"Life Gets in the Way"... Personal Soap Opera Update (10/5/2016)

Kasey's grandmother continues to press the lawsuit... we spent three weeks trying to gather all possible documentation for various items BELONGING to Kasey, in response to a Request for Production, and answering Interrogatories (where we pointed out all the hours of labor Kasey has put into that house, herself, fixing it up - particularly the flooring - she has pulled up the twenty-year-old, mint-green, shag carpeting (filthy, nasty) and padding and tack strips, and laid down a nice vinyl wood flooring throughout (excepting the Master bedroom at this point, because she's a mom and always puts herself off until last).  We've also been helping friends with alot of painting, cleaning, etc., and at this point, I am exhausted!  My body went into shut-down mode last night; I dropped on my bed, and couldn't move anymore (until I woke up feeling nauseas this morning; and then it was so hard to get up).  I really don't know how Kasey does it; four kids, ranging in age from 4 to 9... and they run like a well-oiled, though sometimes slightly squeaky, machine.

Anyway, my daughter submitted a copy of her Motion for Dismissal and Answer to the stupid Petition, to the case worker for the kids and (my mother loses)... she has been informed that they are moving forward with the adoption; no reason not to, since Kasey really is in no danger of losing her home.  Sadly, I do think she has lost her grandmother; and I've lost my mom, for good.  I'm afraid there is no coming back from this.

My mother has done the most horrific thing, short of murder, as far as I am concerned... she has declared me DEAD (for the second time in a year and a half), told me I was a BIG MISTAKE, and worse in years past, but for her to come after my daughter like this - to threaten the welfare of my grandchildren and attempt to evict my child from her own home - has hurt me more than anything she's ever done before.  She is being selfish and petty, vindictive and hateful for no good reason; she's insulted my grandchildren, both biological and adopted (and has been very mean to all of them when she has come to visit in the past two years).  She has always done her best to manipulate the system to work in her favor, and to coerce our entire family into doing what she's wanted in the past (but NO MORE); my mother has gone beyond any semblance of reason to a place so far off, I can't even understand it.  Her bottom line being that she doesn't want to have to put up with the kids living there, if she should happen to decide to come back to Texas and move in with Kasey (claiming to the court that Kasey agreed to stop fostering whenever they might happen to be, and to to elder care instead, at that time... like she would just ship the kids at that point.  Like, NOT.

So I spent one morning making copies and getting them sorted and stapled, and then driving the courthouse to have them filed; got file-stamped copies and HAND-DELIVERED those to the attorney of record (a member of an "online attorney service" my mother signed up for) in Waxahachie.  Took most the morning.  I've fallen a little behind on my blogs, but I've NOT fallen behind in school!

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