11-18-2016 (Friday)

Elizabeth immediately reaches in her purse (fumbling) and grabs her mace, telling Baker to stay away from her; he retreats without hesitation and tells her he is not going to hurt her.  He says she didn’t have to send her boyfriend after him; she says she didn’t, but she understands why he went there, adding he’s lucky he only told him to stay away from her.  He laughs and says Franco must have left out the part where he almost choked him to death.  He shows her the marks on his neck; she turns and walks away… he tells her to tell her boyfriend that he is not a threat to her.  She turns around and says that he will always be a threat to her, alive or dead, because of what he took from her.  She leaves without getting the donuts.  She confronts Franco when she gets back to the hospital; he admits it but swears that he was only trying to scare him.  She calls that a lie of omission and says she is questioning now whether they can make it as a couple or not.  She tells him she doesn’t want him going to jail, because that would take him away from her; she makes him promise that he will not go after him again.  

Charlotte tells the judge that she calls Valentin “poppa” but Anna argues that’s only because he has coached her to call him that; so the judge asks her, but Charlotte says she knows he is her poppa, she remembers living with him and she loves him.  Anna shows the judge additional papers that show what a violent threat Valentin is, and that he didn’t even exist until a few years ago (having gone back to his family name only recently).  The judge breaks to review the evidence and make her decision.  Valentin confronts Griffin in the hallway, saying that he doesn’t think any of them will see Claudette again; Griffin punches him in the face.  The judge comes out and asks if they would like to come in and hear her decision; she tells them she cannot condone any physical violence.  But she assures them her decision is not based on what just happened; she tells them it is clear that Charlotte loves her father and is not afraid of him and she awards full, legal and physical custody of Charlotte to Valentin Cassidine.  Griffin is clearly upset.  The judge gives him a moment to say goodbye to Charlotte; he tells her she may not see much of him anymore, but he wants her to know that even though he isn’t her dad, she is in his heart just the same and he will always be there for her.  She hugs him.  Valentin whispers in Anna’s ear, “open your eyes” in Latin; she looks horrified as he takes Charlotte’s hand and leaves the room with her.  

Curtis meets Julian and tells him he has been digging into Oscar Jessup again… Julian gets a phone call and leaves the table.  Curtis sees Diane picking up her check; he jumps up and grabs it from her, saying, “allow me.”  She asks to what she owes this unexpected generosity; Curtis sits down and says he wants to talk about her client.  He asks why Sonny clammed up at the police station after confessing at the church; she says he was just exercising his right to stay silent… Curtis says Jason must have said something to him and he wants to know what.  Diane refuses to give him any information but thanks him for picking up her check.  When Julian returns, Curtis tells him that he is certain Jessup planted that bomb; Julian tells him he needs to find new employment.  

Joslyn tells her dad she wants him to stay for Thanksgiving; Carly argues that he probably can’t because he has things to get back to… Jax says his family here needs him right now and he will stay as long as they want.  Carly offers to put him up at the Metro Court; Joslyn says she wants him to stay with them.  Carly says of course he can stay; Jos excuses herself to go do a book report, while Jax and Carly talk.  She tells him she just doesn’t know how to move through this; he puts his arm around her and says they can try, together.  Joslyn comes out and sees them; she smiles.  They continue to talk and end up kissing after Carly says she wishes sometimes that she had fought harder for them.  Sonny has a nightmare while sleeping in his cell; Carly brings Morgan’s ashes in an urn and tries to show them to him.  

Jason shows up and tells him that the bomb, in fact, had nothing to do with him or the contract he put out on Julian; but they still have to find out who put it there.  Sonny says there’s no need to; he’s going to do his time and it doesn’t matter anymore.  Jason tells him he needs to keep fighting, for his kids, his family… Avery can’t grow up with Ava Jerome, he reminds him.  The guard tells Jason he has to go now; Jason ask if Sonny knows the name Oscar Jessup… he was a contractor that did work for the Jeromes, Sonny tells him.  Sonny gets ready for his arraignment; when Diane shows up, he tells her he is not going to plead guilty anymore.  

Franco runs into Sam in the hallway at the hospital; he apologizes to her for everything he has ever done to her and says he hopes she can find it in her heart, one day, to forgive him.  When Sam meets Jason at the bar, she tells him about the meeting with Franco, telling him that his apology seemed somewhat sincere but she feels that he is only using her to ease his conscience and she doesn’t know what Elizabeth is thinking, getting involved with him.  Jason tells her that Sonny told him who Jessup was; she says Spenelli is looking into the records as they speak.  Oscar has been dead since 1990, she finds out.  Julian is on the phone with someone, who he calls “Jessup,” saying he has done everything he asked for months now and asking when enough will be enough.

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