12-19-2016 (Monday)

Anna tells Dante she heard about Charlotte; she asks how he’s holding up.  She says she understands what he must be going through.  Valentin invites Lulu in; Charlotte comes running out in her new dress that Nina bought for her.  Valentin offers Lulu a drink; she says she has no desire to drink with him.  Nina comes out and asks what’s going on.  He explains to her that Lulu wants to get to know their daughter; he offers to have Lulu take Charlotte to see the town Christmas tree lighting ceremony.  When they walk out the door, Nina asks Valentin if he is crazy.  She tells him that Lulu is being possessive, like a child with a new toy, and she clearly doesn’t want to share.  When Dante sees Lulu back, with Charlotte, he is surprised; he gets a little upset when she tells him she went there without him, but becomes quickly understanding.  What a guy.  He apologizes; he says he was thrown.  He says he is all in; she smiles gleefully.  

Nina tells Valentin, as he helps her on with her coat, that he better prepare for the fight of his lifetime, because she knows from personal experience, there’s no telling how far a mother will go to protect her child.  Anna gets a call from Robert; he has no new information for her… the school rubble, he says, has revealed nothing so far.  She has Charlotte with her so Lulu and Dante can talk; Charlotte and Emma sit at a table outside, waiting for the tree lighting.  Anna recognizes a tune the girls are humming, which Charlotte taught to Emma; she recalls walking through an erie, white hallway while somebody down the corridor is whistling that same tune.  Charlotte says her Pappa whistles it to her when he puts her to bed.  Anna is very bothered by this information.  

Finn shares his secret with Brad, that he has had Blackwood Syndrome for the past three years; infected in New Guinea researching the disease.  He also tells him that Hayden has become infected with an accelerated form; but he believes he has found the cure.  Brad offers to stay and help him finish the formula.  Elizabeth comes by to check up on Hayden; she tells her she really wants her to get better.  Hayden believes she really means it.  Elizabeth tells Tracy they need to get Hayden to the hospital now; she can’t do anything more for her there.  They go; Finn and Brad continue working on the formula for the cure.  Finn comes to the hospital, the doctor on staff says he didn’t know Finn was back on staff; Finn says he is and says Hayden is his patient.  The other doctor leaves.  Finn tells Tracy he has the cure, he believes – he is going to inject himself to test it; before he does, however, all of Hayden’s alarms start going off.  Now, he must make a serious decision. Does he go ahead and test it on Hayden, first, instead?

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