10-21-2016 (Friday)

Sonny comes to see Carly at the penthouse; he asks if he can please come in.  She allows him to come in to say what he has to say, but then says he has to go.  He tells her he wants to plan Morgan’s memorial service; she tells him she already has it planned – it will be November 11th at All-Saints’ Church.  He asks when she was going to tell him; she says she is telling him now.  He asks how she can take this away from him; she reminds him that he took Morgan away from them.  She reminds him that she begged him not to retaliate against Julian; he made his choice and it wasn’t for them.  He says he was just trying to keep his family safe; and yet, she says, Morgan isn’t safe… he is dead.  He’s never going to get married, be a father, or grow old, because of Sonny’s choices; she says she should never have talked herself into thinking that loving him was more important than keeping her kids safe.  

Jason tells Sam he has been thinking about what comes next; he said he was thinking about Michael and Sonny.  He describes how they hugged after hearing the news, but then Michael begged Sonny to tell him he had nothing to do with it, but Sonny couldn’t deny it; he said he saw the wall go up.  He thinks Michael may find a way to forgive Sonny, but he doesn’t know how Sonny is ever going to forgive himself.  He goes on to tell her that he knows Sonny loves his kids, but it’s because of him that Morgan is dead; he doesn’t want that to happen to his family, and he asks Sam what she thinks about moving.  She says they aren’t targets; he says Morgan wasn’t a target either.  She tells him if they leave, he’ll be leaving some very important people behind; she asks if he is really ready to do that.  She tells him she doesn’t want to leave her sisters, or her mother, really.  He suggests they just relocate a few towns away, so they can be here if anyone needs them; he just feels that would be more safe.  She agrees.  She grabs her belly; the baby is kicking.  Jason talks to the baby.

Anna meets Felicia for lunch; she mentions that she was supposed to meet Maxie to discuss wedding plans, but she never made it.  Something must have come up, she says; she is sure Maxie will let her know.  However, after a while, she gets concerned and asks Nathan if Maxie told him where she was going this morning, because they had plans and she didn’t show – he says he has been working all evening; Felicia tells him she is officially worried then… she may not have even made it home last night.  He tells her that Maxie went to do something, but he doesn’t know what, last night; she called his mom to baby-sit Charlotte.  Maxie is still tied to the chair; the man comes down the stairs, saying good morning.  She asks him if he is going to kill her.  He says he brought her breakfast; eggs.  She asks him to get it away from her, she is vegetarian.  He says she’ll eat it because it’s all she’s getting; she refuses to talk then.  She tells him if he will make her an egg-white omelet with goat cheese, he’d be happy with what she can tell him.  He goes upstairs; she is trying to get the tape off her hands.  He comes back down with French Toast; she says she doesn’t eat gluten and pushes him, getting up, she tries to run.    

Lulu comes to the station; Nathan tells her that Charlotte is not his daughter… Lulu questions if that means that Claudette is also lying about Valentene Cassadine.  Dante is on the phone with someone, trying to find out what the elements of the bomb were; he is losing his patience.  Lulu tells him he needs to stop working this case; he is not thinking straight, she says.  He’s too close to it; he refuses, saying he did nothing for Morgan while he was alive – he owes him.  She says okay; she kisses him and leaves.  Jordan comes out of her office and tells Dante that his wife has a point.  Lulu and her mother meet for a manicure, but Lulu tells Laura they  need to discuss her upcoming date with Kevin; Laura insists it’s no big deal, just lunch – nice and simple.  Lulu fills Laura in on Claudette, telling her that she is running from Valentene; she says coincidence after coincidence keeps bringing the Cassadine’s back into their lives.  Laura questions if it’s really coincidence.  They wonder if there is a tie between Claudette and the Cassadines, and all the games that Helena has been playing with them.  

Claudette goes to tell Griffin that they have to leave town now; Valentene sent someone to find her, she tells him… he knows they are there.  Griffin says they should call the police; she says they can’t, she has no proof of anything so they can’t help.  She tells him that he needs to decide to come with them now, or say goodbye to his daughter because this will be the last time he sees them.  Griffin takes Claudette and Charlotte to meet Anna; he says they need her help, and introduces her to Duke’s granddaughter.  She asks what they need.  They fill her in on everything; Anna tells Claudette if she stays here in Port Charles, she can use all her resources to keep them safe.  Claudette asks them to watch Charlotte while she goes up to her room for a second (but why would she, after seeing it torn up like that?).  She tells Charlotte that she loves her, and says not to ever forget that – sounds to me like she’s splitting and leaving Charlotte there.  

Claudette is on the phone booking a flight, when Nathan appears behind her; he tells her he can’t find Maxie (she is tied to the chair once again).  Claudette says she can’t help him, telling him her room was tossed and she has to leave town.  He goes in the room; it is all nice and neat now.  Claudette insists housekeeping must have picked up; Nathan finds Maxie’s bracelet on the dresser. The man holding Maxie unhooks the pipe from the gas water heater (or furnace) and tells Maxie she will just fall asleep.  No big deal; she begins to panic and scream as he leaves the basement.  Sonny tells Carly he wants her to come home; he says, he can’t get through this without her… she says they aren’t grieving in the same way.  He says they are the only ones who understand what they are going through; he begs her to come home with him, saying they shouldn’t do this alone.  She breaks down and kisses him, but then the doorbell rings; it’s Dante.  He tells them he just came from the crash site – they found something.

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