11-08-2016 (Tuesday) DANGER!

Finn talks to his recorder; another experiment failed… one step forward, two steps back – much like his relationship with Hayden, he says.  Brad comes in and bitches about his lab being in such disarray – he picks up a beaker and Finn almost flips out; he tells him that it is highly volatile and he needs to put it down very carefully.  Brad asks what, exactly, he is holding – Finn tells him it is a pathogen.  Finn demands that he give him the beaker, but Brad notices how much he is shaking, he sits it down and inquires about why Finn is shaking so bad.  Finn gets mad and tells him just to leave.  He does; he is going to complain.  

Alexis meets with Diane for dinner and drinks; she asks Diane to look over the document Valentine gave her – she verifies, it is official… before Alexis’ dad died, he changed everything.  All that was going to Spencer, is now going to Valentin.  Hayden and Tracy (along with another man) leave the board room; Tracy says she didn’t make any friends in there.  She says she wasn’t hired to make friends; it wouldn’t do any good to pretend things are okay when they are in the red, she had to be honest.  The man scoffs at that, saying something cutting about Hayden’s father being the biggest con artist ever.  Tracy tells him the board voted for Ms. Barns as Financial Administrators and she trusts her expertise; the man says he will be watching.  Hayden welcomes his scrutiny, saying she will be completely open about the finances of the hospital.  Brad comes out to complain to Tracy about Finn being in his lab; he tells her that Dr. Finn’s hands are shaking so hard, he doesn’t know how he is doing any research.  He says if he isn’t careful, his next stop will be the morgue.  

Finn drops one of his beakers…he goes to get a mop to clean it up – Hayden comes by to see him (to tell him what Brad is saying).  She steps into the liquid before noticing; a piece of glass sticks in her shoe.  She reaches down to pull it out; Finn comes in and sees her, and asks what she is doing; Finn tells her to put the piece of glass down, and then frantically looks at her hands.  Franco asks Elizabeth if she would like to continue kissing, or get back to her sketching; she plays hard to get.  He persuades her into giving something new a try; he likens making love to art, and asks if she would like to make some art with him.  Lol.  He calls it a collaboration; they sweetly start kissing and she asks if he would like to go upstairs.  Just as they start, the phone rings.  She answers professionally… the man who raped her is up for parole, supposedly rehabilitated and no longer a threat to society (but she says he will always be a threat to her).  She was only fifteen; Tom Baker is his name.  It took a year to put him in jail; he got twenty years.  When he came up for parole five years ago, she had to make a victim impact statement; his next hearing is tomorrow.  Franco says they better get started on her next victim impact statement.  As she types, she becomes emotional and Franco comforts her.  

Jason comes home and tells Sam that the man was shot dead before he got any information out of him; Pete is dead, he says.  Sam wonders what he knew that someone would kill to keep him quiet.  He shows her the phone, and then tells her that Curtis Ashford show up and saw him taking it.  They review the numbers Pete called that day; one is blocked – Sam gets on her computer to see if she can find the information anyway.  She finds something, a name, Oscar Jessup?  They discuss the possibility that one of Julian’s other enemies put that bomb in his car; Julian did have a lot of enemies.  Curtis meets with Julian and tells him that Jason was there questioning Pete when he arrived; and then mentions that Pete was shot.  They each order a drink; the bartender tells Julian that he cannot serve him.  Carly has forbid it; Curtis buys Julian’s drink and tells the bartender he will talk to Carly about it.  

At home, Alexis is now watching Danny; she hands him his juice, then says she is going to have some of her favorite juice, and pours some wine into her glass.  She gets up to put a sheet of cookies in the oven, and trips; Danny says she is funny.  The timer goes off; Danny can’t wake Alexis up, so he runs into the kitchen.  The smoke alarm begins beep; Alexis wakes up, smelling something burning.  Where is Danny??  Diane congratulates Tracy on getting the hospital re-opened; Tracy says she isn’t going to celebrate yet, until she knows for sure GH can recover from the financial devastation of the shut down.  The man (from the board of directors meeting) sits down at the bar next to Julian and tells him it looks like he is going to get his wish; GH won’t be able to climb out of their financial hole.  Tracy sees this man talking to Julian.

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