09-09-2016 (Friday)

Carly wakes Morgan up; he’s sleeping on the couch and he is half an hour late for work.  Carly asks him what’s going on, saying he’s been sluggish and down.  He swears he’s okay.  Nelle shows up at the door; Carly offers her a job, as her personal assistant.  Nelle turns her down.  Lulu remembers that there is a huge lab complex underneath the castle on Cassadine Island and she insists that they need to return to look for the embryo.  When Franco tells Hayden that he wants her to donate blood for Elizabeth, she says she can’t because she has a very rare blood type.  Franco says he knows; he ran it on the hospital database.  She questions how he could have done that, only being an art therapist; he lets her know he has his ways.  

Griffin questions Sonny, as they sit together, having a beer at the Floating Rib; he is concerned about Alexis’ actions affecting the case against Julian.  He has a problem with her protecting him, having married him, after knowing he killed his father; Sonny tells him that he hopes he can give Alexis the benefit of doubt.  Franco tries to pick Hayden’s handcuffs, and gets caught when Jordan walks into the interrogation room.  Curtis and Finn bring Elizabeth’s phone into Jordan; they found a picture on it – the last picture taken – of a man’s legs, with cowboy boots standing at the top of the staircase.  

Carly questions Nelle’s reasoning for turning her down; Nelle says she doesn’t want any charity and Carly swears to her this isn’t charity.  She needs to have this position filled immediately; she asks Nelle to look through the file for the job description and then they can talk.  She leaves; Morgan comes out to talk to Nelle (he really is acting weird now).  Lulu and Dante fill Robert in on what happened when they were on Cassadine Island; they all agree the address on the empty envelop is no coincidence, but Robert thinks there may be another way to get the answers other than going back to the island.  He makes a call and finds out that the house at that address has been abandoned for years and there is no record of anybody named Daphne living there.  Franco implores Finn to help find out if Hayden is, in fact, a match for Elizabeth’s blood type.  Franco, Curtis and Jordan now all stand in the interrogation room with Hayden; Paul comes in… Jordan shows him the picture on Elizabeth’s phone.  He questions the chain of custody and demands Hayden be taken back to her cell immediately.  Finn makes a call to the hospital and comes in to tell Jordan that Hayden is a match for Elizabeth’s rare RH/O-type blood.  Jordan has her escorted to the hospital and says she may be able to release her when they get back; although Paul objects, he concedes to the release.  

Nelle changes her mind after talking to Morgan and accepts Carly’s offer to be her personal assistant.  Carly hugs her.  Morgan says he has to go do something; he grabs his computer and starts enrolling in school…full-time.  Carly is concerned about this rash decision.  She doesn’t understand his logic, so he explains – his conversation with Nelle made him realize that he is not working at Perks to serve coffee; he is there to learn more about marketing.  That’s what he wants to get a degree in (which is not a bad idea, but it is obvious that he is off-kilter and Carly knows it.)  Lulu is still obsessing about the message from Helena’s will, the envelope, Daphne, etc., and Dante is trying to convince her that this is all just one of Helena’s games, and he says she is playing right into her hands.  Lulu says they have to dig a little bit deeper.  Paul tells Jordan he will oversee this case personally; she says he seems overly interested in a simple assault case.  Hayden gets the call that she is being released, so of course, she turns around and starts being a bitch; calls several names and tells Franco that if he wants her blood for Elizabeth, she wants something from him first.  Figures.

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