09-22-2016 (Thursday)

Carly encourages Kiki to leave work and spend time with Morgan; Sonny talks to Morgan about the way he reacted to seeing Joe, about his meds, his decision-making and self-control.  Morgan questions how Sonny will handle his self-control when he sees Julian on the street.  They have a good conversation, though, and Sonny walks him through a ‘thinking test,” which I thought was pretty cool, that they would throw that in there.  Kiki shows up and tells them that Carly basically ordered her to go out with Morgan tonight.  Sonny excuses himself.  

Paul warns Julian about his actions in the future; Ava tells Paul, that he better not do anything to her brother.  They admit, if they come at each other, they are both facing ‘mutual destruction’ but Paul says the difference is, his lands him in prison; hers lands her in hell.  He grabs her by the chin and tells her not to mess with him.  Nathan tells Maxi that Claudette is now claiming that her daughter is his; she insists he get a DNA test.  Michael, Tracy and Griffin talk about Sabrina’s burial; Tracy says she would want to be buried with Gabriel.  Griffin tells Michael the only thing left to do now is grieve; he does tell him he should fix things with his mother, though, because she is still alive.  

Maxi says Claudette is using this child to lure him back into her web; he asks what if it is really his…she says then they will deal with it.  Claudette tells Olbrecht about he little girl, showing her a picture; Olbrecht doesn’t necessarily believe her.  She asks if the child shows an aptitude for science.  After watching videos of the little girl, Olbrecht is in tears and is certain the girl is Nathan’s; besides, she says, Claudette knows better than to pass off a fake grandchild.  Nathan and Maxi tell Claudette they want a DNA test done; she gives a lock of hair, from a locket, that is supposedly her girl’s hair.  Olbrecht says she will do the test.  Paul is sneaking up the stairs at the Quatermaine mansion, with another syringe in his hand; Tracy catches him half-way up the stairs (he hides the syringe).  She tells him nobody is getting in to see Monica; there is an armed guard at the door.  They go back downstairs, where Paul sits on the couch; she tells Paul he has to catch this maniac, but he doesn’t hear – he is zoning out, looking at pictures of Sabrina that are spread out on the coffee table.  He gets upset and tells her he can’t do anything about it.  

Ava and Julian are having diner at the Metro Court; Kiki and Morgan come in and Morgan flips out on him… he lunges at him.  The bartender says she is calling the police; Kiki tells Morgan they need to go.  Outside, Kiki gives Morgan a chewing out; she tells him he cannot let Julian get under his skin like that.  Morgan asks what is going to stop Julian from hurting someone else again; he says someone has to do something, and if the police aren’t going to do it, and his dad is going to do it, he will.  Kiki is pissed.  Carly and Sonny come in next; Julian tells them they need to put Morgan on a leash.  Sonny steps forward and tells Julian he better not threaten his son; Julian tells him to get him under control then.  Carly demands that Julian leave her establishment now; Ava gets Julian to leave.  Sonny tells her she was right… this has to stop.

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