Julian says Alexis can’t be pregnant.
Sonny says he doesn’t care if he doesn’t believe him; they will find a
way to put him in jail or in the ground.
He tells Julian to stay away from Alexis. Morgan tells his mom he hasn’t lost Kiki; she is giving him
another chance. Dillon tells Kiki that
he was an idiot and he wants her back – he loves making her smile – says he
thinks he is the person who can truly make her happy; “the better way to
go.” She is confused. Alexis appears to believe she is pregnant,
holding her belly and looking through photo albums at pictures of her
kids. Julian shows up asking if it’s
true. She tells him yes. He says they need to make plans; she says
her plans don’t include him.
Anna asks
Griffin how he became a priest and why he never mentioned it before; he asks
how well she knows Nathan West. Kiki
tries to tell Killon that there is no chance for them – Morgan needs her, she
says – she pleads his case. Carly is
worried about Morgan; he wants to talk to Dillon. She goes for a walk; sees Kiki and Dillon kissing. She tells him she can’t do this; he promises
to still be her friend, but begs her to think about what he has said.
Alexis promises Julian that if she ends up
going to prison for his crime, she will give Sam custody of the baby and make
sure he never sees it. He swears he
still loves her; says they need to fix things (rethink what happens from now
on). Morgan goes to see his dad; gives
him the news. Sonny is also concerned
and reminds him that they have been here before. Anna tells Griffin what she knows about Nathan; says she worked
closely with him, he has an impressive record, has been decorated for heroism,
has personally be kind to her and he’s great to Maxi.
So Griffin tells Anna how he allowed himself to be seduced by a
woman he was counseling (so he broke his vows); she deceived him, it ended
badly and everyone got hurt. Then he
says that was probably more than he should have said; tells her goodbye and
wishes her well. Carly confronts
Kiki. Alexis presses for a confession;
Julian hands her a pregnancy test. A
memory of Griffin, and a hand with a ring on it, provide a hint that Claudette
is still interested in Nathan.
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