11-04-2016 (Friday) WHO'S CHILD IS THIS?

Sam and Jason sit in the car, watching… They are on a stakeout, looking for the guy that actually was paid to plant the bomb; some guy named Pete.  Sam jumps out of the car, calling out to Pete, reminding him that she is Julian Jerome’s daughter.  She tells him they could help each other out – offers him money for his version of what happened the night Julian’s car blew up.  She says no one has to ever know that they talked; he refuses.  She says fine, then, he can talk to her husband, Jason Morgan – Jason shows up and the guy is willing to talk, immediately.  He begins to tell Jason his side of the story; then the man is shot, and falls to the floor; Jason ducks for cover.  

Nelle brings Carly the requested item from Morgan’s room; she also brings what looks like a journal.  Carly reads it aloud; it talks about Morgan accepting his disorder and deciding to live with it.  He says he has vowed to take his medicine, especially for his mother, so she’d be proud of him.  He has checkmarks next to the letter ‘M’ on every day – he was taking his meds.  He was encouraged and normal and happy; showing restraint.  He was in control of his illness, until he wasn’t Carly says.  The last pages show his decline; she begins to cry.  

Curtis is called to come into the police station; Jordan says she has been informed about his taking a picture of a police file, and he is going to have to pay the consequences.  He tries to explain, how it happened by accident, and by instinct he took a picture… Jordan tells Curtis he has put Valerie’s career in jeopardy.  She said she isn’t pursuing action against Valerie, but this could be a mark on her record.  They begin re-hashing old shit; and Jordan gets sarcastic about what integrity looks like.  She tells him she is going to make sure that he is never, ever a police officer again.  She says he is not worthy of a badge because he lacks the necessary ethics; she tells him he may want to move away.  He calls her a hypocritical bitch.  

Alexis accepts Valentin’s job offer; she has a smug look on her face as he tells her it will be great to work with his sister.  She tells him this is not a bastards-unite reunion; this will be a professional relationship… and once she finds the answers he needs, he will leave Port Charles, permanently.  Right, he says.  She asks why Nikolas would sign over the estate with no quid pro quo; he offered nothing in return.  Valentin says Prince Nikolas was on the run, and wanted to unload his property; she tells him that doesn’t make any sense.  He says that’s his version of events and he’s sticking to it; she asks him if he has forgotten that there was another witness to these events – Ava Jerome.  She says Ava’s story is vastly different from his, including the fact that he held Nikolas at gunpoint while he signed over the estate; Valentin says that Ava is a dubious witness and her testimony won’t stand.  Alexis realizes that the document he is displaying is not notarized, and therefore, in the United States, it is not legal.  She tells him to leave.  He says it is unfortunate that they couldn’t form a family connection; he gives her another document, from Greece (in Greek) noting that it is notarized.  He tells her to have it translated and then get back to him.  

Griffin tells Anna he has decided to leave the priesthood; he says he will be happy to have just this little girl call him father from now on.  He feels like Charlotte is a sign from God; says his path is clearer now than it’s ever been.  They decide to go out to dinner.  Anna receives a message that the DNA results are in and goes to meet the messenger; Valentin walks in and sits down.  He stares at Griiffin and Charlotte.  Anna comes back and sits down, as Griffin approaches Valentin and tells him to leave his daughter alone.  Valentin says there is a misunderstanding; he claims Charlotte is HIS daughter.  Ava talks to Kiki and tries to talk her into leaving town, just getting away from everything, she suggests.  Kiki is offended that she would be trying to get rid of her; she says she is just worried about her… worried about Carly’s need for revenge.  Kiki tells her mom she and Carly are fine; they just avert their eyes when they see each other.  

Kiki starts blaming herself again for Morgan being in that state of mind; Ava tells her she couldn’t have done anything and she isn’t responsible for what happened to Morgan.  Kiki asks then who is – Ava flashes back to her switching out Morgan’s meds in his room.  But then she insists that the only person to blame is Sonny; Kiki asks if she is trying to convince her, or herself.  They stop fighting, hug, and Kiki says she has to get back to work; Ava gets a text message:  “I saw you.  I know what you did to Morgan.”  Ava gasps.

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