01-13-2017 (Friday)

Somebody drags Franco into a storage room of some kind and drops him on the floor, still unconscious, his head bleeding on the right side.  He starts to come to and calls out for Elizabeth; he wonders what happened.  Elizabeth is at work, asking if anyone has seen Franco; she gets told he has missed two appointments this morning.  She is worried now.  Kiki runs into Elizabeth at the hospital and tells her that Franco knows who killed Tom Baker, but he doesn’t want to turn this person in, she says because he doesn’t want to hurt “her” any worse than he already has.  Lulu says she can’t imagine who Franco would give up his freedom for; Elizabeth gets even more worried.  She calls and leaves a message for Franco.  Franco manages to get to his feet; he starts looking through boxes to see if he can find something to use.  The first box has a lamp in it; he takes the bubble wrap out and wraps himself in it, trying to stay warm.

Lulu and Dante tell Valentin that they have received news that Claudette is dead; he says she was her own worst enemy, but regardless of how he feels about her, this news is going devastate his daughter because she loved Claudette very much.  Dante insinuates that Valentin doesn’t care about Claudette; he says she was his daughter’s surrogate.  He says if she was killed, he wants whoever is responsible brought to justice; Lulu says they can help Charlotte, by letting her know she has a mother after all.  She suggests he tell Charlotte that she is her biological mother; he says absolutely not and leaves.  Lulu asks Dante why he wasn’t backing her up; he says he thinks maybe Valentin is right.  Valentin goes to pick Charlotte up from ice skating; she asks when he mom is coming back… he tells her to sit down, saying he has bad news he has to tell her.  He hugs her and tells her he is sorry about her mom; Charlotte asks if she will ever come back from heaven.  He says no; she says that’s alright because Nina can be her new mom.  

Nina is happy to see Maxie at the office; she tells her they have a problem… the new printer needs the final copy a week earlier than normal; she tells her she’s left a to-do-list on her desk.  Maxie sits down and sees the list for the upcoming “wedding issue.”  She looks sad; Nathan goes in to talk with Nina.  Nina thanks him for letting her help with this surprise; she says she has already lined up Dillon and everything is ready.  Dillon comes in; Maxie asks to talk to him.  She tells him she is having a hard time looking at this wedding issue; Dillon says, yeah, Nina should have been more considerate.  Maxie decides it’s just too much for her, and says she’s leaving; Dillon stops her and asks her to stay.  He says Crimson needs her, the readers need her; he asks her to please stay.  She agrees, although she says it will be hard for her to pick a dress for the ‘must have’ column after her own dress was ruined.  Dillon helps her look at the dresses and she decides on one.

Nathan tells Nina about Claudette; she is shocked, but assures him that Valentin did not have anything to do with it.  She asks him to just drop it for now; she says they need to focus on “operation Maxie.”  He agrees.  They begin looking through the file she has put together; she says she knows Maxie’s taste inside and out and she is sure she is going to love this.  He says okay; he has Dante and Lulu waiting in the restaurant upstairs, ready to spring into action when he says so.  Maxie tells Dillon she has realized that designers are hypocrites and that a fancy dress doesn’t really matter; she says she would be happy to marry Nathan in an off the rack cocktail dress.  Her next assignment is going through vows written by other couples; she just finds it too stressful though, and leaves the office.  

Hayden n Finn go ice skating…Hayden says she’s had enough and wants to go get something to eat; she goes to change.  Finn gets in his closet and takes out his medication and syringe; Hayden comes back into the room and asks what he is doing.  He lies, saying he was just getting some cream for his hands; they pour themselves a drink and make a toast to Roxie for saving “their” lives.  They begin kissing and decide to make love; Finn picks her up and carries her into the bedroom.  

Alexis proceeds to introduce herself to the AA group, unsure exactly how she is supposed to do it; she tells them that the last twenty-four hours have been really, really hard.  The leader asks her what brought her here today; she says she isn’t even sure.  She said she married a man who turned her into something she thought she would never be; a victim.  She started trying to relax with a glass or two of wine, then it was a bottle or two… then she started putting vodka in her coffee to get through the morning and started drinking all day and all night.  She says she is really ashamed and doesn’t recognize herself anymore.  She mentions the night she was watching her grandson and almost burned the cookies because she was passed out on the couch; then she did something even worse, she says.  She tells them about running over Julian; she says she really wants a drink.  The man tells her she needs a sponsor and she asks for one; Elizabeth sees her leaving the meeting and wonders (knowing Franco had hurt Sam in the past), could it be Alexis?

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