08-29-2016 (Monday)

Lulu is on a desperate mission to find out if her embryo might have survived the explosion at Criton-Clarke, but she is making her first inquiries without Dante’s knowledge.  When Robert stops by their house to tell Lulu that her father is alive and well, she asks him to look into whether or not there was a possibility that one embryo was recovered – it is her last chance to have a child that is biologically hers, she says.  Dante does not look all too happy about the fact that she is asking.  (Wouldn’t this be biologically Starvros’ child too?  He is the one who created it, using her egg…and his sperm, I would assume.  So I don’t understand why she would even want it.)  They have made no mention of the fact that this child would not be Dante’s biological child; still, Dante tells her, whatever she wants to do, he will support her.  

As Franco talks with his mother, he gets her to confess her secret to him… after an awkward game of hypothetical questions and ‘it’s possible/ it’s not possible’ answers, Heather reveals that Elizabeth’s father was having an affair with Naomi Berlin (Hayden’s mother) and got her pregnant some time just before Elizabeth was born.  Hayden and Elizabeth are sisters; Franco gets up, saying he has to go tell Elizabeth, but Heather tells him he absolutely cannot.  Hayden goes to confront Elizabeth about the diamonds; she even slaps Elizabeth across the face!  Liz faces her with courage, and ultimately tells her she is going to turn them into the police.  Hayden tells Finn that he should stay out of her business, when he questions what was going on between her and Elizabeth, reminding him that he was the one who said they were no longer friends.  He apologizes; tells her that he was out of line…angry and he shouldn’t have taken it out on her.  She looks confused.  

Jordan calls Ava, to get her expert advice about the antique coin-cufflink, which could potentially lead them to the killer.  As she and Ava study the photo, they both say that they feel as if they have seen it on someone close to them  before; Elizabeth goes to talk to Monica.  

Oh, wow… Paul is the killer; he is standing in Monica’s office, alone, when Elizabeth walks in, and he is holding a syringe.  He panics after she excuses herself, and goes after her; finding her on the stairs, he pushes her from behind.  She falls down at least a dozen steps and is bleeding, as she lays on the landing now.  He exits the scene.

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