12-22-2016 (Thursday)

Julian has packed his bags; he is planning on moving into Alexis’ rather than having her come to his and Ava’s apartment to care for him.  He did not give Alexis a choice, simply telling her this is what he is going to do.  But what about the restraining order?  Jordan just questioned her about it the other day and she was clear, she did not want to drop it; how would she explain this?  Ava doesn’t think it’s a good idea; she says Alexis isn’t capable of caring for him; she is a “hopeless drunk.”  Flash to Alexis, with her coffee cup in her hand.  She walks to the living room, opens the cabinet and pours some vodka into her cup; it must taste much better that way.  The look of relief on her face is unmistakable.  Kristina comes down the stairs; she asks if Alexis is sick.  Alexis says she might feel something coming on; Kristina guesses that she might also be upset that she is leaving.  With Molly gone, and being alone, she guesses it’s “empty next syndrome.”  

Kristina offers to stay; Alexis assures her she will be fine.  She says she has had a rough year and could actually use some peace and quiet.  Julian tells Ava that the love he and Alexis share doesn’t just disappear; she questions how he can possibly say that when he tried to kill her.  He responds, he was never going to go through with it.  She asks him how moving in with her after blackmailing her is going to work out; she tells him they are too far past the point of no return.  Alexis does not love him, she says – he has to get over her.  He says he just can’t live with the way things are right now; she wishes him luck, saying she thinks he is going to need it and walks away.  He shows up at Alexis’ house; she lets him in, shows his helper out and tells him to get comfortable on the couch.  She lets it be known, he will not be sleeping in her bed; he jokes about not being able to get up the stairs anyway.  She thanks God for that.  

Franco, now, begins kicking the cage, trying desperately to break out of it.  His phone rings but he can’t reach it; it’s Elizabeth.  She leaves him a message; she says she and the boys can’t wait to spend Christmas with him.  He manages to break the lock by kicking the lid; he immediately calls Elizabeth.  He is out of breath, but tells her he’s just been really, really busy; he says he will see her tonight.  She smiles and hangs up.  Kiki runs into Dillon at the café; she apologizes for her reaction at Crimson the other night.  She says she didn’t mean to slap him; he apologizes for the comment he made about her choosing him over Morgan.  He says they both said things; he doesn’t want her to worry about it.  He wishes her a Merry Christmas and sits down.  Valerie comes in and sits down with him; Kiki listens from the counter.  Dillon tells Valerie the night they spent together was the best he’s had in a long time; Franco calls to see how she’s doing.  

Standing just outside of the café, holding two cups of coffee to-go, Kiki tells Franco she’s alright; just being silly and emotional tonight.  I’m worrying that Tom Baker is going to follow her again; but she makes it to her mother’s okay.  Ava invites Kiki to come with her tomorrow to visit her grandma, Dillia; Kiki declines, saying she really just wants to be alone.  Dillon tells Valerie he is having a hard time, seeing Kiki everywhere but not being able to be with her.  Valerie says she understands what that’s like.  Dillon and Kiki, separately, but at the same time, start looking on the internet; Dillon sees something and says that sounds like more fun than moping around, and Kiki says, “that’s what I’ll do.”  Franco goes to see his mother, who tells him that Elizabeth came to see her earlier; he mentions not having seen Liz in the past twelve hours.  Heather questions why not and starts giving him a hard time; maybe Elizabeth figured out she was right.  Maybe she doesn’t believe in him as much as she said.  Franco determines that he has to tell Elizabeth everything he’s done; he goes to the hospital and tells Liz that he needs to talk to her.  

Finn talks to Hayden; he tells her she can have her Christmas present early, if she wakes up.  Hayden’s mom comes to the hospital; Elizabeth shows her into Hayden’s room.  She asks Finn if Hayden is dying; she gets very upset when they explain everything to her, particularly when she hears “lizard DNA” was used in the serum.  She threatens to have Hayden moved and call the police; but then Hayden wakes up.  Finn checks her vitals and sends her blood for testing; she is out of organ failure danger.  Her mother is relieved; she tells Hayden she was so worried, and is thankful her sister called to tell her.  She tells Hayden she loves her; Hayden smiles.  Naomi apologizes to Finn, who then tells her to leave; he says, “Hayden needs to rest.”  Brad calls with the results of her blood test; there are no signs of the disease.  Finn found the cure!

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