-2016 (Thursday) NEW YEAR’S EVE - PORT CHARLES

A crowd begins to gather at the Metro Court for the New Year’s Eve party; Curtis sees Jordan and asks if he is allowed to say Happy New Year to her.  She says certainly; she is starting off 2017 by letting go of all the things that pulled her down in 2016.  They toast and drink to that.  Valentine shows up; Nina warns him that no one is going to be happy to see him there…and adds that Lulu has threatened to do exactly what she told him she would do – not stop until she takes Charlotte away.  Jordan tells Curtis the mayor and new DA are pressuring her to solidify this case; she says she needs his help, as an outside investigator for the PCPD – (this position would be in opposition to his investigation with Jason).  He tells her he’s already investigating the bomb that blew up Sonny’s son, asking what he would get out of working for her, adding suggestions with sarcasm.  She asks if he’d rather work for Jason; he says yeah.  She asks if he is going to Sonny with whatever they find so he can walk yet again; Curtis suggests she wants him to bury evidence so she can get a conviction.  He says no thanks and turns to walk away; Andre greets him.  Andre apologizes for the way he answered the phone and acted towards him that night; Curtis thanks him and shakes his hand.  Jordan tells Andre she’s proud of him.

Carly says she needs to get back to the party at the Metro Court; Sonny asks her to please stay.  He says he loves it when she’s here; she says she loves being there, but hesitates.  He says he can’t stand the thought of going through the countdown alone and asks if she can’t stay.  They start talking about Morgan again; Carly says she can’t imagine the coming years without him.  Sonny says that’s why they should be together; she recalls last Christmas Eve, with him in the wheelchair.  Sonny says hope didn’t die with their son- Christmas gave him a glimmer; Carly says there is a fine line between hope and denial… she says losing Morgan taught her she has to be realistic about the life he leads and the danger it brings to the family.  She says she misses him; waking up with him every morning, going to bed with him every night, misses spending time with him, crying with him, laughing with him… she wants it all back.  But, she says, he can’t promise there won’t be another bullet, another bomb, another hit; so she has to walk away.  She says she hates the thought of life without him, but she would hate it more if his business hurts someone she loves.  She leaves.

Bobbie goes to see Nelle, shows her the pill, and says she found it in Sonny’s room.  She asks what Nelle might have been doing in Sonny’s room.  Nelle explains that she was picking up a dress for Carly and her reminder went off to take her pill; they spilled all over when she tried to get the lid off.  She thought she picked them all up; she grabs it out of Bobbie’s hand and says she can’t afford to lose one.  Bobbie then asks Nelle about her intentions toward Michael; she says they are just friends, and tells her, she turned down his invitation to go out tonight.  Bobbie says, “good” adding, she won’t let anyone hurt her family; she leaves.  Nelle sends a text to Michael, saying if he is still free, she’d love to spend time with him.  

Kiki can’t believe the bus isn’t even going to stop for bathroom breaks; Dillon lays his head back and tells her to just ignore him.  She says if she could ignore him, she wouldn’t be on that bus.  This takes him by surprise; he asks if she left town because of him.  She says, him, Valerie… he asks if she has a problem with Valerie.  She says she just couldn’t stand the though of seeing the two of them together.  He is happy to hear this.  He stops her as she goes on and on about how horrible it would be to see him with Valerie all over town; he tells her that he and Valerie are JUST friends.  He says the night they spent together, they spent talking about how much relationships suck.  He laughs.  She admits he was the ONLY reason she left Port Charles; he admits she was the only reason HE left.  She pulls out a bottle of champagne and says they should toast, to fate; maybe it isn’t so cruel after all.  They wish each other a Happy New Year and kiss.

Jason and Sam walk into the chapel; it is all decorated with white streamers and white trees!  It’s beautiful.  Lucy is practicing her lines (as minister) and when she says, “you can kiss the bride” Jason grabs Sam and kisses her.  She giggles.  Lucy turns around and sees them; she says she just wants everything to be perfect for Maxie and Nathan’s wedding.  Lulu puts Maxie in the tub and turns a cold shower on; Maxie comes running out, screaming.  Lulu says she’ll go get the hair dryer; Maxie lays back down on the bed.  Robin comes in with coffee; she’s says, “no, no, no, no…” and pushes Maxie back up into a sitting position.  She tries to stimulate her by getting her dress and laying it on Maxie’s lap, then hands her a cup of coffee; Maxie sneezes and spills the whole cup of coffee on her dress.  They all just look at it.  Nathan gets a phone call; it appears that he and Claudette are still married.  Someone sends him a picture of his Divorce Decree, still unsigned and un-filed by Claudette.  He goes to tell Maxie his bad news and finds out that she has plenty of her own; the wedding is postponed, indefinitely.  

Robin comes into the chapel to deliver the bad news; she, Sam and Jason engage in small talk for a minute, Jason asks how Patrick is, and then Lucy comes back in.  Robin tells them all that there cannot be a wedding tonight after all, as Maxie is sick (she doesn’t even know that Nathan is still married).  Sam and Jason invite Robin to go to the Metro Court party with them; she says she’ll come, but there’s someone she has to see first.  They head to the party.  She goes to see Sonny; he is happy to see her.  He tells her that they have discovered that Morgan didn’t die because of him; he says at least he can sleep at night now.  She asks about Carly; he says she doesn’t trust him anymore, but he’s not giving up.  She tells him she is sure he can prove to Carly that he is worthy of her trust; she heads to the Metro Court party.Nina and Valentin come into the chapel; he wonders if they are early.  Nina assures him they are not early at all.  Lucy comes in and tells them, unfortunately, the wedding has been cancelled.  She is posting signs and getting ready to close up the chapel; Nina suggests Valentin marry her so they can fight for Charlotte together.  

A priest comes in and they ask if he would mind performing a ceremony for them; Valentine makes a call to line up the marriage license.  Lulu and Dante discuss the upcoming battle for custody of Charlotte; he vows to stand behind her, even if it gets ugly.  The priest begins the ceremony for Nina and Valentin; they say their vows, unrehearsed, using strings as their wedding bands.  Carly runs in the door, calling out to Sonny; she tells him Happy New Year.  He says Happy New Year and they kiss.  Nathan comes back into the room to find Maxie sound asleep again; he kisses her on the forehead and tells her Happy New Year as he snuggles down beside her.  Robin makes it to the party just in time; she’s on the phone with Patrick, wishing him a Happy New Year.  Michael and Nelle dance and wish each other a Happy New Year, Sam and Jason kiss and wish each other a Happy New Year (Scout too), and Dante toasts with Lulu to a Happy 2017.  The priest pronounces Valentin and Nina, husband and wife.

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