Finn demands copies of lab work on his
patients; Felix says he’ll take care of it.
Just as he wishes for someone to brighten his day, Sabrina appears. Tracy calls Finn to demand he still treat
her; he says he might be able to come by for a cup of coffee. He does; she tells him all of his patients
need him. Monica comes back for
something she forgot and gets mad that he is there; tells him to leave. Michael brings the baby down and says he is
hot, acting lethargic; Finn says they need to take him to the hospital
now. Anna comes into the police
station; there are flowers, from ‘Sawyer’ (her blind date that didn’t show). He’s a surgeon and had an unexpected
emergency. She’s impressed it
appears. Diane shows up to represent
Alexis; she asks her what happened.
Alexis explains; Diane says she will pull apart the evidence, question
procedure, collection methods, etc., and will establish reasonable doubt. Diane says it shouldn’t be any trouble
getting her released on bail; Mayor Lomax walks in and calls Alexis a
hypocrite. (Diane reminds her of the
assumption of innocence.) The Mayor
tells Paul he needs to make sure there is no bail; his attempts fail. Bail is set at $10,000.00. At Crimson, Sonny tells Julian he doesn’t
want his daughter’s mother to rot in a cell for something he did; calls
Julian a coward. Julian goes home,
where he sees Carlos. Felix tells
Sabrina she should try to make a life with Michael again; she looks shocked…. She
tells him that she is afraid all he will ever see in “Teddy” is Carlos.
At the same time, Michael is telling his
parents that he hopes he and Sabrina can have a future together. At home, Carly tells Sonny she really wishes
she could hate Sabrina, but she can’t.
Anna fills Sonny in on what happened in Court; Alexis plead not guilty
and is headed home. Julian is there, getting drunk; Carlos tells Julian there
is a way out… suggesting he take out Alexis.
He calls Julian a lapdog; says Alexis doesn’t love him. Julian says she was the best thing that ever
happened to him. But in the end, Carlos
says, Julian will do anything necessary to save himself. Alexis walks in the door; Carlos stands
behind her.
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