08-12-2016 (Friday)

The high-heels belong to Nina; she stands on top of Julian’s hand as he reaches for the keys.  She picks the keys up and tells him that she needs him to sign a new contract, turning Crimson over to her; he complies, and she agrees not to tell the guards that he was trying to escape.  Cristina has a hard conversation with her mother after figuring out that she was the one who convinced Parker to break up with her.  They have words for quite a while, pointing out each other’s faults; Cristina makes some really valid points about her mother being completely controlling and trying manipulate the circumstances in her life (sounds familiar).  

Franco talks with Olbrecht before going to pack his things to leave General Hospital’s employment; Elizabeth tries to talk to him, but he won’t listen to her.  I thought she was going to reach him when she slipped onto the elevator before the doors closed, telling him he wasn’t getting away that easy; still she never tells him that she was the one who exonerated him.  Finn and Olbrecht talk for a bit, accusing each other of possibly being the hospital killer – Finn reminds her that he has been cleared since a murder happened while he was locked up weeks ago.  She says he could have an accomplice.  He points out her history with the hospital, buying her way into the Chief of Staff position, reducing cost and improving patient care, then being demoted to not much more than a file clerk; she must be really angry.  She looks angry.  

Lulu and Dante try to talk to talk to Valentene, hoping he will give them some information about her father; he says he never had the pleasure of meeting her father, but if he had, he probably would have bought him a drink and shook his hand – his only vendetta is against the Cassadines, for disclaiming him.  They leave with no answers.  Nina goes to see Valentene, still in the interrogation room; she asks if he was using her that night, as a cover.  He tells her no, explaining how very taken he was with her and the fact that he could think of nothing but her beauty was why he forgot the phone; he tells her that he believes they will see each other again.  Olbrecht sees Franco again as he is leaving; she manages to tell him that Elizabeth is the one who told the police he couldn’t be the killer.

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